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Validation of Accident Models for Intersections

May 2005


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The existing crash prediction models for rural intersections developed for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) require validation and recalibration to improve their credibility and enhance their applicability. This report describes the results of validation and calibration of motor vehicle crash models for rural intersections. Both the validation and recalibration activities were conducted in pursuit of one overriding research objective, which was to make marginal improvements to an existing set of statistical models for predicting crashes at two- and four-lane intersections, with the primary intent to be used in the IHSDM.

The five types of intersection models for which conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made are: three-legged stop controlled intersections of two-lane roads; four-legged stop controlled intersections of two-lane roads; three-legged stop controlled intersections with two lanes on minor and four lanes on major road; and four-legged stop controlled intersections with two lanes on minor and four lanes on major road, and signalized intersections of two-lane roads.

Copies of this report can be obtained from the Research and Technology Product Distribution Center, 9701 Philadelphia Court, Unit Q, Lanham, MD 20706; telephone: 301-577-0818; fax: 301-577-1421; or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; telephone: 703-487-4650; fax: 703-321-8547.

Michael F. Trentacoste

Office of Safety

Research and Development


This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

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1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No.

3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle

Validation of Accident Models for Intersections

5. Report Date
May 2005

6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s)

Simon Washington, Bhagwant Persaud, Craig Lyon, and Jutaek Oh

8. Performing Organization Report No.


9. Performing Organization Name and Address

University of Arizona
Department of Civil Engineering
Tucson, AZ 85721--0072

Ryerson University
Department of Civil Engineering
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON Canada M5B 2K3

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

11. Contract or Grant No.


12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
400 7th Street, SW Room 4110
Washington, DC 20590-0001

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Research Report
11/2000 to 12/2003

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

Joe Bared, HRDS-05, Contracting Officer's Technical Representative

16. Abstract

This report describes the results of validation and calibration of motor vehicle crash models for rural intersections. Both the validation and recalibration activities were conducted in pursuit of one overriding research objective, which was to make marginal improvements to an existing set of statistical models for predicting crashes at two and four lane intersections, with the primary intent to be used in the Interactive Highway Safety Design Module (IHSDM).

The five types of intersection models for which conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made are: Three-legged stop controlled intersections of two-lane roads; four-legged stop controlled intersections of two-lane roads; three-legged stop controlled intersections with two lanes on minor and four lanes on major road; and four-legged stop controlled intersections with two lanes on minor and four lanes on major road, and signalized intersections of two-lane roads.

17. Key Words

Accident modification factors, traffic safety, signalized intersections, crash models, crash model validation, Interactive Highway Safety Design Model

18. Distribution Statement

19. Security Classif. (of this report)


20. Security Classif. (of this page)


21. No. of Pages


22. Price


SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors








      1.1.1 Model Types

      1.1.2 Accident Models

      1.1.3 Definitions of Variables






      2.4.1 Model I

      2.4.2 Model II

      2.4.3 Model III

      2.4.4 Model IV

      2.4.5 Model V


      2.5.1 Model I

      2.5.2 Model II

      2.5.3 Model III

      2.5.4 Model IV

      2.5.5 Model V


      2.6.1 Validation of the Base Models

      2.6.2 Validation of the Accident Prediction Algorithm


      2.7.1 Model I

      2.7.2 Model II

      2.7.3 Model III

      2.7.4 Model IV

      2.7.5 Model V



      3.1.1 Model Functional Forms

      3.1.2 Goodness-of-Fit Evaluation


      3.2.1 Summary of Datasets

      3.2.2 Type I

      3.2.3 Type II

      3.2.4 Type III

      3.2.5 Type IV

      3.2.6 Type V


      3.3.1 Description of Base Conditions

      3.3.2 Model Results


      3.4.1 Type I Models

      3.4.2 Type II Models

      3.4.3 Type III Models

      3.4.4 Type IV Models

      3.4.5 Type V Models


      3.5.1 AMFs Derived from Recalibration Full Models

      3.5.2 AMFs Derived from Regression Models

      3.5.3 Summary of AMFs


      3.6.1 Type I Intersections

      3.6.2 Type II Intersections

      3.6.3 Type III Intersections

      3.6.4 Type IV Intersections

      3.6.5 Type V Intersections


      3.7.1 Model Recalibration

      3.7.2 Summary of AMFs

      3.7.3 Conclusions and Recommendations







Figure 1. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Total Accidents Type I

Figure 2. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Injury Accidents Type I

Figure 3. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Total Accidents Type II

Figure 4. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Injury Accidents Type II

