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Changing statements from "you" to "I"

For each scene below, change the blaming “you” statement, into a feeling “I” statement.

Your teacher asks you to redo a report for the fifth time.

Instead of: “You’ll never be happy with anything I turn in!”

Try: “I feel ________ when you __________ because I’ve already tried my best.”

Your brother’s music is so loud that you can't study.

Instead of: “You only think about yourself!!!”

Try: “I feel _________ when you ________ because I can't do my homework. Please turn it down.”

You just found out that your friend told a secret.

Instead of: “You’re such a fink!”

Try: “I feel ________ when you ___________ because I wanted to keep that between you and me.”

You sit down to watch a movie with your boyfriend, but he turns on football, again.

Instead of: “You don’t even care about me!”

Try: “I feel __________ when you don’t ask me what I want to do.”

Content last updated June 26, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
