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Subscription Sign-Up
Easy Sign-Up for Users

Signing up to receive updates is easy and can be completed in three simple steps. When website visitors come across a topic that interests them, they click on the "Email Update" link and enter their email address. First time subscribers are then presented with a list of all other subscription items available on your site. They select the updates they want to receive and hit "Submit." Subscribers receive email alerts with links to the website when the information they signed up for is updated. Subscribers can also opt to receive wireless alerts.

Three Easy Steps for GovDelivery Sign-up

1) Find a topic of interest and click on Email Updates link. In this case, it is Health Alerts from the Minnesota Department of Health.

2) Enter email address. Passwords are optional.


3) Select subscriptions. First-time subscribers are presented with all other available subscription options on the MDH site in one comprehensive list.

Info Sheets
"We were able to communicate with more citizens, more consistently than ever before. When we are dealing with something as serious as influenza, it is critical that we get information out in a timely manner so citizens can protect themselves - and the email alerts help us accomplish this."

John Stieger, Communications Director Minnesota Department of Health

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