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September 22, 2008


Response to RFP Questions

Please note that these responses are not all inclusive of all questions received on the RFP. Please continually refer to Department of Energy Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) or the OST Support Service Acquisition website for responses.

Standard Form 30:

In Item 11. the box "is extended", was checked in error. The due date remains at 4:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time on October 8, 2008. At this time there is NO extension.

Section J:

Question:  " Among other requirements, the PWS states that instructors supporting OST training events must have DOE certifications for the Basic Instructor Course (BIT), the DOE Firearms Instructor Course (FIC), and controller/evaluator experience in Force on Force (FOF).

a. Is NNSA/OST willing to consider evaluating individual instructor backgrounds for BIT measurable equivalencies?

Response: No

b. Is NNSA/OST willing to consider evaluating individual instructor backgrounds for FIC measurable equivalencies?

Response: No

c. The only 2008 DOE National Training Center course pertaining to the controller/ evaluator experience in Force on Force (FOF) using ESS is scheduled for October 20-24, prior to likely contract award. The next course occurs in May 2009. Is NNSA/OST able/willing to add an LFR-301 course to the remaining 2008 DOE National Training Center calendar so that a potential bid winner with any currently uncertified ESS FOF trainers may meet this requirement?"

Response: OST federal staff will provide appropriate controller/evaluator Force on Force training to the successful bidder prior to next Force on Force training event.

Question:  "The Operational Readiness Training (ORT) block is clearly spelled out as 70 agents per training at an approximate five (5) days each; however the PWS is not as clear about the remaining types of training. Will NNSA/OST kindly provide a total estimate or actual numbers of agents that will be trained in each phase of the training listed below? Will NNSA/OST additionally provide an estimated frequency of each type of training event, as similarly provided about the ORT training? If NNSA/OST only has information about units, please provide an estimate of the number of agents belonging to a unit. This information is vital to the preparation of cost figures.


a. Joint Testing Exercises (JTX)  (The number of students at JTX is variable.  One time per year of two week duration)
b. Agent Candidate Training (ACT) (Maximum of 40 students, twice a year).
c. Special Response Force (SRF) (Maximum of 28 students per SRF Basic and Advanced Training classes and see Attachment L-12)
d. Vehicle-Mounted Crew Served Weapons Requirement has changed.  (See PWS paragraph 6.1, under Unit Training for frequency and duration.  Note, Unit Training is not part of the RFP Task Orders.)
e. Unit training: Medium and Long Range Precision Rifle Training."

(See PWS paragraph 6.1, under Unit Training for frequency and duration.  Note, Unit Training is not part of the RFP Task Orders.)

Number of Agents per unit:  approximately 70.  No further breakdown will be provided.

Question:  "6.1 Performance Objective. After reviewing the list of core topic areas and the OST Lesson Plan Master Listing we would like to know if NNSA/OST could kindly clarify the details of training needed for each core topical area listed in this section? As examples, the answers to the following questions would be helpful to vendors in identifying Level of Effort.

a. Surveillance - What type of surveillance training is needed (offensive/defensive; individual/team; technical/non-technical)?

b. Intelligence - What type of intelligence training is needed (general intelligence functions vs. intelligence and its support to operations)?

c. Counterintelligence - What type of counterintelligence training is needed (deter, detect, neutralize intelligence collection efforts)?

d. Law enforcement - What type of Law Enforcement training needed (what is the legal authority the agents have)?

e. Firearms training - Parallel certification?

f. Basic Instructor certification - Parallel certification?"

Response:  The Offeror is required to provide their proposed technical approach for accomplishing the RFP Task Orders.  

Section L:

Question:  RFP L002 Proposal Preparation Instructions: Volume 1 -Offer and Other Documents(a) General In this section, the Cross Reference Matrix is listed as Item (4) on the list of documentation to be provided in Volume I. The order of material to be included is inconsistent with the instruction at RFP L001(a) General Instructions (12) Cross Reference Matrix which states " The Cross Reference Matrix shall be inserted in the Offeror's proposal immediately following the Table of Contents for Volume I."
Question: Please clarify which instruction to follow."

Response:  Follow L002 (a).  L001(a)(12) will be modified via an amendment to the RFP to delete the last sentence.

Question:  "RFP Part IV, Section L002 (b)(1) requires offerors to “fully complete Part 1, Section B paragraphs pertaining to price.” If it is expected that we fill out Part I, B001 there does not seem to be a form or place in that section to fill in a price. What is NNSA’s intention as to how we provide that information?"

Response:  L002 (b)(1) will be modified via RFP amendment to delete the last sentence.

Question: "Part IV, Section L002 (b)(4)(vii) requires Offeror and teaming partners to submit signed original SF 328’s. If Offeror has approved DOE FOCI and teaming partners have DOD CAGE code letters, can these approval letters be submitted in lieu of SF 328’s?" 

Response:  Per DEAR 952.204-73"Offerors who have either a Department of Defense or a Department of Energy Facility Clearance generally need not resubmit the following foreign ownership information unless specifically requested to do so.  Instead, provide your DOE Facility Clearance code or your DOD assigned commercial and government entity (CAGE) code.  If uncertain, consult the office which issued this solicitation."  

Information (for each Offeror and each teaming partner or subcontractor) including the DOE Facility Clearance code or your DOD assigned commercial and government entity (CAGE) code that verify a positive facility clearance determination exists with DOE or DOD is acceptable in lieu of SF 328s.

Question: Section L003 – Under key personnel minimum requirements, would a technical degree (such as in engineering, chemistry, etc) for the Training Manager be positively evaluated?

