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Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations

A composite image of three photographs aligned vertically.  The top image is a photograph of a highway. One side of the highway is heavily congested. Traffic on the other side of the highway appears to be free-flowing.  The middle photograph shows three people meeting around a table looking at various day-planners and other documents on a table.  The lower photograph shows a woman sitting at a desk looking at three computer screens in a transportation management center or command center. The woman is wearing a uniform similar to those worn by law enforcement officers.View PDF Version Acrobat PDF icon (4.05 MB)

What Are Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations?

Coordinated freeway and arterial (CFA) operations are the implementation of policies, strategies, plans, procedures, and technologies that enable transportation practitioners to manage traffic on freeways and adjacent arterials as a single corridor, rather than as individual transportation facilities. The result of CFA operations is improved mobility and safety and reduced environmental impacts throughout the corridor.

Why Are Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Needed?

Separate entities with different missions, goals, and objectives have historically operated the surface transportation system. State governments manage and operate freeway facilities and major arterials, while city or county governments manage and operate secondary arterials, collectors, and local streets. In addition, first responder services typically have their own goals, objectives, and responsibilities, which may differ from those of other agencies.

A consequence of this complex arrangement is that transportation corridors may function from a single agency or facility-specific perspective, leading to less-than-optimal operations compared with corridors using a systemwide approach. Most travelers view transportation as a systemwide, seamless corridor.

Benefits of Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations

Many studies document the benefits of coordinating the operations of transportation systems. For example:

Although the benefits of CFA operations may be difficult to calculate, it is likely that in a corridor with thousands of commuters, a modest reduction in travel time may lead to significant quantitative and qualitative benefits, including:

"Agencies that shift from an agency perspective to a system perspective optimize not only the overall system but likely their own roadways as well."
Excerpt from the Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Handbook.

When Are Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Appropriate?

This photograph is an aerial shot of an exit ramp that connects one road to another. The exit ramp curves around, forming one quarter of what could be a cloverleaf interchange.

In the broadest sense, coordinated operations may be beneficial on any corridor that experiences recurring or nonrecurring congestion. In particular, CFA operations may improve travel in corridors experiencing motor vehicle collisions and incidents, construction and lane closures, special events, or recurring congestion. These sources of congestion lend themselves to four areas of opportunity to implement CFA operations:

Each cause of congestion noted above presents its own unique challenges when it comes to managing traffic operations. However, CFA operations strategies can be applied to help overcome the congestion. In addition, combining CFA operations strategies with traditional traffic engineering and management approaches will further optimize safety and throughput in the corridor.

This photograph shows a several cars traveling on a roadway. Two illuminated signs hang above the right and middle lanes. The sign over the right lane shows that cars in that lane can only make a right turn. The sign over the middle lane indicates that cars in that lane can make a right turn or continue traveling straight.What Is the Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Handbook?

The purpose of the Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Handbook (FHWA-HRT-06-095) is to provide direction, guidance, and recommendations on how transportation agencies can proactively and comprehensively coordinate freeway and arterial street operations. The first of its kind, this introductory handbook focuses on coordinating the operations of various types of facilities that typically are operated by separate organizations with separate missions. It also can assist with the advanced planning and management of travel on freeways and arterials with various kinds of congestion, such as high traffic volumes from special events or work zone-related lane closures. The handbook's audience is transportation professionals involved with legislation, policy, program funding, planning, design, project implementation, operations, or maintenance. The handbook is available on the Transportation Management Center (TMC) Pooled Fund Study Web site at

For More InformationThis photograph shows an illuminated dynamic message sign with the words, "Use Alternate Route" on it.

This project was funded under the TMC Pooled Fund Program. To find out more about the TMC Pooled Fund Study, visit or call the toll-free FHWA Operations Help Line at 866-367-7487.

Notice: This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the objective of the document.

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