Artemsia Selections


Powis Castle Artemisia


5 Varieties
to Choose from:


French Tarragon

African Wormwood


Powis Castle Artemisia


Although some plants struggle through the summer's heat and irregular watering, some look good, really good. Give thanks for the Artemisias.

Most Artemisias are from the Mediterranean or Europe. Certainly, that is where wormwood, southernwood and French Tarragon hail from. But, we have Artemisias native to our United States too, important artemisias like A. tridentata that covers vast areas of Utah, Wyoming and Montana and varieties of A. vulgaris that can be found throughout the west. A. tridentata is such an important ground cover in vast wilderness areas that, after major fires, its seeds are broadcast to keep noxious weeds from forming in burnt areas. 

But, for home gardeners, it is none of these we choose for our landscape. Rather, it is the foreign bred Silver Mound, Silver Southernwood and the larger Powis Castle that are used often.

Also, beautiful in the landscape but seldom used are A. afra, A. palmeri, (San Diego Sage Brush) and A. arborescens (Tree wormwood). These are large unthirsty plants that have trouble fitting in smaller gardens. But, they are truly glorious in the right setting.

Not all Artemisias are lovely. In fact, the one true culinary Artemisia, French Tarragon, is quite the dog. Ah, but the flavor. Other Artemisias we have come to unappreciate for landscaping are A. pontica (Roman Wormwood), A. frigida (Fringed Wormwood), A. vulgaris (Mugwort), and A. ludoviciana (Silver King). 

Both Roman Wormwood and Fringed Wormwood are scroungy looking for most of the season. Although Mugwort is an important medicinal herb, it can be terribly invasive. And, although Silver King is prized by crafters, it too can wander invasively by underground runners. The Powis Castle Artemisia that we use in our fresh Herbal Wreaths smells great and is carefree in the garden.

Artemisias are named after Artemis, the goddess of hunting, Artemesia was the daughter of a Greek Father and a Cretan Mother. She became a Queen and a great naval captain. She was so successful and respected that for centuries the wives of the Kings of Halicarnassus were named after her until well into the fourth century. Kind of like a continual circle of Artemisias.

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