Response: Reference: L003 (b)(2), sets forth the Key Personnel minimum requirements for the Training Program Manger and M003 (a)(2), sets forth the evaluation criteria for Key Personnel.

Question: Section L003 – Under minimum requirements for Training Program Manager, please define what the Government considers a degree in “the behavioral sciences”?

Response: For the purpose of this solicitation, the government’s definition of behavioral sciences are those degrees that relate to Psychology, Sociology, and Occupational Behavior.

Question: Section L003 – Under minimum requirements for Program Manager, can management experience and an advanced degree be substituted for a degree in management for the Program Manager position?

Response: No, reference L003 (b)(2), sets forth the Key Personnel minimum requirements for the Program Manger and M003 (a)(2), sets forth the evaluation criteria for Key Personnel.

Question: Section L003 – Under minimum requirements for Program Manager and Logistics Program Manager, please define what the Government considers a degree in a “management-related discipline”

Response: Examples of a “management-related discipline” may include: accounting, business, finance, law, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, organization and project/program management.

Question:  "In Section L003, para. (b)(2), for the Training Program Manager position, the educational requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Education or in Behavioral Science. Will the government consider accepting a candidate who possess a Bachelor’s degree in another area of study such as BS in Business Administration, if that individual has exceptional experience in Directing and Managing government or military training programs?"

Response: L003 (b)(2), will be modified to include Business Administration for the Training Manager. 

Question:  "For the Training Program Manager position, the educational requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Education, or in Behavioral Science. Will the government consider accepting a candidate who has a Bachelor’s degree in another area of study such as a BS in Business Administration, if that individual has exceptional experience in Directing and Managing government or military training programs?"

Response: L003 (b)(2), will be modified to include Business Administration for the Training Manager.

Question:  In the questions and answers dated 6/9/08, you state that "both prime and subcontractor(s) will be required to submit FOCI information in accordance with DEAR 952.204-73," Facility Clearance", using the DOE FOCI electronic submission system located at  This electronic submission will be required as part of the proposal."

However, the Web site ( says that, for companies that already have a FOCI determination, the FOCI Electronic Submission Site should be used to "complete the electronic forms for your five-year update or to report any significant changes." Our company already has a current FOCI determination and does not need to report any significant changes. 

If we already have received a favorable FOCI determination, do we need to input information into the FOCI Web site, per the RFP?

Response:  Per DEAR 952.204-73 "Offerors who have either a Department of Defense or a Department of Energy Facility Clearance generally need not resubmit the following foreign ownership information unless specifically requested to do so. Instead, provide your DOE Facility Clearance code or your DOD assigned commercial and government entity (CAGE) code. If uncertain, consult the office which issued this solicitation."  

A resubmission of the FOCI package is not required if a positive determination for a Department of Defense or a Department of Energy Facility Clearance has been obtained by a company within the past five years.  However, companies are required to submit Significant Changes Package, if applicable, and Annual Certifications per the instructions in the e-FOCI guide available on the FOCI website.   L024 will be modified via amendment to the RFP.  

Question:  "In Attachment L-10, Task Order Performance Work Statement 3, Scenarios 2 and 3, it says: “NNSA Aviation will be utilized to fly CTUP drivers to…” Question: Will the contractor drivers be required to travel at their own expense or company’s expense to the airport where the NNSA airplanes land?"

Response:  No, when CTUP personnel are in Mission status they will not pay for their travel since they will receive per diem for travel.

Question: "In Attachment L-10, Task Order Performance Work Statement 3, Scenarios 2 and 3, it says: … CTUP will then drive four tractor/trailers and eleven escort vehicles 34 hours to the Nevada Test Site” Question – are the 34 hours of driving continuous, with only short breaks for fuel and rest stops, or are they to take place over a period of two days, with overnight lodging? If the trip takes place over two days, who will provide security for the trucks and escort vehicles?."

Response:  The Contractor CTUP personnel will drive continuously until they reach their destination. They will stop for fuel and food at various places within the 34 hours.


Questions:  Will it be possible to obtain copies of evaluation criteria, and scenarios (sanitized as necessary) that have been used in the past for the ORTs?

Response:  No.  No previous evaluation criteria exist for ORTs.  Scenarios are for Official use Only and may be classified.


a.  Will the government be posting copies of the task orders issued under the current contract?

Response: Not at this time.
b.  If not, can the government post a list of TO's, brief description, and values of each?
DE-AT52-03NA99020 - Training & Support Services – Value $66,332,461.10
DE-AT52-04NA99022 - Contractor Utilization Training Program – Value $15,089,937.86
DE-AT52-04NA25204 - Mission related work in support of the Air Force - Value $628,638.21
DE-AT52-04NA25205 - Mission related work in support of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Value $4,902,811.83
DE-AD52-04NA25571 - Mission related work in support of the US Marshalls – Value $33,316.89
DE-AD52-04NA25572 - Information Technology System Support – Value $1,654,900.79
DE-AT52-04NA25573 - Mission related work in support of the r Department of State – Value $379,312.92
DE-AT52-08NA28826 - Mission Related work in support of the Air Force – Value $17,564.00

Question:  "NNSA/OST has already responded to a vendor question about potential direct charges of Contractor employee training with written advance approval (H099 (b)). As a follow-up to this topic, will NNSA/OST provide costs associated with the DOE training courses listed under Task Area 6.1? Those DOE certifications are provided here for reference:
a. Basic Instructor Course (BIT)
b. DOE Firearms Instructor Course (FIC)
c. Force on Force (FOF) using ESS
d. Special Response Force Basic Course (SRFB) 

e. Special Response Team Instructor Course (SRTIC)
f. OST Controller Training"

