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The Board has requested public comment on the proposals listed below. Comments can be submitted through this web site using the "Submit comment" links. Comments may also be submitted in writing or by electronic mail (see text of each proposal for contact information). Please note the closing date for each comment period.

Public comments on the proposals and, if publicly available, related staff materials can be viewed by following the associated links. Comments can also be viewed in Room MP-500 of the Board’s Martin Building (20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, D.C.) between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) weekdays or can be obtained by formal request under the FOIA. All comments are reproduced without alteration except when necessary for technical reasons.

The proposals are grouped by subject: (1) regulations ("Rulemaking Proposals"), (2) policies ("Other Proposals"), and (3) reports of financial and other information ("Information Collection Proposals"). Under each heading, the proposals are listed in reverse order of publication in the Federal Register, with the most recently published proposal as the first entry.

The rules and proposed rules that the Board expects to issue during the next six months are summarized in the Unified Agenda (also known as the Semiannual Regulatory Agenda), which is published twice a year in the Federal Register. View the Board’s Unified Agenda.

You can find, review, and submit comments on other federal documents that are open for comment and published in the Federal Register at

Rulemaking Proposals | Other Proposals | Information Collection Proposals

Rulemaking Proposals
Proposals concerning Board regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations

Proposed amendments to Regulation E (Electronic Fund Transfers) intended to provide consumers a choice regarding their institution's payment of overdrafts for automated teller machine withdrawals and one-time debit card transactions
Closing date for comments: 60 days after the Federal Register Notice
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Request for comment on proposed changes to Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)that would revise disclosure requirements for mortgage loans.
The Board has adoption an interim final rule that will allow bank holding companies to include in their Tier 1 capital without restriction the senior perpetual preferred stock issued to the Treasury Department under the capital purchase program announced by the Treasury on October 14, 2008
Interagency proposal to allow a banking organization to assign a 10 percent risk weight to claims on, and portions of claims guaranteed by, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac).
The Board has adopted, on an interim final basis, a temporary limited exemption from its leverage and risk-based capital rules for bank holding companies and state member banks
The Board has approved an interim final rule that would provide a temporary limited exception from sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act, which establish certain restrictions on and requirements for transactions between a bank and its affiliates.
Interagency proposal that would permit banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations (collectively, banking organizations) to reduce the amount of goodwill that a banking organization must deduct from tier 1 capital by the amount of any deferred tax liability associated with that goodwill
The Board has adopted, on an interim final basis, a regulatory exemption for member banks from certain provisions of section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act and the Board's Regulation W. The exemption increases the capacity of member banks, subject to certain conditions designed to help ensure the safety and soundness of the banks, to enter into securities financing transactions with affiliates.
Proposed amendment to Regulation S (Right to Financial Privacy), which sets the rates and conditions under which a government agency must reimburse a financial institution for costs incurred in producing customer financial records under the Right to Financial Privacy Act.
Interagency proposal of a new risk-based capital framework (standardized framework) based on the standardized approach for credit risk and the basic indicator approach for operational risk described in the capital adequacy framework titled "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework" (New Accord) released by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The standardized framework generally would be available, on an optional basis, to banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations (banking organizations) that apply the general risk-based capital rule
Interagency proposal to implement the risk-based pricing provisions in section 311 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act), which amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
Request for comment on proposed amendments addressing creditors' responsibilities to establish reasonable instructions for receiving timely payments and when a due date falls on a weekend or holiday. Creditors' responsibilities when investigating a claim of unauthorized transactions or an allegation of a billing error. Creditors' requirement to provide additional information about how interest could be imposed in advertisements for deferred interest plans.
Request for comment on proposed changes to Regulation D (Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions) and Regulation I (Issue and Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock) to incorporate provisions of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006.
Interagency proposed regulations and guidelines to help ensure the accuracy and integrity of information provided to consumer reporting agencies and to allow consumers to directly dispute inaccuracies with financial institutions and other entities that furnish information to consumer reporting agencies.
Joint notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) requesting comment on a model privacy form that financial institutions can use for their privacy notices to consumers required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act).
Interagency proposed revisions to the market risk capital rule to enhance its risk sensitivity and introduce requirements for public disclosure of certain qualitative and quantitative information about the market risk of a bank or bank holding company
Joint advanced notice of proposed rulemaking requesting comment from the public, including law enforcement and financial institutions, to assess whether the potential benefit to law enforcement of a lower threshold outweighs the potential burden to financial institutions.
Joint request for comment on issues related to the accuracy of consumer credit reports and the reinvestigation of disputes
Request for comment on second advance notice concerning open-end credit rules of Regulation Z
Request for comment on advanced notice of proposed rulemaking to review open-end credit rules.
Proposed framework for Risk-Based Capital Guidelines; Implementation of New Basel Capital Accord

