A Corporate Human Resource Information System (CHRIS) Project!


In September 1999, the CHRIS office surveyed HR offices throughout the Department of Energy (DOE) to identify priorities for re-engineering HR processes. The recruitment process was identified as a high priority. The current process has become cumbersome for applicants, managers and HR staff and does not lend itself to being competitive with private industry or other federal agencies using new technology. In re-engineering the recruitment process, the goal was to evaluate alternatives for streamlining the recruitment process that allow a rapid, flexible and cost-effective implementation.

In order for the Department to become more competitive in seeking out applicants, and to provide for a quicker and easier process when applying for federal positions, it was decided that automation through use of a web-based internet application was the best choice. QuickHire® was chosen as the software product, which meets both OPM federal application requirements as well as DOE expectations.

Using QuickHire®, also known as DOE Jobs ONLINE, to automate our recruitment process represents a significant change in how business is conducted by the HR Staff, managers, and employees. For this reason it was decided we would begin this new process at a few sites, make adjustments as necessary once the system was rolled out, then phase in other DOE offices. The sites currently participating in this pilot are Headquarters, Albuquerque, Richland, Nevada, Ohio, Oak Ridge, and Western Area Power Administration.


Frequently Asked Questions

This section is devoted to addressing many questions which DOE employees, managers and HR staff may have regarding this new system and the changes expected to occur with use of the system.

General Information

What if I don’t have a computer? All participating DOE sites have computers available for your use in applying for jobs in DOE Jobs ON-LINE. In addition, most career resource centers, unemployment offices, public libraries and college placement offices have computers and Internet access for their patrons to use at no charge.
What if I don’t have email? There are several Internet Service Providers that offer free email accounts. Please refer to the listing of free email providers (provide a link to this listing)
What if I need help applying? For assistance on applying for a DOE Jobs ON-LINE vacancy, please contact the HR specialist listed on the vacancy announcement.
When exactly do jobs close? DOE Jobs ON-LINE positions close at midnight Eastern Time on the closing date of the vacancy announcement. After midnight, jobs that have closed will not be available for review or application.

About the System

What is DOE Jobs ON-LINE? It is the DOE name given to the web site developed by QuickHire to automate DOE’s recruitment process.
How does DOE Jobs ON-LINE work? DOE Jobs ON-LINE is a service delivery mechanism that truly automates the federal hiring process. Using our federal hiring process content, the system enables us to use the power of the Internet to build and post vacancies directly to DOE’s Jobs ON-LINE website. Interested applicants can review the vacancy announcement and answer position-specific questions while at this website. After the vacancy closes the HR office uses the system to automatically rate, rank and certify candidates. Top-talent is instantly identified and ready to be forwarded to the selecting official.
Is this system secure? Yes. Even though QuickHire hosts the application, the database servers are housed behind DOE/HQ’s firewall on a private dedicated secure line. Furthermore, DOE is the owner of the data.

