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Hydraulics & Hydrology Research

The hydraulics and hydrology research program at TFHRC has four coordinated parts.

The first part is contracted research conducted by universities, private research firms, and other government agencies. The FHWA contract research program on bridge scour was a high-priority research area during the 1990s.

The second part is research conducted as part of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). We provide liaison for NCHRP projects related to hydraulics and hydrology. There are approximately eight such NCHRP projects that are currently active.

The third part is the technical support and advice that we provide in support of the major State Planning and Research (SPR) studies.

Finally, our most visible part is the work done in the TFHRC Hydraulics Laboratory and by the lab staff. We conduct fundamental research, provide technical support of engineering circulars that are published by our FHWA partners, and provide technical engineering service to FHWA Division Offices and State departments of transportation (DOTs). The laboratory is staffed by contractors funded mostly by an FHWA administrative contract, but some of the work of the lab is on behalf of and paid by other government offices and State DOTs.

We maintain a research summary which gives an up-to-date status of the overall hydraulics and hydrology research program and lists the publications that have been developed over the years.

More Information.

Related Research.
TFHRC Hydraulics Laboratory

FHWA Hydraulics Research

Research Publications:
Hydraulics of Iowa DOT Slope- Tapered Pipe Culverts
FHWA-RD-01-077, June 2001

South Dakota Culvert Inlet Design Coefficients
FHWA-RD-01-076, June 2001

Focus Article
Scour Evaluations a Key Element in Improving Bridge Foundation Design
(February 2001)

Public Roads Magazine Articles
Hydraulics Testing of Wilson Bridge Designs
(March/April 2000)
by: J. Sterling Jones
The designs of the new Wilson Bridge on the National Capital Beltway are tested for scour effects.

Internal FHWA Partnership Leverages Technology & Innovation
(Jan/Feb 2001)
by Bob Bryant

R&T Transporter Articles
Researching Ways to Better Measure ScourGet the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
May 2001 (PDF file)

Bonner Bridge Testing Performed in the Hydraulics Laboratory
May 1996

FHWA Hydraulics Lab and Partners Perform Scour Evaluation for Woodrow Wilson Bridge
September 1999

New Editions of FHWA Primary References on Stream Stability, Scour, and Countermeasures DistributedGet the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
July 2001 (PDF file)

Scour Team Helps Avert Catastrophe
June 1997