Response:  These courses are either offered at the National Training Center (NTC) in Albuquerque, NM, at no cost to DOE employees and DOE contractors, or conducted by site-certified federal instructors for OST at no cost to the DOE training support service contractor.  See NTC web site: for course offerings and schedules.  Note some of the available dates as follows:

a. Basic Instructor Course (BIT)- currently site-certified and taught by OST federal employees and offered by NTC course MIT 111 (BIT) offered in Jan 09
b. DOE Firearms Instructor Course (FIC) – NTC course PFT 401 (Firearms Instructor Certification) offered in April 09
c. Force on Force (FOF) using ESS – See NTC courses PFT-370 (Opposition Force) offered in Feb 09 & PFT-460 (Tactical Leadership) offered in Apr 09
d. Special Response Force Basic Course (SRFB) – See NTC course TRF-100 (Tactical Response Force 1) offered in Jun 09 and TRF-200 (Tactical Response Force 2) offered in Mar 09

e. Special Response Team Instructor Course (SRTIC) – under development at NTC and will be TRF-21C
f. OST Controller Training" – Course material will be provided by NTC to OST and delivered/conducted by federal instructors

Question:  " Among other requirements, the PWS states that instructors supporting OST training events must have DOE certifications for the Basic Instructor Course (BIT), the DOE Firearms Instructor Course (FIC), and controller/evaluator experience in Force on Force (FOF).

a. Is NNSA/OST willing to consider evaluating individual instructor backgrounds for BIT measurable equivalencies?

Response: No

b. Is NNSA/OST willing to consider evaluating individual instructor backgrounds for FIC measurable


Response: No

c. The only 2008 DOE National Training Center course pertaining to the controller/ evaluator experience in Force on Force (FOF) using ESS is scheduled for October 20-24, prior to likely contract award. The next course occurs in May 2009. Is NNSA/OST able/willing to add an LFR-301 course to the remaining 2008 DOE National Training Center calendar so that a potential bid winner with any currently uncertified ESS FOF trainers may meet this requirement?"

Response: OST federal staff will provide appropriate controller/evaluator Force on Force training to the successful bidder prior to next Force on Force training event.

Question:  "Specific types of training programs. The PWS states that Joint Testing Exercise (JTX) scenarios will be developed by the government for training in Nevada. Will NNSA/OST kindly provide historical information as to the frequency, duration, topics, and numbers of JTX trainees over the previous 12 months? How many agent trainees attended each JTX training event within the previous 12 months?"

Response:  JTX  is a validation of the organizational protection system.  It is an annual requirement as identified in DOE Order .  Scenarios associated with these tests are classified.  Normally, these are two-week events.  Support would be similar to two weeks of ORT.  Note, the JTX portion of the training in the PWS is not part of the Task Orders included in the RFP.

Question:  "Is NNSA/OST able/willing to add applicable courses to the remaining 2008 DOE National Training Center calendar so that a potential bid winner with any currently uncertified instructors may meet qualifications?"

Response:  OST will make courses needed to comply with instructor requirements available at NTC or at Federal Agent Sites for the successful offeror to the maximum extent possible.  The contractor would be responsible to coordinate with the NTC to apply for classes. 

Question:  "Will the winning bidder have access to the current training manuals, regulations, policies, existing curricula, etc., that may serve as a point of reference from upon which to grow and advance the training program(s)?"

Response:  Yes.


September 17, 2008
Response to RFP Questions

Section H:

Question:  "Provision H007(b)(2), (3) and (4), page 14 of 39. OST training and trucking operations routinely require mission-dictated, non-exempt travel outside Monday-Friday normal duty hours. In many instances such travel requires overtime, and implementation of H007 could violate the requirements of the Service Contract Act (SCA) - FAR 52.222-41.  Are we correct in assuming that these provisions apply only to exempt employees?  If not, will the contractor be relieved of SCA rules regarding overtime calculation and payment of overtime premiums in order to comply with H007?"

Response:  We believe you are referring to H010 vs H007.  H010 will be modified to read as follows via an amendment to the RFP:

  1. The Government observes the following days as national holidays:
    1. New Year's Day
    2. Martin Luther King Day
    3. President's Day
    4. Memorial Day
    5. Independence Day
    6. Labor Day
    7. Columbus Day
    8. Veteran's Day
    9. Thanksgiving Day
    10. Christmas Day
  2. The Contractor shall not exceed the total number of holidays identified in paragraph (a) above.  Contractor personnel shall comply with their own company's personnel policy and procedures regarding the administration of holidays.
  3. Additionally, the Government will observe any other day designated by Federal statute, Executive Order, or Presidential proclamation.
  4. The Contractor agrees to continue to provide sufficient personnel to perform critical tasks already in operation or scheduled and shall be guided by the instructions issued by the Contracting Officer.

Question:  "Provision H007(b)(4)(i)-(iv), page 14 of 39. Are we correct in assuming that these costs (if reasonable, allowable and allocable) are payable under the contact?”"

Response:  We believe you are referring to H010 vs H007.  H010 will be modified to read as follows via an amendment to the RFP:


  1. The Government observes the following days as national holidays:
    1. New Year's Day
    2. Martin Luther King Day
    3. President's Day
    4. Memorial Day
    5. Independence Day
    6. Labor Day
    7. Columbus Day
    8. Veteran's Day
    9. Thanksgiving Day
    10. Christmas Day
  2. The Contractor shall not exceed the total number of holidays identified in paragraph (a) above.  Contractor personnel shall comply with their own company's personnel policy and procedures regarding the administration of holidays.
  3. Additionally, the Government will observe any other day designated by Federal statute, Executive Order, or Presidential proclamation.
  4. The Contractor agrees to continue to provide sufficient personnel to perform critical tasks already in operation or scheduled and shall be guided by the instructions issued by the Contracting Officer.

