Chem4Kids.comPeriodic Table
  Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton

Periodic Table and the Elements

Periodic Table Drawing

Now we're getting to the heart and soul of the way your universe works. Elements are the building blocks of all matter. We talked about quarks in the atoms section. They are smaller than the atoms of an element, but only when they group with other quarks do they form atoms that have recognizable traits. Some quarks combine to make an oxygen (O) atom. Other quarks can combine to form a nitrogen (N) atom. It's the atoms that are different and unique, even though they are made of the same pieces.

The Same Everywhere

Iron atoms of the Earth and Mars are the same As far as we know, there are only so many basic elements. Up to this point in time we have discovered/created over 100. While there may be more out there to discover, the basic elements remain the same. Iron (Fe) atoms found on Earth are identical to iron atoms found on meteorites. The iron atoms on Mars that make the soil red are the same too.

The point is... With the tools you learn here, you can explore and understand the universe. You will never stop discovering new reactions and compounds, but the elements will remain the same.

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The List of Elements

We've got 18 to choose from. From the launch of the site we've been asked, "Why start with 18?" The rules for the first 18 elements are very straight-forward.
(1) Electrons fit nicely into three shells.
(2) These elements make up most of the matter in the universe.
(3) It's a lot easier to remember facts about 18 elements than over 100 elements.

Element 1: Hydrogen
Element 2: Helium
Element 3: Lithium
Element 4: Beryllium
Element 5: Boron
Element 6: Carbon
Element 7: Nitrogen
Element 8: Oxygen
Element 9: Fluorine
Element 10: Neon
Element 11: Sodium
Element 12: Magnesium
Element 13: Aluminum
Element 14: Silicon
Element 15: Phosphorus
Element 16: Sulfur
Element 17: Chlorine
Element 18: Argon

Who are we kidding? We teased you with only 18 elements for many years. We've added the next 18 elements from the fourth period. You need to remember that this is the first row with transition elements. Those transition metals have electron configurations that are a little different from the first 18. Make sure you understand the first 18 before you move on to this set.

Element 19: Potassium
Element 20: Calcium
Element 21: Scandium
Element 22: Titanium
Element 23: Vanadium
Element 24: Chromium
Element 25: Manganese
Element 26: Iron
Element 27: Cobalt
Element 28: Nickel
Element 29: Copper
Element 30: Zinc
Element 31: Galium
Element 32: Germanium
Element 33: Arsenic
Element 34: Selenium
Element 35: Bromine
Element 36: Krypton

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- Biology4Kids: Scientific Method
- Geography4Kids: Element Cycles
- Geography4Kids: Biosphere
- Physics4Kids: Radioactivity
- Cosmos4Kids: Star Formation
- Cosmos4Kids: The Universe
- Cosmos4Kids: Earth

> Overview
- Periodic Table
- Element List
- Families
- Halogens
- Inert Gases
- Metals
- Alkali Metals
- Alkaline Earth
- Transition Metals
- Lanthanide
- Actinide




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