Figure 5. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACC Type II

Figure 6. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACCI Type III

Figure 7. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Injury Variant 1

Figure 8. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: Injury Variant 2

Figure 9. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACC

Figure 10. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACCI

Figure 11. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: INJACC

Figure 12. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: INJACCI

Figure 13. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACC Main Model

Figure 14. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACC Variant 1

Figure 15. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACCI Main Model

Figure 16. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: TOTACCI Variant 3

Figure 17. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: INJACC

Figure 18. Observed versus Predicted Accident Frequency: INJACCI

Figure 19. CURE Plot for Type III TOTACC AADT Model

Figure 20. CURE Plot for Type III TOTACC AADT Model Using the CURE Method: Alternative Model

Figure 21. CURE Plot for Alternate TOTACC Type I Group A Model

Figure 22. CURE Plot for TOTACC Type I Group A Model

Figure 23. CURE Plot for Type I TOTACC AADT Model

Figure 24. CURE Plot for Type II TOTACC AADT Model

Figure 25. CURE Plot for Type III TOTACC AADT Model

Figure 26. CURE Plot for Type IV TOTACC AADT Model

Figure 27. CURE Plot for Type V TOTACC AADT Model


Table 1. Basic Statistics for the Data Sources

Table 2. Validation Statistics from Original Report1

Table 3. Accident Summary Statistics for Type I Sites

Table 4. Parameter Estimates for Type I Total Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 5. Validation Statistics for Type I Total Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 6. Parameter Estimates for Type I Total Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 7. Validation Statistics for Type I Total Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 8. Parameter Estimates for Type I Injury Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 9. Validation Statistics for Type I Injury Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 10. Parameter Estimates for Type I Injury Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 11. Validation Statistics for Type I Injury Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 12. Accident Summary Statistics for Type II Sites

Table 13. Parameter Estimates for Type II Total Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 14. Validation Statistics for Type II Total Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 15. Parameter Estimates for Type II Total Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 16. Validation Statistics for Type II Total Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 17. Parameter Estimates for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 18. Validation Statistics for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 19. Parameter Estimates for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 20. Validation Statistics for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Washington Data

Table 21. Accident Summary Statistics of Type III Sites

Table 22. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 23. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 24. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 25. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 26. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 1

Table 27. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 1

Table 28. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 2

Table 29. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type III Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 2

Table 30. Accident Summary Statistics of Type IV Sites

Table 31. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 32. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 33. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 34. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 35. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 36. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 37. Parameter Estimates for INJACCI Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 38. Validation Statistics for INJACCI Type IV Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 39. Accident Summary Statistics of Type V Sites

Table 40. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Main Model

Table 41. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Main Model

Table 42. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 1

Table 43. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 1

Table 44. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Main Model

Table 45. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Main Model

Table 46. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 3

Table 47. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data: Variant 3

Table 48. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 49. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 50. Parameter Estimates for INJACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 51. Validation Statistics for INJACCI Type V Model Using Additional Years of Data

Table 52. Summary of Georgia versus Minnesota Data for Type I Sites

Table 53. Parameter Estimates for Type I Total Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 54. Validation Statistics for Type I Total Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 55. Parameter Estimates for Type I lnjury Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 56. Validation Statistics for Type I Injury Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 57. Summary of Georgia versus Minnesota Data for Type II Sites

Table 58. Parameter Estimates for Type II Total Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 59. Validation Statistics for Type II Total Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 60. Parameter Estimates for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 61. Validation Statistics for Type II Injury Accident Model Using Georgia Data

Table 62. Summary Statistics of Georgia Data: Type III Sites

Table 63. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data

Table 64. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data

Table 65. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type III Model Using Georgia Data

Table 66. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type III Model Using Georgia Data

Table 67. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 1

Table 68. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 1

Table 69. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 2

Table 70. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type III Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 2

Table 71. Summary Statistics of Georgia Data: Type IV

Table 72. Summary Statistics of California, Michigan, and Georgia

Table 73. Pearson Correlations: Original, Georgia, and California

Table 74. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 75. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 76. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 77. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 78. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 79. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 80. Parameter Estimates for INJACCI Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 81. Validation Statistics for INJACCI Type IV Model Using Georgia Data

Table 82. Summary Statistics of Georgia Data: Type V

Table 83. Summary Statistics for Three States: California, Michigan, and Georgia1

Table 84. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Main Model

Table 85. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Main Model

Table 86. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 1

Table 87. Validation Statistics for TOTACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 1

Table 88. Parameter Estimates for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Main Model

Table 89. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Main Model

Table 90. Parameter Estimates for TOTACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 3

Table 91. Validation Statistics for TOTACCI Type V Model Using Georgia Data: Variant 3

