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Soils are often the largest pool of carbon in a forest.

Forest Floor by mhowell — last modified 2007-02-24 15:04
Forest floor: This pool is required by a number of the registries and may account for a fairly substantial amount of carbon. This pool typically is one that can grow rapidly during early years of afforestation and thus has some interest. This pool is not difficult to measure in the field and there is relatively good models and tables available for estimation.
Mineral Soil by mhowell — last modified 2007-02-24 15:04
Mineral soil organic C: This pool is required by a number of registries and may account for a fairly substantial amount of carbon. This pool has generated great interest because it, in fact, may be one of the largest pools of carbon in the forest. Unfortunately, the rate of C accumulation in this pool can be quite slow and has proven difficult to measure in the field. As such, despite the interest, field measurements can be costly and the total change in the pool small.