Question:  "Provision H014(a), last sentence, page 15 of 39: “The DOE will not reimburse the Contractor for the costs of preparing Task Order proposals as a direct cost under this contract”. This provision appears to require a small business to forego allowable costs, or could violate cost accounting principles which dictate that effort directed by the Government solely to support a specific contract (i.e., task order proposals) be charged directly to that contract. Will the Government issue a separate task order to pay for task order preparation? If not, will the Government consider (1) allowing recovery of these costs under other authorized task orders, or (2) authorizing a cost accounting deviation that will allow recovery of these costs in the contractor’s corporate G&A that is charged to all Federal contracts, customers and agencies?"

Response:  The following sentence will be removed via an amendment to the RFP, “The DOE will not reimburse the Contractor for the costs of preparing Task Order proposals as a direct cost under this contract”.

Question:  Section H016 lists key personnel as the Program Manager, Logistics Program Manager, and Training Program Manager.  Will the Government accept additional key personnel proposed by the contractor in addition to these three positions?

Response:  Per H016 the Government will only consider the three positions identified as Key Personnel.

Question:  "H052 Relocation Costs, page 22 of 39. Is relocation allowed for personnel already on the contract if they are being reassigned?"

Response:  Given that the contract has not been awarded, H052 is clear regarding the reimbursement of relocation costs to relocate personnel for initial assignment.  Relocation costs must be provided to the Contracting Officer for review and approval prior to cost being incurred.

Question:  "H099 (b), page 22 of 39:

  1. Does this apply to the annual certification of armorers, firearms instructors, drivers, etc?
    Response:  Yes, however, Section (b) of H099 will be modified to read as follows via an amendment to the RFP:
  2. "Training for Contractor employees in order to qualify the employee for work to be performed shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and not be a direct charge against the contract.  However, the Government with written advance approval may make exceptions, if the Contracting Officer determines such approval is in the best interest of the Government."
  3. Also, if the “qualification” requirement changes because of new missions or equipment, would this fall under direct payment “in the best interest of government”? For example, Section 5.2.8 Simulator System Training in the PWS states: “During the course of the contract, NNSA/OST will identify and procure simulator training systems. The contractor shall assure that instructors acquire necessary skills to support current and future simulators.
    Response:  Yes.

Section J:

Question:  In Part III, Section J, Attachment 1, the PWS, paragraph states “Instructors must pass DOE Basic Instructor Course (BIT) prior to conducting or participating in an OST training activity.”

  1. Is there another government agency/department equivalent of the BIT course or commercial equivalent that is honored?
    Response:  No.  BIT training is a DOE Order requirement.  There is no reciprocity with other agencies.
  2. If there is no government or commercial equivalent of the DOE BIT course, and an offeror has highly qualified instructors who have not completed the DOE BIT course, will the government consider giving the offeror the opportunity to attend the course during the transition period?
    Response:  Yes, the course will be offered at the National Training Center in Albuquerque, NM, January 5 - 9, 2009.
  3. How long is the BIT course?
    Response:  One week

Question:  Attachment J-4 (Task Order Cost Proposal Instructions and Spreadsheet Format) is included with the RFP; however, there is no requirement in the RFP to use this schedule as part of the cost proposal.

  1. Should this form be submitted as part of the Cost Proposal?
    Response:  No, Attachment J-4 is intended for future Task Order Cost Proposals during the administration of this contract (Reference H014 (c)).  In responding to this solicitation Offerors are expected to use the instructions contained in Section L of the RFP.
  2. If so, what is it used for, as it appears to be essentially the same as Attachment L-7?
    Response:  See above.
  3. Should Attachment J-4 be used to summarize all three Task Orders?
    Response:  No

Question: Please clarify why are there three Contractor Fiscal Years on Attachment J-4 Table 1?

Response:  Attachment J-4 is intended for future Task Order Cost Proposals during the administration of this contract (Reference H014 (c)).  During administration of the contract, no single Task Order is anticipated to span more than three contractor Fiscal Years.  In responding to this solicitation, Offerors are expected to use the instructions contained in Section L of the RFP.

Question:  In Part III, Section J, Attachment 4, Table 4 labeled Materials Equipment/ODC, does offeror need to identify all equipment and materials required to conduct Task Orders 1, 2 and 3 or does offeror only need to identify contractor provided ODCs?

Response:  Section J, Attachment 4, Table 4 is intended for future Task Order Cost Proposals during the administration of this contract (Reference H014 (c)).  In responding to this solicitation, Offerors are expected to use the instructions contained in Section L of the RFP.  Use Attachment L-7.  Offerors should assume that equipment and materials for the Task Orders will be provided by the Government.  Contractor provided ODCs should be identified.  Attachment L-7 will be modified to include Table 4 for ODCs via RFP amendment.

Question:  "This document references, "NM Motor Vehicle Division, Public Regulation Commission, Federal Motor Safety Regulations Parts 40, 325, 355 through 399". Could you provide more information on what this is referencing? Is it just the "Federal Motor Safety Regulations Parts 40, 325, 355 through 399" or is it referring to a document specific to the state of NM?"

Response:  Part III, Section J, Attachment 3, “Applicable Documents” will be revised via RFP amendment.

Question:  "The link to 7.00.08, Safety Hazard/Concern Reporting Program at is broken. Please provide the document."

Response:  Website will be updated with repaired link.

Question:  "In the Reading Room, the document “7.00.08, Safety Hazard/Concern Reporting Program (pdf., 871KB)” does not have a working link. Can one be provided?"

