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Critical Path Opportunities for Generic Drugs
Office of Generic Drugs
Office of Pharmaceutical Science
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
May 1, 2007

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Table of Contents

1   Introduction
2   Generic Drug Development Process
3   Research Collaborations
4   Critical Path Opportunity Areas
4.1  Quality by Design
4.1.1  Model Development and In Vitro-In Vivo Correlations
4.1.2  Formulation and Manufacture of Generic Drugs
4.2  Bioequivalence Methods for Systemically Acting Drugs
4.2.1  Expanding Biopharmaceutics Classification System Biowaivers
4.2.2  Fed Bioequivalence Studies
4.2.3  Bioequivalence for Novel Delivery Technologies
4.2.4  Bioequivalence for Highly Variable Drugs
4.3  Bioequivalence Methods for Locally Acting and Targeted Delivery Drugs
4.3.1  Bioequivalence of Inhalation Products
4.3.2  Bioequivalence of Nasal Sprays
4.3.3  Bioequivalence of Topical Dermatological Products
4.3.4  Bioequivalence of Gastrointestinal Acting Products
4.3.5  Bioequivalence of Liposome Products
4.4  Characterization of Complex Drug Substances and Products
4.4.1  Natural Source Drugs

1. Introduction

FDA’s recent critical path initiative1,2,3 has focused on the challenges involved in the development of new innovator drugs, devices, and biologics. Some of the focus areas identified, such as manufacturing science, apply equally to the development of generic drugs. However, there are scientific challenges unique to the development of generic drugs. The purpose of this document is to bring these challenges to the attention of interested parties and identify opportunities for collaborative solutions.

2. Generic Drug Development Process

The development of new drugs and the expense of clinical trials to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of innovative drugs is rewarded through granting of a period of marketing exclusivity that shields the product from competition. In anticipation of the expiration of marketing exclusivity and applicable patent protections, potential generic manufacturers begin the scientific and technical process of generic drug development. To receive approval, generic drug applicants must demonstrate that their products are pharmaceutically equivalent and bioequivalent to the reference product. Pharmaceutically equivalent products have the same active ingredient (s) in the same strength in the same dosage form.

Bioequivalent products show no significant difference in the rate and extent of absorption of the active ingredient at the site of action.4 For many drug products, demonstrating pharmaceutical equivalence and bioequivalence is straightforward. Analytical chemistry can identify and quantitate the active ingredient. Comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters is used to evaluate bioequivalence.  Bioequivalence based on plasma drug concentration has been identified as the most commonly used and successful biomarker of safety and efficacy.5

When common approaches to the assessment of bioequivalence and pharmaceutical equivalence are not applicable, as is the case for complex drug products and locally acting drugs, scientific challenges have presented barriers to the development and approval of generic drugs. Examples of these challenges where these challenges have limited development include topical and inhaled drug products. This report identifies classes of products for which the development of equivalent products has been difficult historically, and presents as critical path opportunities, the scientific issues that are the cause of these difficulties.

3. Research Collaborations

The goal of this report is to bring the critical path challenges related to generic drugs to the attention of interested parties and to stimulate additional discussion and collaboration about the science needed to meet these challenges, with a goal of facilitating generic product development.
Examples of potential collaborators include:

4. Critical Path Opportunity Areas

FDA has identified four areas of opportunity where collaborative activities could advance public health by more efficient development of high quality generic products:

Progress in these areas will accelerate approval of generic drug products.  More importantly, it will expand the range of products for which generic versions are available, while maintaining high standards for quality, safety, and efficacy. Methods for equivalence based on sound science build the confidence of health care providers, patients, and the public that generic products are equivalent to innovator products.

4.1 Quality by Design

Under the current development and manufacturing paradigm, product quality and performance are predominantly ascertained by endproduct testing. Under the Quality by Design (QbD) paradigm, quality is built into the final product by understanding and controlling formulation and manufacturing variables: testing is used to confirm the quality of the product. Consumers will receive a high quality product while manufacturers may have the ability to improve their process through manufacturing changes.6 Although the FDA is encouraging the implementation of QbD for all pharmaceutical products, there are unique issues in the application of QbD to generic products. To use QbD to develop a product that is bioequivalent to a reference product, a generic applicant must understand attributes of the formulation and manufacturing process that have the potential to change the bioavailability of a particular active ingredient.

4.1.1 Model Development and In Vitro-In Vivo Correlations

Current formulation development strategies are mainly based on trial and error, in-house databases, and/or formulator experience. A methodical and mechanistic approach to formulation development can be achieved through modeling and simulation. Absorption models could be used to estimate (or in some cases predict) the relation between an in vivo dissolution or release rate and the pharmacokinetic parameters that are used to evaluate bioequivalence and would offer an efficient tool to evaluate different formulations and select the optimal formulation.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.1.2 Formulation and Manufacture of Generic Drugs

A generic product can be formulated to have a release mechanism that is different from the reference product as long as the generic product is pharmaceutically equivalent and bioequivalent to the reference product. QbD can be used by generic applicants to ensure that the new release mechanism produces a bioequivalent product.
ANDA exhibit batches used for bioequivalence studies are usually manufactured on 1/10 of the commercial scale. Only after approval of the application does the applicant scale up the process to commercial scale. Under QbD, identification and understanding of the critical process parameters in a manufacturing process should reduce the risk of failure during scale up.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.2 Bioequivalence Methods for Systemically Acting Drugs

For systemically acting drugs, a critical path goal is to increase the efficiency of a process that is already providing safe and effective generic drugs to the public. As discussed below, expanding the use of biowaivers in appropriate cases, improving dissolution methods, and improving the methods of assessing bioequivalence are three ways to accomplish this goal.

4.2.1 Expanding Biopharmaceutics Classification System Biowaivers

The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)7 is a drug development tool that can be used to help applicants justify waivers of in vivo bioequivalence studies for highly soluble and highly permeable BCS Class I drugs dosed in rapidly dissolving immediate release products. There may be opportunities to expand biowaivers to poorly soluble and highly permeable BCS Class II drugs and highly soluble and poorly permeable BCS Class III drugs.

4.2.2 Fed Bioequivalence Studies

Current FDA bioequivalence guidance recommends both fed and fasted bioequivalence studies for most products, even products whose labels say there is no food effect on absorption. The motivation for this fed study is to ensure that the generic product also has no food effect. For rapidly dissolving immediate release BCS class I drugs, this fed study can be waived.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.2.3 Bioequivalence for Novel Delivery Technologies

Generic products that utilize delivery technologies that go beyond traditional immediate release orally administered tablets and capsules continue to be developed. For some novel delivery technologies, additional work is needed to optimize assessment of bioequivalence.
Critical path opportunities include:      

4.2.4 Bioequivalence for Highly Variable Drugs

Drugs and drug products that exhibit high within-subject variability in Cmax and AUC present a challenge for the design of bioequivalence (BE) studies. For example, a drug with a variability of 50% would require a study in 100 subjects to demonstrate equivalence, if the test and reference products were identical. By necessity, drugs that have high within-subject variabilities have a wide therapeutic index; otherwise, they could not be both safe and effective. Thus, under the FDA’s current approach, products with wide therapeutic indices require studies that are much larger than studies for drugs with narrow therapeutic indices.
Critical path opportunities include:     

4.3 Bioequivalence Methods for Locally Acting and Targeted Delivery Drugs

The assessment of bioequivalence for locally acting and targeted delivery products has presented scientific challenges to the approval of generic products. Currently, it may be difficult to demonstrate the bioequivalence of locally acting drug products when drug concentration profiles in the plasma or in vitro dissolution are not appropriate surrogates of pharmacological activity. The current method of comparative clinical trials can be prohibitively expensive and is the least efficient way to detect differences in product performance (as well as being relatively insensitive). In this section, we identify as critical path opportunities new methods and approaches including imaging, in vivo sampling, and new clinical trial designs and their application to specific product categories.

