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    • The Science of Communications: Connecting Researchers & Practitioners -

      A Workshop for Risk & Crisis Communicators

      Monday, Feb. 23, 2009

      Bellevue, Washington
      Deadline extended to Jan. 28, 2009!
      Details Here

      2009 NAGC Communications School
      April 22-24, 2009
      Orlando, Florida

      More Upcoming Events

Supporters & Endorsements

Advanced Learning Institute Endorses NAGC and Its Communications School
The Advanced Learning Institute's mission is focused on helping executives build strong personal relationships, expand their business knowledge of cutting-edge trends, and find proven solutions to a wide-range of business problems. Their conferences bring together industry leaders and experts, from both the private and public sector, to share valuable experience and best practices on how to meet tomorrow's competitive challenges, and find new solutions for their industry problems. For more information about the Advanced Learning Institute, please visit ALI

FCNFederal Communicators Network Endorses NAGC and Its Communications School
"I can't say enough good things about NAGC. It's well known, it's well run, and it has perhaps the best awards programs around. Plus, its annual Communications School offers outstanding, up-to-date training at a reasonable cost and a chance to network with government's best communicators." - Pat Wood, Director of Communications for Treasury's Federal Consulting Group and Chair. Visit FCN

OVS Online Video Service Endorses NAGC and Its Communications School
"Online Video Service is proud to be associated with NAGC and highly recommends corporate sponsorships of its activities and exhibiting your products and services. In 2007, NAGC was the #1 source for us in connecting with high-level government and public affairs contacts. Additionally, the NAGC staff went out of their way to accommodate our needs, ensuring a successful investment.” - Josh Folk, Sales Director. Visit Online Video Service, Inc.

Joan Detz Endorses NAGC Communications School
“NAGC offers an outstanding Communications School. Whenever I recommend it, I can be confident the attendees will get a first-rate learning experience – and value that’s unsurpassed. The simple truth is: NAGC offers THE training for government communicators. No other government communications training comes close.” - Joan Detz is the author of How to Write & Give a Speech (“a how-to classic,” The Washington Post). Since 1992, she has offered speechwriting seminars for Basic, Advanced and Master levels. Her latest seminar is “The Business of Six-Figure Speechwriting: How To Succeed…on Staff or Freelance.” Visit Joan Detz Speechwriting/Coaching