Response:  Website will be updated with repaired link.

Question:  "“Reporting Requirement Plans” (Attachment J-2). Where do we put these required plans?:

Are any of these plans to be included in the page count? Will these plans be evaluated? Also, do you wish a copy of each of these in each appropriate volume or just one copy for the entire proposal submittal (reporting requirements in Attachment J-2 are shown as one copy and submission electronically for above; and for the WSHP it is shown as only being submitted electronically)?"

Response:  Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, “Reporting Requirement”, will be revised via RFP amendment.

Question: RFP, Part III, Section J, Attachment 2 and RFP Section L RFP Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, the Frequency column states that a Transition Plan be submitted with the proposal. However, a Transition Plan is not included in the proposal deliverable requirements in Section L. Question: Is a Transition Plan required to be submitted in the proposal? If so, where should the Transition Plan be within the proposal volumes and criterion?"

Response:  Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, “Reporting Requirements Checklist”, will be revised via RFP amendment. 

Question:  "In the Reporting Requirements Checklist, page 2, under the "Frequency" column, there are 4 items that are required to be submitted our our proposal, including the Transition Plan, Management Plan, Labor Plan/Staffing Plan/Organizational Structure, and the Cost Plan. The Checklist does not state that the Quality Assurance Plan needs to be submitted with our proposal, even though it is included in the Task Order 11 of the SOW (page 19), which must be addressed in our proposal response. Does the Quality Assurance Plan indeed need to be included as part of our proposal response?"

Response:  No, the Quality Assurance Plan will be required once after award and as required in Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, “Reporting Requirements Checklist”.

Question:  "RFP, Part III, Section J, Attachment 2 and RFP Section L RFP Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, the Frequency column states that a Management Plan be submitted with the proposal. However, a Management Plan is not included in the proposal deliverable requirements in Section L. Question: Is a Management Plan required to be submitted in the proposal? If so, where should the Management Plan be submitted within the proposal volumes and criterion?"

Response:  Part III, Section J, Attachment 2, “Reporting Requirements Checklist”, will be revised via RFP amendment. 

Question:  "Reference: “The contractor… Regulations Part 386. Varying levels of insurance are required based on specific commodity transportation provided. (The contractor may be tasked to transport escort vehicles, Safeguard Transporters (SGT), and Tractors.)”

a.  Since the contractor will be transporting Government Equipment and GSA vehicles, what insurance provisions will apply?
Response:  Reference H004 “Standard Insurance Requirements” paragraph (c), FAR 52.245-1 “Government Property” paragraph (h), and Part III, Section J Attachment 3, “Applicable Documents”, 49 CFR “DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations” Part 387.

b.  Transporters are required to maintain insurance to cover general liability, personal injury, etc. Will the OST contractor be required to maintain additional insurance to cover Gov’t property?"
Response:  Reference H004 “Standard Insurance Requirements” paragraph (c), FAR 52.245-1 “Government Property” paragraph (h), and Part III, Section J Attachment 3, “Applicable Documents”, 49 CFR “DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations” Part 387.

Question:  In the solicitation Part III, Section J, Attachment 1, Performance Work Statement (PWS) Office of Secure Transportation Support Services, subparagraph 5.2.1, the requirement listed is to support Twenty (20) weeks of Agent Candidate Training (ACT) two (2) times per year.  Will the contract instructors be required to serve in a Full Time capacity and remain on site during periods that no Academy course is in session?

Response:   The Offeror is required to provide their technical approach for accomplishing the Task Orders.

Question:  PWS 5.1 Types of Services states “The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, and supervision, (except as specified in the attachment as government-furnished property), necessary to support OST in Task Areas identified in paragraph 6.0.”  The list of Government Furnished Equipment found in Attachment J-5 only addresses sensitive items such as weapons, radios, classified items, ammunition and law enforcement sensitive items.  In order for the offeror to estimate other direct costs, we request additional information on what the government will provide.

  1. Range facilities with targets, barricades, range safety equipment, and emergency medical equipment?
  2. Handheld radios for internal instructor communication during training or exercises?
  3. MILES equipment, Dye Marking Cartridge (DMC) materials or ESS equipment as needed?
  4. Chemical and biological protection and detection equipment and tools necessary to train students?
  5. Exercise devices and props that are not classified or sensitive?
  6. Pyrotechnics and tactical equipment for Opposition Forces (OPFOR) if required?
  7. Response:  The government will provide all of the items listed above (1 through 6).  The government intends to provide most of the equipment that will be needed under the contract.

Question:  Attachment 3, Applicable Documents, in Part III, Section J of the RFP lists the following set of Security Compliance Standards:

However, upon visiting the appropriate government website and attempting to download these files, we find that access is denied.  Following the instructions for obtaining access to these documents, we sent an e-mail request on September 8 to the DOE/OST Security Directives Coordinator.  As of today, September 11, there has been no acknowledgement of receipt of our e-mail request, nor any information regarding the status of our request.  Due to the critical nature of these documents to our understanding of the OST’s requirements and taking into account the short development period of the proposals for this effort, we would like to know how long a waiting period we should expect before we are granted access to these documents?

Response:  The DOE/OST Security Directives Coordinator is not authorized to respond to any request regarding this RFP.  Reference L021, specifically, DOE Orders and Directives link  These documents are available at this site.

Section L Questions:

Question:  In Section L, page 4, paragraph (A), it states that 5 copies of each Volume need to be submitted electronically.  Is this an error, in that proposers should submit 5 hard copies of the Volumes, in addition to submitting one copy of each Volume electronically via IIPS?

Response:   Yes.  L001(a)(6)(A) will be modified via amendment to the RFP. 

