Module 2: The Action Planning Module

Version 2.0 of the Action Planning Module (Module 2) of the Climate Leadership in Parks Tool (CLIP) is now available.

Module 2 of the CLIP Tool allows users to investigate ways to reduce their park's emissions. The tool is organized into management sectors: energy, transportation, waste and education and outreach. Each management sector includes emission reduction calculators; information and links on related technologies, financial savings, and environmental benefits; and dynamic scenario-planning features. Module 2 culminates in the an Action Plan, which presents the park's emission inventory results, actions the park plans to take to reduce emissions, the associated emission reductions and cost savings, and narrative describing climate change and the park's efforts to mitigate climate change.

DOWNLOAD Module 2 v2.0 (4.7 MB Zipped Excel File)

New Features:

  • A new “Inventory” sheet capable of tracking emission inventories, the data used to produce them, and emission reductions for over 25 years worth of inventories,
  • New calculators to estimate emission and cost savings associated with
    • Replacing boilers or furnaces with energy-efficient models,
    • Using biotic fuels (e.g., biodiesel) in generators and other stationary devices,
    • Installing energy efficient lighting
    • Producing or purchasing renewable electricity
    • Reducing electricity and on-site fossil fuel consumption
    • Reducing park vehicle and equipment fuel consumption
    • Replacing park vehicles with fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicles
    • Reducing vehicle idling
    • Increasing recycling, composting, and green procurement
    • Reducing wastewater
  • Guidance for facilitated sessions when using the CLIP Tool,
  • An Education and Outreach sheet dedicated to the Do Your Part! Program, climate friendly messaging, and outreach to the community,
  • Detailed description on how to use the Action Planning Module,
  • Locations to enter information on the level of effort, responsible party, and cost/savings associated with implementing actions,
  • Improved data handling,
  • In-sheet summary information on emissions and the data used to estimate them, and
  • Sheets that present the methods used to calculate emission reductions.

Components of Module 2:

Welcome Sheet - The Welcome Sheet introduces the user to the CFP Program, the CLIP Tool, and Module 2's content.

Control Sheet - The Control Sheet serves as the main interface for Module 2. It allows users enter background information specific to their park, navigate to all other sheets contained in Module 2, and export an Action Plan for submission to the CFP website.

Background Sheets - The Background Sheets contain information to assist users with completing Module 2 such as a description' of Module 2's structure and formatting and a units converter to help users understand units emissions are reported in.

Sector Sheets - The Sector Sheets are organized according to management sectors. Sector Sheets contain emission calculators, cost calculators, scoping tools, and other resources that help users plan actions to reduce emissions. Each Sheet provides locations for users to record the mitigation actions, emission reductions, and cost savings they realize. This information is then summarized on the Summary Sheet and in the Action Plan.

Sector Background Sheets - The Sector Background Sheets are accessed via Sector Sheets and contain resources to support users as they plan the park's mitigation actions. These resources include descriptions of the actions they can take, information on cost-saving opportunities, information on the environmental benefits of the action, and links to websites that provide related materials and information.

Summary Sheet - The Summary Sheet presents the parks emissions inventory as well as the mitigation actions and their associated emission reductions the park has identified using Module 2. The Summary Sheet also provides locations for users to enter ancillary information associated with the mitigation actions, such as start dates completion dates and responsible parties. These data are intended to assist the park with transferring the information contained in the CLIP Tool to their Environmental Management System (EMS) reporting framework.

Action Plan - The Action Plan summarizes the results of the park's emission inventory and the mitigation actions and associated emissions reductions the park has identified in a narrative document intended for viewing by park staff and other interested parties.