Table 92. Parameter Estimates for INJACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data

Table 93. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data

Table 94. Parameter Estimates for INJACCI Type V Model Using Georgia Data

Table 95. Validation Statistics for INJACC Type V Model Using Georgia Data

Table 96. Summary Accident Statistics for Sites Meeting Base Conditions

Table 97. Validation Statistics for Type I Base Model Intersections

Table 98. Summary Accident Statistics for Sites Meeting Base Conditions

Table 99. Validation Statistics for Type II Base Model Intersections

Table 100. Validation Statistics for Type V Base Model Intersections

Table 101. The AMFs for Type I, II, and V Intersections

Table 102. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type I

Table 103. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type I Sites with a Major Road Turning Lane

Table 104. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type II

Table 105. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type II Sites with a Major Road Turning Lane

Table 106. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type V

Table 107. Validation Statistics for the Accident Prediction Algorithm: Type V Sites with a Major Road Right-Turn Lane

Table 108. Sources of Data

Table 109. Summary Statistics for Type I Sites

Table 110. Correlation Between Crashes and Independent Variables for Type I Sites

Table 111. Summary of Correlations for Independent Variables for Type I Sites

Table 112. Summary Statistics for Type II Sites

Table 113. Correlation Between Crashes and Independent Variables for Type II Sites

Table 114. Summary of Correlations for Independent Variables for Type II Sites

Table 115. Summary Statistics for Type III Sites

Table 116. Correlation Between Crashes and Independent Variables for Type III Sites

Table 117. Summary of Correlations for Independent Variables for Type III Sites

Table 118. Summary Statistics for Type IV Sites

Table 119. Correlation Between Crashes and Independent Variables for Type IV Sites

Table 120. Summary of Correlations for Independent Variables for Type IV Sites

Table 121. Summary Statistics for Type V Sites

Table 122. Correlation Between Crashes and Independent Variables for Type V Sites

Table 123. Summary of Correlations for Independent Variables for Type V Sites

Table 124. Summary of AADT Models Recalibrated and Data Used

Table 125. Group B Base Conditions for Type I to IV AADT Models

Table 126. Group A Base Conditions for Type III TOTACC AADT Models

Table 127. Group A Base Conditions for Type III INJACC AADT Models

Table 128. Group A Base Conditions for Type IV TOTACC AADT Models

Table 129. Group A Base Conditions for Type IV INJACC AADT Models

Table 130. Group A Base Conditions for Type V TOTACC AADT Models

Table 131. Group A Base Conditions for Type V INJACC AADT Models

Table 132. Number of Sites Used for Type I Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 133. Summary Statistics for Type I Sites: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 134. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Type I: Main and Group B AADT Models

Table 135. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type I: Main and Group B AADT Models

Table 136. Number of Sites Used for Type II Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 137. Summary Statistics for Type II Sites: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 138. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Type II: Main and Group B AADT Models

Table 139. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type II: Main and Group B AADT Models

Table 140. Number of Sites Used for Type III Main and Group B Base Condition AADT Models

Table 141. Summary Statistics for Type III Sites: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 142. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Type III: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 143. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type III: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 144. Summary Statistics for Type III Sites: Group A Base AADT Models

Table 145. Parameter Estimates for Type III Group A TOTACC and INJACC Base Models

Table 146. Number of Sites Used for Type IV Main and Group B Base Condition AADT Models

Table 147. Summary Statistics for Type IV Sites: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 148. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Type IV: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 149. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type IV: Main and Group B Base AADT Models

Table 150. Summary Statistics for Type IV Sites: Group A Base AADT Models

Table 151. Parameter Estimates for Type IV Group A TOTACC and INJACC Base Models

Table 152. Number of Sites Used for Type V Main AADT Model

Table 153. Summary Statistics for Type V Sites: Main AADT Model

Table 154. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Type V: Main AADT Model

Table 155. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type V: Main AADT Model

Table 156. Summary Statistics for Type V Sites: Group A Base AADT Models

Table 157. Parameter Estimates for Type V Group A TOTACC and INJACC Base Models

Table 158. Summary of Models Recalibrated and Data Used

Table 159. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type I Group A

Table 160. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type I Group A

Table 161. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type I Group B

Table 162. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type I Group B

Table 163. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type II Group A

Table 164. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type II Group A

Table 165. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type II Group B

Table 166. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type II Group B

Table 167. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type III

Table 168. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type III

Table 169. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type IV

Table 170. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Type IV: Full Models

Table 171. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated TOTACC Full Models: Type V