Question:  In section L001, Instructions for Proposal Preparation, General, on page L-4, Paragraphs 8 and 9, there is a discrepancy in the instructions regarding page numbering. 

In Paragraph 8, Binding and Labeling, it says: “Pages shall be numbered sequentially by volume and by individual sections within each volume”.

In Paragraph 9, Page Description, Item A, it says: “Pages shall be numbered sequentially by volume”

We would appreciate a clarification as to which page numbering method should be used.

Response:  L001(a)(9) will be modified via amendment to the RFP.

Question:  "L001(a)(6), page L-3 of 19, requires “All pages of each volume shall be appropriately numbered, and identified with the name of the Offeror, the date, and the solicitation number.” However, L001(a)(9)(A), page L-4 of 19, states: “The solicitation number, page number and the legend at FAR 52.215-1(e), "Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data," as appropriate, shall be provided on each page and is the only information that can be displayed within the one inch top, bottom, and side margins.” Is it OK to put the L001(a)(6) information in the margins as well?"

Response:   L001 (a)(9) will be amended to be consistent with L001 (a)(6).

Question:  L002 (b) Content states:

(1)Standard Form 33 (SF33), Solicitation, Offer, and Award.

"The Standard Form 33 shall be fully executed by an authorized representative of the offeror. This form shall be used as the cover sheet of each copy of Volume I, Offer and Other Documents. Offerors are instructed to fully complete Part I, Section B paragraphs pertaining to price.” Please clarify exactly what of Part 1 Section B paragraphs need to be completed by the Offeror.

Response:  The following will be removed via RFP amendment:  “Offerors are instructed to fully complete Part I, Section B paragraphs pertaining to price.”

Question:  "In Section L, Subparagraph L003 of the RFP, the position of Logistics manager is listed. However, in the list of labor categories presented on page 34 of the RFP, the Logistics Manager position is not listed, although there is a logistics lead position, which is presumably a lower-level position. The same is true for the Program Manager position, which is required in Subparagraph L003 but is not listed in the labor category list on page 34.  We would like to know if the Government intends to have a Program Manager and Logistics Manager for this contract and what their GS equivalent rates will be."

Response:  The Key Personnel under H016 are not “Service Employees” in accordance with FAR Clause 52.222-41 “Service Contract Act of 1965,” thus they are not listed in FAR Clause 52.222-42 “Statement Of Equivalent Rates For Federal Hires” (MAY 1989).  FAR Clause 52.222-42 “Statement Of Equivalent Rates For Federal Hires”, will be modified via RFP amendment.

Question:  In Section L003 (b) (2), the RFP states the Offeror must indicate where the Key Personnel will be physically located during performance of the contract.  Does the Government have any requirement or preference for the physical location of Key Personnel and will the Government disclose the physical location of current Key Personnel?

Response:  The Offeror is required to provide their technical approach for accomplishing the Task Orders.

Question:  Section L003, under Criterion 3, Corporate Experience, should proposers  use one L-4 form for each team member or should proposers use one L-4 form for the entire team?

Response:  Offerors should use one L-4 form for each team member.

Question:  "Section L003 (b)(4) second paragraph, L-8 of 19, there is a reference to Criterion 2 – should it be Criterion 3?"

Response:  Yes, this will be modified in an amendment to the RFP. 

Question:  Please confirm that pricing is required for the three Task Orders for a POP of January 2009 through December 2009.

Response:  No, reference L004(b)(2) for Periods of Performance of the Task Orders.

Question:  Section L, (b) (3) states that each Task Order shall be separately priced, using Attachment L-7 as the format. Section L, (a) (2) asks for summary-level cost information, using Attachment L-7 as the format. Is the Government expecting an estimated price for the entire program, as well as estimated prices for each of the three sample Task Orders?

Response:  The Government is expecting a Cost Summary (Attachment L-7) for each Task Order and a cumulative Cost Summary for the three Task Orders.

Question: Should each of the tables in Attachment L-7, Tables 1- 3 be completed for each Task Order?

Response:  Yes.

Question:  In the staffing plan, Attachment L-3, PWS task areas have already been filled in for each task. Are these the only PWS areas expected to be used for each of these Task Orders?

Response:  Yes.

Question:  Is the Technical Approach to Task Orders only to address those Task Areas specified in the Staffing Plan spreadsheet or should it also include programmatic activities and costs for program management, planning, and safety?

Response:  For each Task Order the Government has identified the Task Areas of the Performance Work Statement that apply.  The offeror is required to provide their approach and staffing plan which they deem appropriate to accomplish the requirements of each Task Order.

Question:  Section L004 (a) states that “The Contracting Officer has determined that cost or pricing data is not required for this solicitation.”  However, the last sentence in the Cost Proposal Instructions for Attachment J-4 states “…a signed Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data will be required upon the conclusion of negotiations.”  Please clarify whether a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data needs to be submitted with the proposal or not.

Response:  Cost or pricing data is not required for this solicitation.  The Cost Proposal Instructions in Attachment J-4 are intended for future Task Order proposals requested throughout the life of the contract.

Question: Section L004 –

a.  Will the Government please provide the historical other direct cost (ODC) details for the current contract?   

Response:  For the purposes of this solicitation offerors should propose only those ODCs necessary to successfully conduct the task orders included in the RFP.

For informational purposes only.   The Government’s projections (based on historical information) for the entire Master Contract Period of Performance including all Task Orders are estimated as follows:

Travel Costs Projections

CY 2009 CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY2013
$2,090,000 $1,843,000 $1,899,000 $1,955,000 $2,014,000

Other Direct Costs Projections: The following projected amounts represent the estimated annual direct costs of training and professional development needed to maintain required certifications, as well as direct materials, office supplies, office equipment, telephone, freight, postage, etc.


