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The Markets Project will develop at least two pilot markets to basic proof-of-concept stage for each of three case study regions. For each of the six pilot markets, additional funding is being sought to further develop and test these pilot markets. The following sections provide basic information on the three case study regions, and the two pilots under development in each region.

The Blackwood Basin, Western Australia

The two pilot studies in this catchment will be closely linked to the award winning natural resource management programs operated by the Blackwood Basin Group. The BBG is a community-managed, constituted and independent landcare organisation with a membership representative of groups with an interest in catchment management in the Blackwood catchment. The philosophy of the BBG is simply that 'community ownership of catchment problems will produce appropriate solutions given adequate resources and expertise'. Thus the markets project seeks to build capacity in the region to utilise market based instruments and ecosystem services to improve management.
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The Goulburn Broken Catchment, Victoria

Work in this catchment will build on that completed by The Ecosystem Services Project which focused on a detailed assessment of all of the ecosystem goods and services, the development of scenarios and biophysical models to evaluate the impact of various land uses on ecosystems and their ability to continue to provide goods and services. The oucomes will provide a strong underpinning for the operation of selected pilot markets.
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The Murrumbidgee Catchment, NSW

Working with the NSW Department of Infrastrucutre, Planning and Natural Resources and the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority, the project seeks to address resource issues in an integrated manner. This is in line with the wider Total Catchment Management ethos of linking community and government to reduce duplication of work and promote integrated resource management.

The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority is tasked with setting environmental targets and management options, strategies and actions to achieve these targets. The case study seeks to identify issues and develop pilot market mechanisms to help the MCMA and DIPNR achieve these targets.
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