Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
C O R N E L L   U N I V E R S I T Y
329 Plant Science   Ithaca, NY 14853
Phone:(607) 255-7850     Fax: (607) 255-4471
Karen L. Snover, Director email:

Welcome to the Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic
Cornell University.

Annuals & Herbaceous Perennials
 Greenhouse & Foliage Plants
Field Crops
Late Blight
Molds & Other Fungi
Trees & Shrubs
Vegetables & Herbs
Non-Infectious Diseases
Master Gardener Presentations
The Clinic is designed to provide plant disease diagnostic services for anyone interested in plant diseases. Our services include analysis of plant material and soil for bacterial, fungal, viral, and nematode pathogens as well as suggesting appropriate control measures when available. Our clients include Extension Educators, Growers, Retailers, Arborists, Golf Courses, Researchers, and Homeowners. The Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic works very closely with the Cornell Cooperative Extension county offices. If there is an office near you, you may want to contact them for assistance with your plant disease problem. The Cooperative Extension staff are very helpful and may be able to satisfy your needs. If no office is available or if you would like to use our services directly, please review the pages of this document for information on fees, sample submission, and plant disease fact sheets. Please follow the instructions for submitting samples carefully. The diagnosis of a sample that was improperly collected, packed, and/or shipped and arrives in poor shape is very difficult.
 This Web Site allows users to quickly access information by utilizing the subject specific icons found on the left of this page. You may also visit the pages on Fees, Sample Submission methods, the Sample Submission Form, and plant disease Diagnostic Fact Sheets for generic information and an alphabetical listing of fact sheets.
 The Clinic is a facility of the Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology at Cornell University. This alliance allows the clinic to maintain a strong connection with the leading Researchers in the field of Plant Pathology. The clinic provides accurate plant disease diagnosis, quick turn around time, professional services, and up-to-date control recommendations. The Clinic promotes a "Test, Don't Guess" attitude. Knowing the pest prior to taking action allows for more efficient use and selection of control methods.

NEW! Read about recent OAK WILT detection in NYS. We will suspend Oak Wilt testing for the 2008 season on October 17th. Read more here.

NEW! Information on BROWN ROOT ROT testing for 2008.

Select a plant category from the column on the left for more specific instructions on collecting and submitting general or nematode samples for that plant category. Links to category specific fact sheets are also available from those pages.

Department of Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology, Fees, Sample Submission, Diagnostic Fact Sheets, CALS, Cornell Cooperative Extension, IPM in New York State, Plant Pathological Terms, New York State Crop Profiles, Branching Out, Mysteries, NEPDN

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