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Engage. Cultivate. Connect.  -Proactive Citizen Communication
Delivery Engine
Every day, email deliverability becomes exponentially more challenging as the ever-growing amount of unsolicited mail continues to flood inboxes. ISPs, such as AOL, Yahoo!, and Hotmail, and company email servers are combating the onslaught of unwanted mail by developing increasingly sophisticated methods of weeding out the "good" mail from the "bad."

According to Jupiter Research, 25% of legitimate email never reaches their intended recipients, even though they've opted in to receive them.

GovDelivery stays at the forefront of deliverability issues to ensure emails land in inboxes and not in junk folders. In fact, 98% of emails sent through GovDelivery make it to recipients' inboxes, compared to an industry average of 88.5%.*

GovDelivery Deliverability Checklist

GovDelivery takes the following steps to ensure the highest deliverability rates for clients:
  • Maintain whitelist status with major ISPs.
    Major ISPs maintain whitelists, a list of all valid and accepted email addresses, which allows email to be delivered even if spam filters are in place. GovDelivery proactively engages with major ISPs to maintain whitelist status.
  • Monitor "block" lists.
    A "block" list is an explicit list of senders from whom ISPs will not accept email. Occasionally, legitimate email senders are placed on these lists by ISPs or third-party block listers. GovDelivery actively monitors these lists to ensure that it remains off them.
  • Maintain clean email lists.
    People change email addresses frequently, making it a certainty that today's clean email list will contain bad addresses by tomorrow. Most ISPs are very sophisticated about tracking failed delivery attempts and will block a sender if they send too many undeliverable emails. GovDelivery automatically validates email addresses with ISPs and proactively removes invalid email addresses from lists before sending.
  • Confirm permission.
    "Block" listers are imposing increasingly stricter permission standards for bulk email senders, including requiring senders to confirm permission to send to recipients. Permission to send to recipients is given when subscribers sign up to receive email updates. GovDelivery automatically sends confirmation emails to subscribers whenever a new profile is created or changes are made to an existing profile.
  • CertifiedEmail.
    CertifiedEmail is a class of legitimate, trusted email that is specifically marked as such. A blue ribbon envelope icon lets citizens know a message is real, from an actual government agency and is safe to open and act on. This unique solution directly addresses the rising problem of phishing and e-scams, marking messages as authentic and safe.
  • Adhere to federally mandated CAN-SPAM email compliance standards.
    Remaining on top of ever-changing anti-spam regulations is no easy task. GovDelivery dedicates significant resources to stay up-to-date on current email laws to ensure its clients are compliant.
  • Maintain ISP Test Inboxes.
    GovDelivery maintains email test accounts with all major ISPs to ensure that email sent on behalf of clients is landing in inboxes and not in junk or bulk email folders.
GovDelivery provides on-demand reports for clients to monitor deliverability rates.

*Source: GovDelivery deliverability reporting; ClickZ Network.

Info Sheets
"We were able to communicate with more citizens, more consistently than ever before. When we are dealing with something as serious as influenza, it is critical that we get information out in a timely manner so citizens can protect themselves - and the email alerts help us accomplish this."

John Stieger, Communications Director Minnesota Department of Health

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Copyright © 2008 GovDelivery, Inc. All rights reserved. | GovDelivery, the email and digital subscription management for government company.
— 380 Jackson Street, Suite 550, Saint Paul, MN 55101 | (866) 276-5583 | info@govdelivery.com
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