Office of the United States Trade Representative
Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs)
U.S. - Central Asian TIFA (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan)
U.S. - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) TIFA
U.S. - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) TIFA (French)
U.S. - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) TIFA (Portuguese)
U.S. - West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) TIFA
U.S. - West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) TIFA (French)
U.S. East African Community TIFA
U.S.-Afghanistan TIFA
U.S.-Algeria TIFA
U.S.-Australia TIFA
U.S.-Bahrain TIFA
U.S.-Bahrain TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Brunei TIFA
U.S.-Cambodia TIFA
U.S.-Ghana TIFA
U.S.-Indonesia TIFA
U.S.-Iraq TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Kuwait TIFA
U.S.-Lebanon TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Lebanon TIFA (English)
U.S.-Liberia TIFA
U.S.-Malaysia TIFA
U.S.-Mauritius TIFA
U.S.-Mozambique TIFA
U.S.-New Zealand TIFA
U.S.-Nigeria TIFA
U.S.-Pakistan TIFA
U.S.-Philippines TIFA
U.S.-Qatar TIFA
U.S.-Qatar TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Rwanda TIFA
U.S.-Saudi Arabia TIFA
U.S.-Saudi Arabia TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Singapore TIFA
U.S.-South Africa TIFA
U.S.-Thailand TIFA
U.S.-Tunisia TIFA
U.S.-Ukraine TICA
U.S.-Ukraine TICA (Ukrainian)
U.S.-United Arab Emirates TIFA
U.S.-United Arab Emirates TIFA (Arabic)
U.S.-Uruguay TIFA
U.S.-Uruguay TIFA Protocol on Trade and Environment
U.S.-Uruguay TIFA Protocol on Trade Facilitation
U.S.-Vietnam TIFA
U.S.-Yemen TIFA
U.S.-Yemen TIFA (Arabic)

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Bilateral Trade Agreements
item: Bilateral Agreements
item: Australia FTA
item: Bahrain FTA
item: Chile FTA
item: Colombia FTA
item: Israel FTA
item: Jordan FTA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Morocco FTA
item: Panama TPA
item: Peru TPA
item: Malaysia FTA
item: Singapore FTA
item: SACU FTA
item: UAE FTA
item: Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
item: Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs)