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FFIEC Census Reports

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2008 Census Demographic Information

The 2008 Census Reports use a limited number of demographic, income, population, and housing data from the FFIEC's 2008 Census file prepared for HMDA and CRA data. It is important to note the 2008 data reflect the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) new geographic classifications that were released in June 2003 and updated in December 2003, which significantly changed the way metropolitan areas are defined. Unless specifically noted each item of data on these pages is from 2000 Census.

Note: If more in-depth data analysis is needed, you may wish to download the FFIEC Census Windows Application from the following link: http://www.ffiec.gov/hmda/censusproducts.htm. If downloading of the 2008 Census Windows Application is not feasible, refer to the CRA/HMDA Order form at http://www.ffiec.gov/hmda/orderform.htm.

The FFIEC updates the Census Windows Application annually to reflect changes to MSAMD boundaries announced by the OMB, income estimates developed by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and include CRA distressed/underserved tracts as announced by the federal bank regulatory agencies. In addition to including a database that individuals can use to analyze the data, this software contains a larger selection of census information and the ability to subset the data by state, MSA/MD, or county and then view, print, and/or export the data.

Summary Census Demographic Information | Census Income Information | Census Population Information | Census Housing Information

Summary Census Demographic Information

Tract Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. This field is based on the Tract Median Family Income %:

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is > =120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

Distressed or Underserved Tract - A 'Yes' in this column indicates that the tract is designated as Nonmetropolitan Middle-Income Distressed or Underserved geography based on criteria designated by federal banking and thrift regulators.

Distressed nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies are those located in counties with: (1) an unemployment rate of at least 1.5 times the national average; (2) a poverty rate of 20 percent or more; or (3) a population loss of 10 percent or more between the previous and most recent decennial census, or a net migration loss of 5 percent or more over the five-year period preceding the most recent census.

Underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies are those designated with "urban influence codes" numbered 7, 10, 11, and 12 that are maintained by the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Tract Median Family Income % - This compares the tract level Median Family Income (MFI) to the MSA/MD level MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 2000 Tract MFI by the 2004 MSA/MD MFI. (For tracts located outside of an MSA/MD, the MFI used in the denominator is the statewide non-MSA/MD MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MSA/MDs). Go to Tract Income Level to see how the tracts are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

2008 HUD Estimated MSA/MD/non-MSA/MD Median Family Income - This is the estimated Median Family Income as determined by HUD for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MSA/MD in the United States and for each state’s non-MSA/MD area.

2008 Est. Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MSA/MD or non-MSA/MD area where the tract is located. It is calculated by multiplying the tract’s Median Family Income % by the annual HUD MSA/MD MFI.

2000 Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s Median Family Income based on the 2000 Census. This field is called Tract Median Fam Inc. on the CD-ROM.

Tract Population - This is the census tract’s population based on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract’s total population minus white alone population according to the 2000 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract Population.

Minority Population - This is the census tract’s total population minus white alone population based on the 2000 Census.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Owner Occ Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Units Structure 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

Census Income Information

Tract Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. This field is based on the Tract Median Family Income %:

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is > =120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

2004 MSA/MD statewide non-MSA/MD Median Family Income - This is the Median Family Income (MFI) for the MSA/MD in which the tract is located. The MSA/MD MFI values were re-calculated for the Office of Management and Budget's new geographic classifications that were released in June 2003 and updated in December 2003 with 2000 demographic data. If the tract is not in a MSA/MD, this MFI is for all portions of the state not in MSA/MDs.

2008 HUD Estimated MSA/MD/non-MSA/MD Median Family Income - This is the estimated Median Family Income as determined by HUD for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MSA/MD in the United States and for each state’s non-MSA/MD area.

% below Poverty Line - This is the number of people in the tract living below the poverty level divided by the tract’s total population. This percentage was determined by the 2000 Census results and the Census's definition of the poverty level. This field is called Poverty Level Percent on the CD-ROM.

Tract Median Family Income % - This compares the tract level Median Family Income (MFI) to the MSA/MD level MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 2000 Tract MFI by the 2005 MSA/MD MFI. (For tracts located outside of an MSA/MD, the MFI used in the denominator is the statewide non-MSA/MD MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MSA/MDs). Go to Tract Income Level to see how the tracts are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

2000 Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s Median Family Income based on the 2000 Census. This field is called Tract Median Fam Inc on the CD-ROM.

2008 Est. Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MSA/MD or non-MSA/MD area where the tract is located. It is calculated by multiplying the tract’s Median Family Income % by the annual HUD MSA/MD MFI.

2000 Tract Median Household Income - This is the median income of all households in the tract based on the 2000 Census. Whereas a family is defined as two or more related persons living in the same residence, a household includes all residences, even those for single people or unrelated groups of two or more.