Rulemaking Proposals | Other Proposals | Information Collection Proposals

Other Proposals
Proposals concerning Board policies not codified in the Code of Federal Regulations

The Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Office of Thrift Supervision are proposing for comment one new and two revised questions and answers. The revisions to the two existing questions and answers would allow pro rata consideration in certain circumstances for an activity that provides affordable housing targeted to low- or moderate-income individuals. The proposed new question and answer would provide examples of how an institution can determine that community services it provides are targeted to low- and moderate-income individuals
Request for comment regarding the proposed Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines that reaffirm supervisory expectations for sound real estate appraisal and evaluation practices.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, notice is given that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) proposes to add two new systems of records, BGFRS-37 (Electronic Applications) and BGFRS-38 (Transportation Subsidy Records)
Request for comment on new and revised interagency questions and answers regarding flood insurance.
Interagency proposed guidance entitled Garnishment of Exempt Federal Benefit Funds
Interagency request for comment on proposed illustrations of consumer information for subprime mortgage lending.
Request for comment on a series of new and revised interagency questions and answers pertaining to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
Interagency proposed Supervisory Guidance for Internal Ratings-Based Systems for Credit Risk, Advanced Measurement Approaches for Operational Risk, and the Supervisory Review Process (Pillar 2) Related to Basel II Implementation
Joint request for comment on proposed classification of commercial credit exposures
Proposal to standardize and expand the examination data collected in support of the Shared National Credit Program
Proposed supervisory guidance on the internal-ratings-based (IRB) approach to determine regulatory capital requirements for retail credit exposures
Proposal to adopt an interpretation of the anti-tying restrictions of section 106 of the Bank Holding Company Act Amendments of 1970, and related supervisory guidance

Rulemaking Proposals | Other Proposals | Information Collection Proposals

Information Collection Proposals
Proposals concerning the reporting of financial and other information under authority delegated to the Board by the Office of Management and Budget

Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, with revision, of the following reports: Quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large Foreign Offices of U.S. Banks (FR 2502q), and Recordkeeping Requirements of Regulation H and Regulation K associated with Bank Secrecy Act Compliance Programs (Reg K). Proposal to conduct under OMB delegated authority the following survey: 2010 Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF) (FR 3059)
Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, with revision, of the following report: Weekly Report of Selected Assets and Liabilities of Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks and U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks (FR 2644), and Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the discontinuance of the following reports: the Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities for Large U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks; the Weekly Report of Assets and Liabilities for Large Banks (FR 2069; FR 2416).
Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the revision, without extension, of the following reports: Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies, Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-9C, FR Y-9SP), Financial Statements on Nonbank Subsidiaries of U.S. Bank Holding Companies (FR Y-11), Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiaries of U.S. Banking Organizations (FR 2314), Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held by Foreign Banking Organizations (FRY-7N), and Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations (FR 2886b). Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, with revision, of the following report: Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates (FR Y-8).
Proposals to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, without revision, of the following reports: Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity)(Reg B)and Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation E (Electronic Funds Transfer)(Reg E)
Interagency proposal to revise and extend for three years the Call Report, which are currently approved collections of information, Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report)FFIEC 031 (for banks with domestic and foreign offices) and FFIEC 041 (for banks with domestic offices only)
Proposal to extend for three years, without revision, the following currently approved collections of information: Country Exposure Report (FFIEC 009)and Country Exposure Information Report (FFIEC 009A)
Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, without revision, of the following reports: Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Loans Secured by Real Estate Located in Flood Hazard Areas Pursuant to Regulation H (Reg H-2)and Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Disclosure Requirements in Connection with Regulation BB (Community Reinvestment Act)Reg-BB
Proposal to approve under OMB delegated authority the extension for three years, with revision, of the following reports: Survey of Terms of Lending (FR 2028), Report of Terms of Credit Card Plans (FR 2572), Report of Transactions, Deposits, and Vault Cash (FR 2900), and The Annual Report of Deposits and Reservable Liabilities (FR 2910a)

Rulemaking Proposals | Other Proposals | Information Collection Proposals

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Last update: January 11, 2009