FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Description of the CFSAN Search
with Spell Checking (version 1.0)

The CFSAN Search uses an index of titles and keywords from the documents on the CFSAN website (www.cfsan.fda.gov).

If the "Use synonyms" box is checked, the program compares each word in the query against a list of 4,000 single word pairs. Any synonyms found are added to the search. Synonym matching is available for the "All" and "Any" search types.

If there are no matches, each word in the search phrase is spell-checked against a 144,000 word dictionary that includes the technical and scientific vocabulary from the CFSAN Lexicon.

  1. If your search term(s) exists in the CFSAN title and keywords index, you will be given the results.
  2. If your search term(s) do not exist in the CFSAN title and keywords index and you correctly spell all search terms, they will be passed to the FDA Google Search Appliance to search full text on the CFSAN site, FDA Dockets and inspectional, compliance and import references in FDA's Office of Regulatory Affairs. (ORA and Dockets also have information on food and cosmetics)
  3. If one or more of your search terms is not in the dictionary, several approaches are used to suggest possible replacements. To change a word, select the correct word from the dropdown box. To move to the next approach, select "See more choices" at the bottom of the box. When all the words have been corrected, choose the Search button to submit the new query. (The examples below use "elefant" as the original search term.)
    • Words that differ by only one letter.
      Did you mean ?
    • Words that have a similar sound, using soundex matching.
      Did you mean ?
    • List of words in the dictionary, starting with those alphabetically closest to the word. This list can be navigated by selecting "See previous" or "See next" at the top and bottom of the select box.
      Did you mean ?

    If no possibilities are found for an approach, the program automatically advances to the next approach.

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