Census Population Information

Tract Population - This is the census tract’s population based on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract’s total population minus white alone population according to the 2000 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract Population.

Number of Families - This is the number of families in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. A family is defined as two or more related people living together.

Number of Households - This is the number of households in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. A household is any residence, including those occupied by single people and unrelated groups of two or more. By definition, all families are also considered households, but not all households are families. This field is called HH Inc Total on the CD-ROM.

Non-Hisp White Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic white on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority Population - This is the census tract’s total population minus white alone population based on the 2000 Census.

American Indian Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native on the 2000 Census.

Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander on the 2000 Census.

Black Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic black/African/American on the 2000 Census.

Hispanic Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as Hispanic only on the 2000 Census.

Other Population/Two or More Races - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic some other race plus two or more races on the 2000 Census.

Census Housing Information

Total Housing Units - This is the total number of occupiable housing units in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Units Structure 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

Median House Age (Years) - This is the median age of all housing units in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. Remember that this would be the median age in 2000 so the median age now would be higher, unless a lot of new residences have been built since then.

Inside Principal City? - This is a Yes/No indicator of whether this tract is part of the MSA/MD's principal city.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Owner Occ Housing Units in the CD-ROM.

Renter-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that are occupied by someone other than the owner. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Renter Occ Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

Vacant Units - This is the number of housing units that are not occupied. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Vac Status Vacant Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

Owner-Occupied 1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that have less than 5 residences and were occupied by the property owner. It was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Own Occ 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

2000 Census Demographic Information

Each census report contains the primary census data that the FFIEC uses to create the CRA and HMDA aggregate and disclosure reports as well as some additional commonly requested census fields used by the public in data analysis. The reports' demographic information, including income, population, and housing data is being obtained from three files: the 2000 Census data; the annual MA boundary definitions from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); and the annual United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Median Family Incomes. Unless specifically noted, each item of data on these pages is from the 2000 Census.

If a tract is split between two or more MAs, or between one or more MAs and non-MA areas, it is referred to as a split tract. If only one tract is selected when choosing the geographical criteria and it is a split tract, you will be asked to specify the MA. If multiple tracts are selected when choosing the geographical criteria and one or more of the tracts are split tracts, the split tracts will be identified with a footnote(1 ) indicator.

Note: If more in-depth data analysis is needed, you may wish to obtain the FFIEC Census Data CD-ROM. Refer to the CRA/HMDA Data Order Form for Census CD-Rom availability, possible associated cost, and media type information. The FFIEC updates the CD-ROM annually to reflect changes to MA boundaries announced by OMB, and income estimates developed by HUD. In addition to including a database that purchasers can use to analyze the data, this software contains a larger selection of census information and the ability to subset the data by state, MA, or county and then view, print, and/or export the data.

Summary Census Demographic Information | Census Income Information | Census Population Information | Census Housing Information

Summary Census Demographic Information

Tract Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. This field is based on the Tract Median Family Income %:

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is > =120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

Tract Median Family Income % - This compares the tract level Median Family Income (MFI) to the MA level MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 2000 Tract MFI by the 2000 MA MFI. (For tracts located outside of an MA, the MFI used in the denominator is the statewide non-MA MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MAs). Go to Tract Income Level to see how the tracts are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

2000 HUD MA Median Family Income - This is the estimated Median Family Income as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MA in the United States and for each state’s non-MA area.

2000 Est. Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MA or non-MA area where the tract is located. It is calculated by multiplying the Tract’s Median Family Income % by the annual HUD MA MFI.

2000 Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s Median Family Income based on the 2000 Census. This field is called Tract Median Fam Inc on the CD-ROM.

Tract Population - This is the census tract’s population based on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract’s total population minus white alone population according to the 2000 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract Population.

Minority Population - This is the census tract’s total population minus white alone population based on the 2000 Census.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Owner Occ Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Units Structure 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

Census Income Information

Tract Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. This field is based on the Tract Median Family Income %:

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is > =120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

2000 MA/statewide non-MA Median Family Income - This is the Median Family Income (MFI) of the MA that the tract is based on the 2000 Census. If the tract is not in a MA, this MFI is for all portions of the state not in MAs.

2000 HUD MA Median Family Income - This is the Estimated Median Family Income as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MA in the United States and for each state’s non-MA area.

% below Poverty Line - This is the number of people in the tract living below the poverty level divided by the tract’s total population. This percentage was determined by the 2000 Census results and the Census's definition of the poverty level. This field is called Poverty Level Percent on the CD-ROM.

