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Parents & Caregivers

Bullying : en Español

Bullying is a serious public health issue that affects many teens. In fact, the effects of bullying can impact victims even after they enter adulthood. As a parent, you should be able to recognize if your child is being bullied or if she is bullying someone else. You should also know how you can help! Make sure to listen to your child, especially if she complains about bullying behaviors. If you suspect that your child is being bullied, or is bullying others, you will need to get involved. You can make a difference in your child’s life and help put a stop to bullying. To learn how, check out some of these great resources listed below:

Featured articles

  1. Federal resource  A Troubling Trend: Girls and Bullying
  2. Federal resource Bullying, Abuso, It Hurts in any Language
  3. Girls and Bullying (Copyright © NCPC)

Web sites

  1. Federal resource About Bullying - Parents, Grandparents, and Caregivers - This site contains a variety of helpful resources to help you as a parent or guardian learn more about the problem of bullying. It also has posters and brochures that you can download for your children.
  2. Federal resource Bullying - We have created the section on bullying to help adolescent girls learn more about some of the unique health issues and social situations they will encounter during the teen years. This section provides information, resources, and links to help your daughter learn more about bullying.
  3. Federal resource Stop Bullying Now! What Adults Can Do - Family Corner - This section of the Stop Bullying Now! Campaign web site provides information on how parents, grandparents, siblings and other relatives or guardians can help prevent bullying.
  4. National Organizations for Youth Safety - The National Organizations for Youth Safety is a coalition of national organizations led by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Its mission is to promote youth empowerment and leadership, and build partnerships that save lives, prevent injuries and enhance safe and healthy lifestyles among all youth.
  5. The Steps to Respect Program (Copyright © Committee for Children) - The Committee for Children provides a program that tackles bullying by involving students, parents, and educators. The program offers a step-by-step process to engage community members at different levels by providing the proper tools for implementation and assessment of school-wide involvement, as well as outlining useful lessons and trainings.
father and daughter talking


  1. Federal resource  15+ Make Time to Listen - Take Time to Talk...About Bullying - Spending 15 minutes with your children can make a difference in their lives. This document consists of interactive questions to start conversations between parents/caregivers and children about bullying.
  2. Federal resource  Adobe PDF  Bullying Among Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Needs (PDF - 680KB) - This fact sheet discusses rates of bullying among children and youth with disabilities and special needs. This fact sheet also discusses what parents can do if they feel their child is a victim of disability harassment.
  3. Federal resource  Bullying Fact Sheets: Prevention and Intervention - Parents - This fact sheet lists how parents can help prevent bullying. It gives tips on what parents can do depending on whether their child is bullying or being bullied.
  4. Federal resource  Bullying is Not a Fact of Life - This publication provides information on bullying and explains what parents and schools can do to prevent it.
  5. Federal resource  Stop Bullying Now: What Adults Can Do - This site provides students, parents, teachers, administrators, health professionals, and leaders of faith-based organizations with fact sheets bullying. It also offers information on characteristics of children who bully, risk factors, community involvement and prevention, development of policies to prevent bullying, intervention, State laws, long-term impact, and methods of providing support to children who are bullied.
  6. Federal resource  What Adults Can Do:Cyberbulling - This site explains about cyberbulling. This is also a great resource for parents to prevent and address cyberbulling.
  7. Federal resource  Adobe PDF  What to Do if Your Child is Being Bullied (PDF -355KB) - This publication explains what bullying is and how it can affect your child. It also gives information on what to do if your child is being bullied.
  8. Adobe PDF  A Dozen Things Parents Can Do to Stop School Violence (Copyright © NCPC) (PDF – 15KB) - This publication lists 12 steps parents can take to prevent school violence.
  9. Bullying (Copyright © NCPC) - This section of the National Crime Prevention Council web site offers information about the seriousness of bullying, characteristics of bullies, and details about what parents can do to stop bullying.
  10. Bullying and What to Do About It (Copyright © MHA) - This publication explains what bullying is, and it gives steps parents can take to prevent it.
  11. Children's Threats: When Are They Serious? (Copyright © AACAP) - This article discusses when threats should be taken seriously and how parents, teachers, and other adults can address the threat.
  12. Learn More About Bullying (Copyright © The Challenge) - This website provides answers to frequently asked questions about bullies and bullied children, the effectiveness of school-based interventions, and what parents can do about bullying.
  13. Relational Aggression and Bullying Resource List (Copyright © The Ophelia Project) - This site provides a list of books on bullying for teens, parents and educators.
  14. Resources to Help Cope with the Aftermath of a School Tradegy (Copyright © AAP) - The AAP has assembled a collection of resources to help parents, teachers, students, schools, and pediatricians cope with the aftermath of a school tradegy. Additional resources are provided on violence prevention, school safety, and promoting mental health.
  15. Safeguarding Your Children from Bullying, and Gangs (Copyright © PTA) - The National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) provides useful tips for parents in helping their children deal with bullies, respond to acts of sexual harassment, and avoid the influence or harm of gangs.
  16. What Does Gay Mean? How to Talk with Kids about Sexual Orientation and Prejudice (Copyright © MHA) - This anti-bullying program was designed to improve understanding and respect for youth who are gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT). Centered on an educational booklet, called “What Does Gay Mean?” How to Talk with Kids About Sexual Orientation and Prejudice, the program encourages parents and others to communicate and share values of respect with their children.


  1. Federal resource  Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, HHS
  2. Federal resource  National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, OPHS, HHS
  3. Federal resource  National Mental Health Information Center, SAMHSA, HHS
  4. Federal resource  Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, ED
  5. Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
  6. Children's Safety Network National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center, MCHB, HRSA, OPHS, HHS
  7. Ophelia Project


Federal resource = This article, publication, web site, or organization is from the U.S. government.

Adobe PDF Document = You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view some of these files after you've downloaded them. If you have problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®.

Content last updated November 11, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
