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Case Study
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GovDelivery Email and Digital Subscription Management
County Client Case Study

Client: Somerset County, NJ (www.co.somerset.nj.us)
Somerset County, NJ, sought to advance the county's mission to be committed to excellence and innovation in public service by improving communication with citizens using email alerts to disseminate county information. GovDelivery® email Subscription Management met the county's need to communicate time-sensitive information to citizens quickly, efficiently, and in a cost-effective manner.

  1. Communicate proactively and cost-effectively with a large, diverse resident base using email.
  2. Allow for department-level administration of email subscription options while offering residents the ability to manage email subscriptions across the entire county government.
  3. Provide email subscription service without adding additional staff or equipment.
Somerset County selected GovDelivery, a web-based solution that monitors websites for content updates and automatically generates email alerts when changes are detected on designated webpages.

"GovDelivery was a hit for Somerset County from day one."
- Denise Coyle
  Freeholder Director, Somerset County

Since launching GovDelivery in December 2002 Somerset County has:
  • Sent more than 4 million emails to subscribers.
  • Enabled more than 25 administrators in different departments to oversee their own subscription groups.
  • Signed up more than 12,100 subscribers.
  • Incorporated specific subscription items including:
    • Emergency Information & Weather Alerts
    • Bidding Notices
    • Foreclosure Sales
    • Sheriff's 10 Most Wanted
    • What's New in Somerset County

GovDelivery, Inc. is the world's leading provider of government-to-citizen email and wireless communication solutions designed specifically for the public sector and is used by organizations worldwide, including the U.S. Departments of Labor, State, Agriculture, and Commerce, U.K. Parliament, Norwich City Council (U.K.), Washington D.C., California Department of Insurance, Oregon Department of Human Services, Macomb County (MI), City of St. Paul (MN), and many more.

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— 380 Jackson Street, Suite 550, Saint Paul, MN 55101 | (866) 276-5583 | info@govdelivery.com
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