Tract Median Family Income % - This compares the tract level Median Family Income (MFI) to the MA’s MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 2000 Tract MFI by the 2000 MA MFI. (For tracts located outside of an MA, the MFI used in the denominator is the statewide non-MA MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MAs). Go to Tract Income Level to see how the tracts are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

2000 Tract Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s Median Family Income based on the 2000 Census.

2000 Tract Estimated Median Family Income - This is the census tract’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MA or non-MA area where the tract is located. It is calculated by multiplying the tract’s Median Family Income % by the annual HUD MA MFI.

2000 Tract Median Household Income - This is the median income of all households in the tract based on the 2000 Census. Whereas a family is defined as two or more related persons living in the same residence, a household includes all residences, even those for single people or unrelated groups of two or more.

Census Population Information

Tract Population - This is the census tract’s population based on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract’s total population minus white alone population according to the 2000 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract Population.

Number of Families - This is the number of families in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. A family is defined as two or more related people living together.

Number of Households - This is the number of households in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. A household is any residence, including those occupied by single people and unrelated groups of two or more. By definition, all families are also considered households, but not all households are families. This field is called HH Inc Total on the CD-ROM.

Non-Hisp White Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic white on the 2000 Census.

Tract Minority Population - This is the census tract’s total population minus white alone population based on the 2000 Census.

American Indian Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native on the 2000 Census.

Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander on the 2000 Census.

Black Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic black/African/American on the 2000 Census.

Hispanic Population - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as Hispanic only on the 2000 Census.

Other Population/Two or More Races - This is the number of people in the tract that listed themselves as non-Hispanic some other race plus two or more races on the 2000 Census. This field is called Nonhisp Combo Other Race Pop on the CD-ROM.

Census Housing Information

Total Housing Units - This is the total number of occupiable housing units in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Units Structure 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

Median House Age (Years) - This is the median age of all housing units in the tract as determined by the 2000 Census. Remember that this would be the median age in 2000 so the median age now would be higher, unless a lot of new residences have been built since then.

Inside Central City? - This is a Yes/No indicator of whether this tract is part of the MA’s central city.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Owner Occ Housing Units in the CD-ROM.

Renter-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that are occupied by someone other than the owner. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Renter Occ Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

Vacant Units - This is the number of housing units that are not occupied. This number was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Vac Status Vacant Housing Units on the CD-ROM.

Owner-Occupied 1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that have less than 5 residences and were occupied by the property owner. It was determined by the 2000 Census. This field is called Tenure Own Occ 1 to 4 subtotal on the CD-ROM.

1990 Census Demographic Information

Each census report contains the primary census data that the FFIEC uses to create the CRA and HMDA aggregate and disclosure reports as well as some additional commonly requested census fields used by the public in data analysis. The reports' demographic information, including income, population, and housing data is being obtained from three files: the 1990 Census data; the annual MSA boundary definitions from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB); and the annual United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Median Family Incomes. Unless specifically noted, each item of data on these pages is from the 1990 Census.

If a tract is split between two or more MSAs, or between one or more MSAs and non-MSA areas, it is referred to as a split tract. If only one tract is selected when choosing the geographical criteria and it is a split tract, you will be asked to specify the MSA. If multiple tracts are selected when choosing the geographical criteria and one or more of the tracts are split tracts, the split tracts will be identified with a footnote(1 ) indicator.

Note: If more in-depth data analysis is needed, you may wish to obtain the FFIEC Census Data CD-ROM. Refer to the CRA/HMDA Data Order Form for Census CD-ROM availability, possible associated cost, and media type information. The FFIEC updates the CD-ROM annually to reflect changes to MSA boundaries announced by OMB, and income estimates developed by HUD. In addition to including a database that purchasers can use to analyze the data, this software contains a larger selection of census information and the ability to subset the data by state, MSA, or county and then view, print, and/or export the data.

Summary Census Demographic Information | Census Income Information | Census Population Information | Census Housing Information

Summary Census Demographic Information

Tract/BNA Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. The incomes used for these calculations are the Median Family Incomes from the 1990 Census.

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is >=120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

Tract/BNA Median Family Income % - This compares the Tract/BNA’s Median Family Income (MFI) level to the MSA’s MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 1990 Tract/BNA MFI by the 1990 MSA MFI. (For Tract/BNAs located outside of an MSA, the MFI used in the denominator is the Statewide non-MSA MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MSAs). Go to Tract/BNA Income Level to see how the tract/BNAs are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

HUD MSA Median Family Income - This is the Estimated Median Family Income as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MSA in the United States and for each state’s non-MSA area.

Est. Tract/BNA Median Family Income - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MSA or non-MSA area where the Tract/BNA is located. It is calculated by multiplying the Tract/BNA’s Median Income % by the annual HUD MSA MFI.

1990 Tract/BNA Median Family Income - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s Median Family Income based on the 1990 Census.

Tract/BNA Population - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s population based on the 1990 Census.

