Join the NWHP Network

We are continuing to build a very successful NWHP Network to strengthen and expand the recognition of celebration of women's historic achievements.

Please join us as a Sustaining Member of the National Women’s History Project's Network to help ensure that we are able to write women back into history.

Thank you to NWHP Network Sustaining Members.

  • Providing exceptional resources about women in American history
  • Honoring multicultural American women role models
  • Expanding our educational presence on the internet, and
  • Strengthening our ability to assist individuals and organizations in their promotional efforts to recognize and celebrate women’s accomplishments.

All members receive:

  • Our monthly Women’s History e-newsletter
  • Opportunity to nominate Theme and Honorees for National Women's History Month
  • Special invitations to NWHP events
  • Informational updates on special celebrations like Women's Equality Day
  • Preview of upcoming sales or discounts
  • 5% discount on products
  • 100 free catalogs (by request)


30 dollars
General Membership for individuals

is $30 and includes the benefits above.


100 dollars
General Membership for non-profits

is $100 and includes the benefits above.

Sustaining Member

  • Acknowledgment of being a Sustaining Member on the NWHP web site.
  • Invitation to the NWHP's special March celebration, including the reception for the Women ’s History Month Honorees
  • 5% discount on products
  • Unlimited catalogs

With the help of the NWHP Network we plan to:

  • Create new resources as well as improve access to existing information in print and on the internet for students, educators, librarians, government employees, workplace managers, and other interested individuals
  • Honor and bring to national attention living American women of many cultures who have achieved notable distinction in their fields
  • Recognize the accomplishments of women as critical to the development of our history and society.
  • Expand our outreach to elementary and high schools and after school programs with relevant information and easy-to-download curriculum
  • Establish an online network linking individuals, organizations, and businesses that will be accessible to NWHP members via a bulletin board, a listserv, and a directory of NWHP members
  • Heighten promotion of National Women's History Month and other significant dates with easy-to-download resources and promotional materials on our web site
  • Enlarge our on-line resources to include information about women’s history exhibits, performances, events, and other timely matters of interest
  • Strengthen and connect women's history sites in each state through listings and web links to Heritage Trails, Halls of Fame, women’s museums, archives, historic organizations, and related groups.
  • Mobilize support for the promotion and recognition of the remarkable achievements of multicultural American women on a local, state, and national level

Join Now! It's easy to join using our new online ordering system