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Hydraulics Laboratory

The Hydraulics Laboratory provides a means of testing the hydraulic performance of highway drainage structures and stream crossings. The purpose of the laboratory is to solve hydraulic and stream stability problems attendant to highways and to support operational engineers with design guidance and tools.

The Hydraulics Laboratory consists of a physical modeling component and a numerical modeling component that are used in concert to extrapolate results and then verify and calibrate these results. The physical modeling facility has a total pumping capacity of 6000 gal/min with variable-frequency drives capable of simulating in-flow hydrographs. This laboratory features a 6-ft-wide by 70-ft-long tilting flume capable of simulating 13% longitudinal and cross slopes. The flume has a sediment recess for local scour modeling and has a sediment trap connected to a sediment recirculation pump for limited, live-bed scour studies.

The Woodrow Wilson Bridge model is tested for scour in the FHWA Hydraulics Lab.
The Woodrow Wilson Bridge model is tested for scour in the FHWA Hydraulics Lab.

This laboratory also includes a culvert testing facility for evaluating entrance loss coefficients for various types of culvert inlets. The numerical modeling capability features a three-dimensional sediment transport model capable of reproducing scour results and can be used very effectively to extend those results to field conditions that could never be attained in a physical laboratory.

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More Information.

Related Research.
TFHRC Structures Research

FHWA Hydraulics Research

Hydraulics of Iowa DOT Slope- Tapered Pipe Culverts
FHWA-RD-01-077, June 2001

South Dakota Culvert Inlet Design Coefficients
FHWA-RD-01-076, June 2001

Focus Article
Scour Evaluations a Key Element in Improving Bridge Foundation Design
(February 2001)

Public Roads Magazine Articles
Hydraulics Testing of Wilson Bridge Designs
(March/April 2000)
by: J. Sterling Jones
The designs of the new Wilson Bridge on the National Capital Beltway are tested for scour effects.

Internal FHWA Partnership Leverages Technology & Innovation
(Jan/Feb 2001)
by Bob Bryant

R&T Transporter Articles
Researching Ways to Better Measure ScourGet the Adobe Acrobat Reader. 
May 2001 (PDF file)

Bonner Bridge Testing Performed in the Hydraulics Laboratory
(May 1996)

FHWA Hydraulics Lab and Partners Perform Scour Evaluation for Woodrow Wilson Bridge
(September 1999)

New Editions of FHWA Primary References on Stream Stability, Scour, and Countermeasures DistributedGet the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
July 2001 (PDF file)

Scour Team Helps Avert Catastrophe
(June 1997)