Privacy Policy
Personal Information
We collect NO personal information like names or addresses when you visit our website unless you choose to provide it to us. If you do choose to provide that information to us, it is only used for the purpose for which you gave it to us.
Information Collected and Stored Automatically
We do collect some technical information. For example, when you browse, read pages, or download information on the Board’s website, we automatically gather and store certain technical information about your visit. This information never identifies who you are. The information we collect and store about your visit is listed below:
- The Internet protocol (IP) address of the domain from which you access the internet (for example, "xcompany.com" if you use a private Internet access account) and IP address from which you access our website (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web);
- The type of browser (for example, Internet Explorer, Firefox) and operating system (Windows, Unix) used to access our site;
- The date and time you access our site;
- The pages you visit;
- The action that you perform (for example, download a document) and whether or not you were successful; and
- If you linked to the Board’s website from another website, the address of that website.
This information is used to help us make the site more useful for you. With this data we learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. We also use this data to optimize the site’s technical design specifications and/or identify system performance or problem areas. This information is used as a source of anonymous statistical data and is shared only when required for law enforcement purposes.
When you visit some websites, their web servers generate pieces of information known as cookies. A cookie is an entry placed in a file on your hard drive by a website that allows it to monitor your use of the website, usually without your knowledge. Some cookies collect personal information to recognize your computer in the future. The Board’s website does not use persistent "cookies" or tracking mechanisms that collect personally identifiable information. We only use non-persistent cookies or “per-session cookies.” Per-session cookies serve technical purposes like providing seamless navigation through the Board’s website. These cookies do not permanently record data and they are not stored on your computer's hard drive. The Board’s website cookies are stored in memory and are only available during an active browser session. These cookies do not collect personal information on users and they are erased as soon as you leave our website.
If You Send Us Personal Information
You may decide to send the Board information, including personally identifiable information. The information you supply--whether through a secure Web form, a standard Web form, or by sending an electronic mail message--is maintained by the Board for the purpose of processing your request or inquiry. The Board also uses the information you supply in other ways to further the Board's mission of maintaining stability and public confidence in the nation's banking system. The Board’s website never collects information or creates individual profiles for commercial marketing.
Various employees of the Board may see the information you submit in the course of their official duties. The information may also be shared by the Board with third parties to advance the purpose for which you provide the information, including other federal or state government agencies. For example, if you file a complaint about a financial institution, it may be sent to a financial institution for action, or information may be supplied to the Department of Justice in the event it appears that federal criminal statutes have been violated by an entity you are reporting to the Board. The primary use of personally identifiable information will be to enable the government to contact you in the event we have questions regarding the information you have reported.
Under certain circumstances, the Board may be required by law to disclose information you submit, for example, to respond to a Congressional inquiry or subpoena.
If you register with a Board online mailing list, the information you provide may also be used to send you Board communiqués or notify you about updates to our website.
When you choose to send e-mail to the Board you are consenting to the Board using the information provided therein, including personally identifiable information, in accordance with this notice.
The Board’s website is part of a Federal computer system used to accomplish Federal functions. Computer software programs as well as other surveillance methods are used to monitor network traffic on the Board’s website for security purposes. By accessing this website, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities.
- For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs commercial software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
- Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration guidelines.
- Unauthorized attempts to defeat or circumvent security features; to use the system for other than intended purposes; to deny service to authorized users; to access, obtain, alter, damage, or destroy information; or to otherwise interfere with the system or its operation are strictly prohibited. Evidence of such acts may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities and may result in criminal prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996, as codified at Section 1030 of Title 18 of the United States Code, or other applicable criminal laws.
How to Contact Us about the Website
If you have a question about the way your information is used in connection with this website or about the Board's privacy policy and information practices, you may send an online Privacy Policy Comment or send a letter to Privacy Comments, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Mail Stop 804, Washington, DC 20551.
The Board's Chief Privacy Officer is responsible for ensuring the Board's implementation of information privacy protections, including the Board's full compliance with federal laws, regulations, and policies relating to information privacy, such as the Privacy Act, that might arise in the administration of this policy.
Privacy Impact Assessments
The Board complies with the E-Government Act of 2002. The Act requires an agency to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) when developing or buying an information technology system that contains personal information about members of the public. PIAs serve to ensure that privacy protections are addressed throughout the development, design, and deployment of a system by providing an analysis of how personally identifiable information is collected, used, disseminated, and maintained. The following is a list of PIAs published by the Board:
Automated Loan Examination Review Tool (42 KB PDF)
CHAT Suite of Analysis Tools (40 KB PDF)
Consumer Complaint and Inquiry Systems (28 KB PDF)
Electronic Applications System (34 KB PDF)
Electronic Governors' Systems (38 KB PDF)
Federal Reserve Application Name Check System (30 KB PDF)
Office of Inspector General Information Technology Infrastructure Systems (29 KB PDF)
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Program (36 KB PDF)
Supervisory Enforcement Actions and Special Examinations Tracking System (32 KB PDF)