Tract/BNA Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract/BNA’s population that is American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic or Other according to the 1990 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract/BNA Population.

Minority Population - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s population of American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic or Other non-white people based on the 1990 Census.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 1990 Census.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 1990 Census.

Census Income Information

Tract/BNA Income Level - This corresponds to tract classifications as defined by the HMDA and CRA regulations. The incomes used for these calculations are the Median Family Incomes from the 1990 Census.

If the Median Family Income % is < 50% then the Income Level is Low.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 50% and < 80% then the Income Level is Moderate.

If the Median Family Income % is >= 80% and < 120% then the Income Level is Middle.

If the Median Family Income % is >=120% then the Income Level is Upper.

If the Median Family Income % is 0% then the Income Level is Not Known.

1990 MSA/statewide non-MSA Median Family Income - This is the median family income (MFI) of the MSA that the tract/BNA is based on the 1990 Census. If the tract/BNA is not in a MSA, this MFI is for all portions of the state not in MSAs.

HUD Estimated MSA/non-MSA Median Family Income - This is the Estimated Median Family Income as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for each year. HUD annually estimates this income for each MSA in the United States and for each state’s non-MSA area.

% below Poverty Line - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA living below the poverty level divided by the tract/BNA’s total population. This percentage was determined by the 1990 Census results and the Census' definition of the poverty level.

Tract/BNA Median Family Income % - This compares the Tract/BNA’s Median Family Income (MFI) level to the MSA’s MFI. It is calculated by dividing the 1990 Tract/BNA MFI by the 1990 MSA MFI. (For Tract/BNAs located outside of an MSA, the MFI used in the denominator is the Statewide non-MSA MFI. This figure is calculated using incomes from all areas of a state that are not assigned to MSAs). Go to Tract/BNA Income Level to see how the tract/BNAs are grouped based on their Median Family Income %.

1990 Tract/BNA Median Family Income - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s Median Family Income based on the 1990 Census.

Tract/BNA Estimated Median Family Income - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s estimated Median Family Income (MFI) for each year, based on the HUD estimate for the MSA or non-MSA area where the Tract/BNA is located. It is calculated by multiplying the Tract/BNA’s Median Income % by the annual HUD MSA MFI.

1990 Tract/BNA Median Household Income - This is the median income of all households in the tract/BNA based on the 1990 Census. Whereas a family is defined as two or more related persons living in the same residence, a household includes all residences, even those for single people or unrelated groups of two or more.

Census Population Information

Tract/BNA Population - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s population based on the 1990 Census.

Tract/BNA Minority % - This is the percentage of the tract/BNA’s population that is American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic or Other according to the 1990 Census. It is calculated by dividing the Minority Population by the Tract/BNA Population.

Number of Families - This is the number of families in the tract/BNA as determined by the 1990 Census. A family is defined as two or more related people living together.

Number of Households - This is the number of households in the tract/BNA as determined by the 1990 Census. A household is any residence, including those occupied by single people and unrelated groups of two or more. By definition, all families are also considered households, but not all households are families.

Non-Hisp White Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as non-Hispanic white on the 1990 Census.

Tract/BNA Minority Population - This is the Census Tract/BNA’s population of American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic or Other non-white people based on the 1990 Census.

American Indian Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native on the 1990 Census.

Asian Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as non-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander on the 1990 Census.

Black Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as non-Hispanic black on the 1990 Census.

Hispanic Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as Hispanic on the 1990 Census, even if they also listed another race in combination.

Other Population - This is the number of people in the tract/BNA that listed themselves as non-Hispanic Other on the 1990 Census.

Census Housing Information

Total Housing Units - This is the total number of occupiable housing units in the tract/BNA as determined by the 1990 Census.

1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that hold less than 5 families. Condominiums, townhouses, and single-family homes are included in this number. Apartment buildings are not included in this number. The number was determined by the 1990 Census.

Median Age of Housing Stock - This is the median age of all housing units in the tract/BNA as determined by the 1990 Census. Remember that this would be the median age in 1990 so the median age now would be higher, unless a lot of new residences have been built since then.

Inside Central City? - This is a Yes/No indicator of whether this tract/BNA is part of the MSA’s central city.

Owner-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that were lived in by the owner of the unit. This number was determined by the 1990 Census.

Renter-Occupied Units - This is the number of housing units that are occupied by someone other than the owner. This number was determined by the 1990 Census.

Vacant Units - This is the number of housing units that are not occupied. This number was determined by the 1990 Census.

Owner-Occupied 1- to 4-Family Units - This is the number of housing units that have less than 5 residences and were occupied by the property owner. It was determined by the 1990 Census.

Maintained by FFIEC
Last Updated: 7/07/2008