Table 172. Parameter Estimates for Recalibrated INJACC Full Models: Type V

Table 173. AMFs from Previous Studies

Table 174. AMFs Derived from Type I and II Full Models

Table 175. AMFs Derived from Type III, IV, and V Full Models

Table 176. AMFs Estimated from Regression Procedure

Table 177. Base Conditions for Type III Sites

Table 178. Base Model for Type III Sites

Table 179. AMFs for Type III Sites

Table 180. Base Conditions for Type IV Sites

Table 181. Base Model for Type IV Sites

Table 182. AMFs for Type IV Sites

Table 183. Base Conditions for Type V Sites

Table 184. Base Model for Type V Sites

Table 185. Comparison of Type I-II AMFs for TOTACC

Table 186. Comparison of Type III-V AMFs for TOTACC

Table 187. Comparison of AMFs for INJACC

Table 188. Sensitivity of Safety to HI1 for Type I TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 189. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MAJ for Type I TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 190. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MIN for Type I TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 191. Sensitivity of Safety to LT MAJ for Type I TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 192. Sensitivity of Safety to HI1 for Type I INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 193. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MAJ for Type I INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 194. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MIN for Type I INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 195. Sensitivity of Safety to LT MAJ for Type I INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 196. Sensitivity of Safety to DRWY1 for Type II TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 197. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MAJ for Type II TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 198. Sensitivity of Safety to LT MAJ for Type II TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 199. Sensitivity of Safety to MEDIAN for Type II TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 200. Sensitivity of Safety to HI1 for Type II INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 201. Sensitivity of Safety to DRWY1 for Type II INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 202. Sensitivity of Safety to RT MAJ for Type II INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 203. Sensitivity of Safety to LT MAJ for Type II INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 204. Sensitivity of Safety to MEDIAN for Type II INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 205. Sensitivity of Safety to Skew Angles for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 206. Sensitivity of Safety to Commercial Driveways on Major Road for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 207. Sensitivity of Safety to Vertical Curves on Major Road (VEI1) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 208. Sensitivity of Safety to Median Width on Major Road (MEDWIDTH1) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 209. Sensitivity of Safety to Painted Median Type on Major Road (MEDTYPE1) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 210. Sensitivity of Safety to Major Road Left-Turn Lane for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 211. Sensitivity of Safety to Skew Angles for Type III INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 212. Sensitivity of Safety to Commercial Driveways on Major Road for Type III INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 213. Sensitivity of Safety to Hazard Rating on Major Road (HAZRAT1) for Type III INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 214. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Truck Percentage (PKTRUCK) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 215. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Turning Percentage (PKTURN) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 216. Sensitivity of Safety to Skew Angles for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 217. Sensitivity of Safety to Right Sight Distance from Minor Road (SDR2) for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 218. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Truck Percentage (PKTRUCK) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 219. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Through Percentage on Minor Road (PKTHRU2) for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 220. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Left-Turn Percentage (PKLEFT) for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 221. Sensitivity of Safety to Skew Angles for Type IV INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 222. Sensitivity of Safety to Major Right-Turn Lane for Type IV INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 223. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Truck Percentage (PKTRUCK) for Type IV INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 224. Sensitivity of Safety to Peak Left-Turn Percentage (PKLEFT) for Type IV INJURY Accidents Per Year

Table 225. Sensitivity of Safety to Commercial Driveways on Major Road for Type V TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 226. Sensitivity of Safety to Horizontal Curve Combinations on Major and Minor Roads (HEICOM) for Type III TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 227. Sensitivity of Safety to Light for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 228. Sensitivity of Safety to Horizontal Curves on Minor Road (HEI2) for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 229. Sensitivity of Safety to Light for Type IV TOTAL Accidents Per Year

Table 230. Summary of Models Recalibrated and Data Used

Table 231. Comparison of Type III-V AMFs for TOTACC

Table 232. Comparison of Type I-II AMFs for TOTACC

Table 233. Comparison of Type III-V AMFs for TOTACC

Table 234. Comparison of AMFs for INJACC

Table 235. AADT Models Recommended for Use in IHSDM

Table 236. Full Models Recommended for Use in Crash Prediction

Table 237. All Models in the Reports of Relevance

Table 238. Models Validated

Table 239. Summary Statistics for Type I Sites by State

Table 240. Summary Statistics for Type II Sites by State

Table 241. Summary Statistics for Type III Sites by State: California (CA), Michigan (MI), and Georgia (GA)

Table 242. Summary Statistics for Type IV Sites by State: California (CA), Michigan (MI), and Georgia (GA)

Table 243. Summary Statistics for Type V Sites by State: California (CA), Michigan (MI), and Georgia (GA)


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