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Exploratory Advanced Research

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FHWA Issues Request for Proposals: Deadline February 4, 2009

The Federal Highway Administration issued a broad agency announcement soliciting proposals that address a third round of identified Exploratory Advanced Research Program topics, including: Behavioral Sciences Approach to Testing, Validating and Establishing Best Practices for Alternative Highway Revenue Collection, Advanced Imaging Systems, Freeway Merge, Next Generation Vehicle Positioning, Driver Behavior In Traffic, Assessing the Potential of Automated Transit Services and Effective Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities on Urban Travel Patterns. [Read More]

FHWA Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR) Program awards a cooperative agreement to the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) at the Texas A&M University for work on next generation solutions to build, maintain and manage future highways.  The research is attempting a crosscutting and bold approach to address the issue of cracking in concrete pavements and structures. The research study proposes new concepts to prevent or reduce cracks, which are a major problem in portland cement concrete. If successful, the project can point the way to a new use of nano- to microscale inclusions in the concrete to enable it to relax a little under stress, thus reducing harmful cracking in concrete pavements. [Read more]

Highlighted Activities

National Research Council Research Associateship Program
The Federal Highway Administration welcomes postdoctoral and senior researchers to participate in investigating the next generation of solutions to build, maintain, and manage future highways; for system operations and congestion reduction; to provide pedestrian and driver safety; and to envisage supportive connections between societal and complex natural systems. The National Research Council through its Research Associateship Programs office conducts a national competition to recommend and make awards to outstanding scientists and engineers as guest researchers.

Dr. Ralf Arndt from the Technical University of Berlin is working on nondestructive evaluation techniques that could improve identification of existing bridges with hidden damage and prevent unexpected structure failures. [More]

Winter Simulation Conference, December 7-10, 2008
Learn about the latest autonomous vehicle technologies and how they might be integrated into vehicle-highway operations. [Read more]

Hydraulic Forum, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, August 2007
A collaborative effort to develop an Advanced Research Hydrologic/Hydrology Roadmap [Read more]

This page last modified on 12/22/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration