Women's History Performers

We have listed performers by state as well as in a special section called National Performers. National Performers are available to travel across the country to perform at your event. Performers listed by state are available to perform in the particular state they are listed in.

Women's History PerformerWomen's History comes alive with the help of these talented Women's History Performers. These costumed performers portray both famous and infamous women from our history with relish and panache. Educational and entertaining, a women's history Performer can add depth and breadth to your programs and events.


We have listed performers by state as well as in a special section called National Performers. National Performers are available to travel across the country to perform at your event. Performers listed by state are available to perform in the particular state they are listed in.

Program Planning Suggestions

We suggest that you talk with the performers you contact about the following subjects prior to contracting for their program:

  • Performance requirements: stage, sound and lighting needs; children/no children; alcohol-free refreshment stand?
  • Publicity requirements: information and photo available?
  • Fees: single performance; block booking (multiple performances, same or consecutive days); travel/per diem?
  • Personal requirements: housing; ground transportation?
  • Program content: if your audience would be sensitive about specific topics, ask direct questions about program content.
  • Is there performance related educational material available for you to reprint?

NWHP publishes these listings from information provided by the performers and is not responsible in any way for the performers, a performer's negotiations with clients, or the performances.