CY 2009 CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY2013
$485,000 $500,000 $515,000 $530,000 $546,000


b.  If  this cannot be supplied, can you provide us with a plug number for ODCs?

Response:  The government believes that sufficient information is provided in the sample Task Orders for an offeror to propose ODCs based upon their technical approach.

Question:  Under L025 Worker Safety and Health Program (WSHP) Instructions, can you confirm that a WSHP is required for the Offeror only or should each subcontractor provide a copy of their WSHP in Volume I of the proposal response?

Response:  L025 will be modified via amendment to require the submission of the WSHP by the Offeror.  All subcontractors shall follow the Contractor’s WSHP.

Question:  In Section L, Instructions, Paragraph L025, item (a) states: The offeror shall develop a written Worker and Safety Health Program (WSHP) that provides the methods of implementing the requirements of Subpart C of 10 CFR 851 (or Part 851 or §851).  Item (d) of the same Paragraph states:  The Contractor must submit a WSHP protecting workers from the hazards of the workplace.  However, item (f)(1) of Paragraph L025 states: (1) Contractor (and its subcontractors) provides a WSHP graded to the hazards and activities defined in or required to complete the statement of work in accordance with the contract safety and health clauses and applicable federal regulations and site-specific requirements.  Item (f)(3) of paragraph L025 also states: Note that all subcontractors working under this contract are required to submit the same documents as the Prime Contractor. The Prime Contractor, once confirming compliance with the Rule, will forward the subcontractor's WSHP to the COR. The subcontractor cannot perform work until its WSHP is approved.  There appears to be a conflict between the first and second set of clauses regarding who has to submit a WSHP.  In the first case the instructions indicate that it is only the contractor (i.e., the Prime Contractor) who has to submit the WHSP.  In the second case the instructions state that subcontractors also have to submit WHSPs.  We would appreciate a clarification as to who has to submit a WHSP.

Response:  L025 will be modified via amendment to require the submission of the WSHP by the Offeror.  All subcontractors shall follow the Contractor’s WSHP.

Question:  "Was 6.16 intentionally omitted in Attachment L-4? If 6.16 is added to the L-4 is it a Major or Critical Task Area?"

Response:  No, PWS 6.16 should be included.  Attachment L-4 will be modified via amendment to RFP.  PWS 6.16 is not a Major or Critical Task Area.

Question:  "In the Corporate Experience Matrix (Attachment L-4), PWS Paragraph 6.8 and 6.16 were not listed in the table. Should they be included?"

Response:  PWS 6.16 should be included.  Attachment L-4 will be modified via amendment to RFP. 

Question:  Do the past performance forms (RFP Attachment L-5) need to be in Times New Roman 12 point, or is some other font size acceptable since they are not included in the proposal page count?

Response:   There is no requirement for use of specific font for this attachment.

Question:  Are the Total DPLH listed in Attachment L-3 –Staffing Plan for Task Orders intended to be “not to exceed numbers” or are they just information of past work?

Response:  No, it was intended to provide an example.

RFP General Questions and Answers:

Question:  In TO PWS 2, Operational readiness training, Section 3.0 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE states “Agents from the different Commands will rotate in and out of the ORT training, with each agent in attendance approximately five (5) days, which includes two days of travel to/from the venue.   Is the actual conduct of ORT activities for each group of 70 agents limited to three (3) days?

Response:   Yes.

Question:  "What is the interface & protocols between OST and the M&O contractor at the satellite facilities located on the Nevada Test Site and how do they differ from operations at Ft. Chaffee e.g. are there additional ES&H requirements imposed on OST (a tenet) by the M&O?"

Response:  The interactions and areas of responsibility will be controlled through the federal staff.  The known applicable requirements have been identified in the RFP.

Question:  Are there other contractors required to interface with the successful Offeror after award? For example, who currently has the contract for the Ft. Chaffee facilities and grounds maintenance? Who maintains or repairs vehicles? Will the successful Offeror be required to interface with the local facility owner/landlord, off-site emergency response personnel, etc.? 

a.  Are there other contractors required to interface with the successful Offeror after award?

Response:  There will be other contractors that the offeror will interface with including M&O and support service.

b.  For example, who currently has the contract for the Ft. Chaffee facilities and grounds maintenance?

Response:  Chugach McKinley has the contract for Ft. Chaffee facilities and grounds maintenance.

c.  Who maintains or repairs vehicles?

Response:   OST has two major groups of vehicles we use, one is OST owned and the other is GSA leased.  For OST owned vehicles, the vehicle maintenance and repairs are generally done at the following Vehicle Maintenance Facilities (VMF) and associated Mobile Electronic Maintenance Facility (MEMF):



TRACOM VMF/MEMF - Honeywell  

For GSA leased vehicles, the maintenance & repairs are done at local commercial maintenance shops approved by GSA.  The exception to this is at Pantex where B&W Pantex has been approved to work on the GSA leased vehicles.

d.  Will the successful Offeror be required to interface with the local facility owner/landlord, off-site emergency response personnel, etc.? 

Response:  No, the interactions and areas of responsibility will be controlled through the federal staff.

Question:  Please provide us with a list of employees currently on the job, their positions, and how long they have held their positions.

Response:  No, this is considered proprietary information to the incumbent and will not be provided.

Question:  " Unarmed security officer support  within facility (guard post). Duties include: access control, facility patrol, escort, and assessment and reporting of alarms to responding agencies. Can the government provide the number of posts or FTE's Operation support for the Emergency Control Center (ECC)[fixed and mobile sites] Can the government provide additional information regarding staffing? Shifts?"

