Pet Fish

Research freshwater, saltwater and tropical fish and learn about their respective habitats. Discover tips and techniques for breeding betta fish or cleaning a goldfish bowl. Feel like a fish out of water trying to set up an outdoor fish pond? Don’t know how to keep an aquarium or fish tank sparkling clean? Get eHow’s step-by-step instructions on everything from stocking and maintaining a koi pond to ridding your aquarium of algae.

Categories in Pet Fish

Articles in Pet Fish

By nservice 2 comments
New tank syndrome is the term used to describe what happens when you first start up a fish tank. The most people do when setting up their tanks is to make sure the water is decholorinated and at the right temperature, then the make the mistake of ... more »
By wcs40110 3 comments
Catfish are sort of the underdogs of the tank. The are often treated as the bottom feeders getting little to no attention. Some though, appreciate their beauty and will take on the task of tempting to breed these wonderful fish. Here, I will go ... more »
By Kelso 2 comments
So you want to breed betta fish. Maybe you're doing it for a hobby. Maybe you're doing it for the money. Maybe you're even breeding them to enter the prize fry in betta shows. Whatever the case, you're at the right place. Here is an in-depth ... more »
By prettyevil 1 comments
Guppies are beautiful. Males with their long, full tails(or pointed depending on the variation), and the myriad of colors, speckles, stripes and other patterns you can produce make for one of the most diverse fish I have ever seen. Not even male ... more »
By waiting4rain 0 comments
In many colder climates, if you have a shallow outdoor pond (less than 3' deep) you will probably need to bring your gold fish inside for the winter. Goldfish can tolerate a little cold so you can usually wait until after the first hard frost... more »
By sumantk 2 comments
Maintaining an aquarium is favorite hobby of many people. A clean and well maintained aquarium doesn’t only refresh the interiors of your room but it also act as a great stress buster. Building an aquarium is a combination of arts and science. ... more »
By -BCass 2 comments
In June 2007, I began a backyard water garden pond project. I started with some online research and determined where I would put the pond and what I needed to buy and do to complete it. Now, a year later, we really love our pond! This year we ... more »
By Lindaperry 2 comments
Buying a fish? Read this first before you go into the pet shop. Check every section of this article including the tips and warnings... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 0 comments
Many people like to add fish to their water gardens for interest and beauty. Buying water garden fish doesn't have to be complicated, but you do want to do your research about putting fish into a water garden and buy healthy fish. With careful ... more »
By RA Cologna 10 comments
Tomato frogs are a rare and beautiful specimen of amphibians that have fallen prey to the international pet trade. They originate in rainforests of Madagascar and are sold to pet stores in the U.S., where they are often in poor health. Although ... more »
By Kathymcbain 2 comments
There is nothing that adds a tropical element to a water garden quite like the sight of colorful Koi swimming around the pond. Here are some tips to help you buy and care for Koi fish... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 4 comments
Guppies have become popular aquarium fish all over the world. If you've only seen the pale green versions of this fish, you may be surprised to learn that there are many diversely colorful versions of the species, which is why so many aquarium ... more »
By Gardengates 2 comments
When you go away for a holiday, vacation or work you will want to make sure your pets are well cared for. There are a number of options you can choose... more »
By brantsbabe 5 comments
You know you want a pet, but that's about all you know. Dog? Cat? Rabbit? Large? Small? There are so many questions to answer when choosing the right pet. Let's sort through some of them and get you started down the right path of pet ownership... more »
By rumblebug 8 comments
If you are about to take the plunge and invest in a new pet, a fish tank is a great opportunity to take care of animals with relatively low commitment. Making sure you know exactly what you want from the start will ensure that you and your fish ... more »
By ibloomdrop 1 comments
If your family is thinking about getting a new pet, there are many things to consider to help you figure out which type, size, and nature of pet is the best addition to your household... more »
By dolimitless 0 comments
Fish aquariums create a lively atmosphere in the house. They make us smile without even complaining that whether we are doing something for them or not. The only effort we can do for them is to keep their aquarium clean. Read these guidelines on ... more »
By shesaidthat 1 comments
Fish tanks are a beautiful addition to any home because of the grace and peacefulness it brings. However, the clear crisp waters don't stay that way forever and eventually, your tank will have to be cleaned. If you follow these steps regularly, ... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 0 comments
The fish are in the tank and the power filter is doing the cleaning. Remember in a month the filter requires cleaning too. A power filter in the aquarium doesn't mean it's maintenance free. The power filter ensures the water is algae free. ... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 0 comments
Saltwater and freshwater aquariums have to undergo cleaning regularly to keep fish healthy. The frequency of cleaning depends on the number and type of fish in the aquarium and the size of the aquarium. You should clean the tank at least once per ... more »
By rumblebug 3 comments
Cleaning your fish tank gravel is a crucial part of keeping your fish happy and healthy. Sometimes by trying to get things too clean you can actually harm your fish. Cleaning your fish tank gravel should be performed once every 10-14 days... more »
By Aimee30 0 comments
This is an article for those of you who likely are tired of cleaning the tank for your goldfish. (If you have tropical, you only end up doing partial water changes most of the time). Be aware that cleaning must still be done, however... more »
By RA Cologna 2 comments
Frogs require humid habitats, so their vivarium bedding and substrate will need frequent changing to prevent mold. Most frog caretakers will change their frogs vivarium bedding every 2-3 weeks, which is ideal. Learn how easy it is with this ... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 0 comments
Fish and lizards are very popular pets. Most of the time people either choose to have fish or they choose to have a lizard. However, it is possible to have both fish and lizards living in the same aquarium... more »
By eHow Pets Editor 0 comments
Aquariums are a form of relaxation and therapy that have the potential to be costly depending upon the type of equipment and fish you include. However, using a homemade undergravel filter cuts cost and produces beneficial bacteria for the fish tank... more »