4.3.1 Bioequivalence of Inhalation Products

Currently, bioequivalence for oral inhalation products is demonstrated through in vitro testing for device performance, pharmacodynamic studies of lung function for local delivery, and pharmacokinetic studies for systemic exposure. Due to the difficulty in demonstrating bioequivalence by passing all of these tests, as well as other factors, FDA receives few applications for these kinds of products, even though many of the older MDI products are on the market without patent or exclusivity protection. FDA has identified many of the scientific challenges that need to be addressed to develop generic versions of these products.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.3.2 Bioequivalence of Nasal Sprays

In contrast to solution nasal sprays, for which in vitro tests are used to demonstrate bioequivalence,8 demonstrating bioequivalence of suspension nasal sprays can include in vitro tests that characterize the equivalence of the device via measurements of droplet size distribution, plume geometry, and spray pattern; clinical equivalence studies; and pharmacokinetic studies to demonstrate equivalence of systemic exposure.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.3.3 Bioequivalence of Topical Dermatological Products

There are a variety of bioequivalence approaches that are or can be used for topical dermatological products. For topical solutions, bioequivalence is self-evident when the components of the product are qualitatively and quantitatively the same. For topical corticosteroids, pharmacodynamic skin blanching studies are recommended to demonstrate bioequivalence. For most other topical products, lengthy and costly clinical studies are recommended to establish bioequivalence because no alternative methods have been developed. Based on the analysis of the mechanisms for topical drug delivery, it may be possible to identify a limited number of key factors that determine product performance and to employ this understanding in the development of rational bioequivalence standards that are much more efficient.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.3.4 Bioequivalence of Gastrointestinal Acting Products

Another category of locally acting products is one that treats gastrointestinal (GI) conditions through local action as opposed to systemic exposure. FDA has recommended a wide variety of bioequivalence tests for these products, including an in vitro binding assay, in vitro dissolution studies, pharmacokinetic studies, and clinical equivalence studies.
Critical path opportunities include:

4.3.5 Bioequivalence of Liposome Products

Liposomes encapsulate drugs in spherical phospholipid vesicles that passively target drugs to specific tissues, especially cancer tumors. Critical path opportunities in this area include:

4.4 Characterization of Complex Drug Substances and Products

An ANDA must contain information to show that a proposed generic drug product contains the same active ingredient as the reference listed drug. For small molecules produced by chemical synthesis, this demonstration is usually straightforward. However, there is a diverse range of products for which characterization is such a challenge that it is very difficult to produce a generic version.

4.4.1 Natural Source Drugs

Products derived from natural sources may contain a large number of molecular species hat may contribute to the therapeutic activity and thus pose significant challenges for current analytical methods.
Critical path opportunities include:


1FDA, Challenge and Opportunity on the Critical Path to New Medicinal Products (March 2004), http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/criticalpath/whitepaper.pdf.

2 FDA, Critical Path Opportunities Report (March 2006), http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/criticalpath/reports/opp_report.pdf.

3 FDA, Critical Path Opportunities List (March 2006), http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/criticalpath/reports/opp_list.pdf.

4 Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (Orange Book), 26th ed. (2006), http://www.fda.gov/cder/orange/obannual.pdf.

5 J. Woodcock, Biomarkers: Physiological & laboratory markers of drug effect, FDA (2006), http://clinicalcenter.nih.gov/researchers/training/principles/ppt/Physiological_Laboratory_Markers_of_Drug_Effect_2005-2006.ppt.

6 J. Woodcock, The concept of pharmaceutical quality, American Pharmaceutical Review p. 106 (November/December 2004).

7 Guidance for Industry:Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (August 2000), http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/3618fnl.pdf.

8 Draft Guidance for Industry Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Nasal Aerosols and Nasal Sprays for Local Action (April 2003), http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/5383DFT.pdf.

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