Response:  Instead of, we believe you are referring to (Western Command Only).  This area ( of the Performance Work Statement is not applicable to the Task Orders provided in the RFP; thus, no additional information will be provided.

In regard to the question on, we believe you are referring to  No additional information will be provided regarding staffing.  The Offeror is required to provide their technical approach for accomplishing the Task Orders.

Question:  Please provide the anticipated award date for the contract. 

Response:  Winter of 2008/2009.

Question:  Please provide the anticipated start date for the overall contract.

Response:  Winter of 2008/2009.

Question:  Do Representations and Certifications, Section K need to be completed by each subcontractor?

Response:  Yes.

Question:  Is this contract to be performed under the Price Anderson Act? If so, is the Offeror required to have a PAAA Program?

Response:  The Price Anderson Act does not apply. 

Question:  What are the items to be indemnified by the government under this contract?

Response:  None

Question:  Does the contractor provide insurance coverage for Agents, instructors, trainees or drivers while they are on the road or in training?

Response:  Contractor is not required to provide insurance coverage for federal employees.  The minimum insurance requirements are specified in H004.  Additional insurance requirements are contained in regulations specified in Attachment L-3, List of Applicable Documents. 

Question:  What are the Documented Safety Analysis and 10 CFR 830 requirements for this contract?

Response:  None, contractor will be not operating a nuclear facility. 

Question:  Are the Radiological Protection requirements (10 CFR 835) applicable to this contract?  If so, is a Radiological Protection Plan required?  Are any staff, Agents, or trainees to be issued dosimetry?

Response:  No Radiological Protection Requirements are not required.  

Question:  Is the successful Offeror required to have a materials control and accountability plan (MC&A) ?

Response:  No. 

Question:  Do we have to include the NM gross receipts tax if the work is done at Fort Chaffee, but paid out of Albuquerque?

Response:  Offerors are responsible for complying with New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax requirements and for determining its applicability.

Question:  In the OST Synopsis it states the Primary Logistics Support is located at Fort Chaffee and will consist of operating and maintaining the Training Command, assisting in the training of the Special Agent Force…

It is correct to assume that the PM is based in Albuquerque while the Training Manager and Logistics and Property Manager are based at Fort Chaffee?

Response:  The location of Key Personnel should be proposed as part of Offeror’s technical approach. 

Questions:  Are we allowed to submit more vendor questions on this solicitation?  The IIPS system is allowing me to type in additional questions, and I am wondering if indeed we are allowed to do so, without violating the deadline for vendor questions.

Response:  Yes.  L001(a)(15) will be modified via an amendment to the RFP.

Pre-RFP Questions and Answers:


Questions and Answers From Industry Day Posted to the DOE Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) Link (weblink)


Date question asked:  6/16/08

Question:  "In reference to the "Potential Schedule" Transition Period between October 17, 2008 - January 17, 2009.  Are these dates still accurate?"

Response: Yes

Date question asked:  6/9/08

Question:  “Will the contract be subject to FOCI regulations. If so, will the Prime and Subcontractors be required to submit FOCI certifications prior to submission of the proposal or as part of the proposal?”

Response: Yes, both prime and subcontractor(s) will be required to submit FOCI information in accordance with DEAR 952.204-73,” Facility Clearance”, using the DOE FOCI electronic submission system located at .  This electronic submission  will be required as part of the proposal.

Date question asked:   6/9/08

Question: “Will OST provides a cost proposal pricing format as part of the solicitation?”

Response: The solicitation will provide the suggested format for the cost proposal.

Date question asked:   6/9/08

Question : “Will there be a requirement for the contractor to procure ammunition or will it be requisitioned and delivered by the government as GFE?”

Response: The Government will procure ammunition.

Date question asked:   6/9/08

Question : “Will there be any calibration of any GFE?”

Response: Yes

Date question asked:  6/9/08

Question : “What are the criteria for assessment of the contractor’s performance?”

Response: Criteria will be posted in the Request for Proposal.

Date question asked:   6/9/08

Question: “I’d like to find out when the Final RFP will be issued for this procurement.  The schedule that is posted on IIPS states that it was to have been issued on May 29th.  Do you have an update on the date of issue?”

Response: As of June 19, 2008, the Current estimated time of Request for Proposal issuance is mid July 2008.

Date question asked:  3/27/08

Question: "As a result of the Sources Sought Notice are there plans to release a formal RFP for this requirement?  If so, What was an estimated RFP release date?"

Response: The estimated time for a DRAFT RFP to be posted is in May 2008.

Date question asked:  3/3/08

Question: "On a different DOE Procurement (Sandia Staff Augmentation), we were informed DOE does not recognize mentor protege relationships. Does your mention of these in synopsis mean this policy has changed?"

Response: The NNSA recognizes Joint Ventures including Mentor Protege Joint Ventures as outlined in 13 CFR 121.

Please Note: At the subcontract level (e.g., Sandia Staff Augmentation subcontract), Mentor Protege Joint Ventures (where the mentor firm is a large business) are not recognized as small business because the rules of affiliation are not waiveable as they are at the Federal Prime level.

Date question asked:  2/15/08

Question:"I am inquiring as to the status of DOE NNSA Performance Work Statement seeking small business sources for support services to the Office of Secure Transportation. Is the Sources Sought solicitation complete and is there an expected date for a request for these services?"

Response: Thank you for your interest. The responses to the sources sought are under review. At this time there is no further information available. Please continue to monitor the Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) web site at and the Department of Energy Industry Interactive Procurement System found at for information and the latest updates. Thank you.