Applicant / Employee Information

I forgot my password. What do I do? The DOE Jobs ON-LINE web site provides instructions in case you have forgotten your password.
Can I be automatically notified of vacancy announcements? Yes. DOE Jobs ONLINE allows applicants to automatically receive email notifications if this option is chosen.
How does an applicant access DOE Jobs ON-LINE to apply for a job? As a web-based application, applicants can apply to positions posted on DOE’s Jobs ON-LINE web site anytime from anywhere. Vacancies under the automated system will be indicated with an icon, which will have a link to the automated vacancy system.
What happens if I don’t submit a resume with my personal information when applying for a job? If your resume is not submitted in the DOE Jobs ON-LINE system on the closing date of the vacancy announcement, you will not be considered for that position.
What information should I put on my resume? All the information listed on the vacancy announcement as required.
Where and how do I address knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA’s)? There are no KSA’s for DOE Jobs in the ON-LINE system. You are rated and referred based on your responses to the position-specific questions as supported by information in your resume. The position-specific questions used in DOE Jobs ON-LINE are derived from KSA’s defined by the selecting official in consultation with a human resource specialist, and have been validated by DOE subject matter experts as appropriate for the job vacancies in DOE Jobs ON-LINE.
As an applicant, can I access the system from home? As an applicant, you can access the website from any location, whether at home or at work.
Since only a small number of DOE offices are participating at this time, how do I apply for other DOE jobs, which are not part of the pilot group? You will continue to apply under the regular process (i.e., submit your SF-171, OF-612 or resume) for all jobs that are not listed in the automated vacancy system.
Exactly what does it mean to apply online? You submit your resume using the Internet. When you first access the system at the web site you must establish an account by answering a set of core federal questions. The system will assign you a userID and password, which can be changed. The core federal questions will be stored in the system and will be used by the system as part of the initial screening, e.g., for determining current status, veteran’s preference, highest grade held, reinstatement eligibility, etc.; or for storing applicant information, e.g., applicant demographics, email and street address, phone number, etc.
Once I have established an account, am I required to apply for a vacancy every time I go into the system? No. Once you have established an account, the system uses the information in your account to determine the vacancies for which are you are eligible to apply. You may scroll through the vacancy including questions but you are not required to transmit anything. You can merely exit the system or return to the main menu to select other vacancies to view. You can also view vacancies at the regular DOE Jobs website.
Can I create a resume on-line? Yes. Once you have answered the core questions and established your userID and password, you can then create your resume. Once created (or input into the system), you can go back in at a later time and update or change your resume. Once you have applied for a particular vacancy and it closes, the system automatically attaches your resume to that particular vacancy announcement. If you later apply for a new vacancy, you may wish to update your resume at that time to correspond more closely with the new announcement.
I already have a resume and/or 171 established. Can I load this onto the system? Yes. DOE Jobs ON-LINE allows you to cut and paste your resume into a specified text box that will accept up to 16K (16,000 characters). The system currently only allows for simple text, and does not accept special formatting such as bold print and underlining.
I would like to send my application via email. We will not accept resumes via email. In order to apply for jobs in DOE Jobs ON-LINE, you must log into the system and apply online.
If the system only accepts online applications, how do I send other attachments such as my college transcript, SF-50, etc? Unless otherwise stated on the announcement, do not send these documents until they are requested. Usually veteran’s preference documents will need to be faxed to the appropriate office within 48 hours of the closing date of the announcement. The hiring manager or personnel specialist may request other documentation from you through email or telephone. These documents (such as SF-50s, college transcripts, etc.) will only be requested from the "best qualified" candidates or those who are scheduled to be interviewed.
Is there any way I can see which positions I have applied for or find the status of these vacancies? In order to keep track of the vacancies you have applied to, you should elect to make a copy of the email confirmation of your application when you apply for jobs in DOE Jobs ON-LINE. Keep this as a record of your application and save it. You should also print out a copy of the vacancy announcement itself, or at a minimum note the name, telephone number, and email address of the Personnel Specialist listed as the contact person. If you have any questions about your application or the status of the vacancy, please direct your question to the Specialist in charge of your vacancy. Make sure you tell the Specialist the job number AND the job title so they will know which vacancy you are referring to.
What if I want to submit a long version resume or additional documents? Resumes should be brief. You should only include relevant work experience, with short descriptions and your education. The resume is a different type of document than the SF-171, which had a great deal of narrative. Should you rank among the top qualified candidates, and are scheduled for an interview, at that point is when you may wish to share additional documents or information with the selecting official or interview panel.
How is my application rated? The responses you provide to the questions are the basis for the numerical rating calculated by the system. The system uses the weights assigned as determined by the selecting official/subject matter expert and HR staffing specialist.
Is my application rated instantly? Yes. However, the rating will not be finalized until midnight Eastern Time of the closing date of the announcement. Prior to this date and time, you can go back into the system and change your responses or update your resume.
Since the system rates me according to my self-assessment and response to the questions, what prevents me from selecting those choices, which will give the highest scores? Falsifying or answering questions to mislead the system’s automated process is no different than providing false or misleading information on your application under the old process. Applicants are reminded that this is a federal job application system. Providing false information, creating fake ID’s, or failing to answer all questions truthfully and completely may be grounds for not hiring you, for disbarment from Federal Employment or for dismissal after being hired. Falsifying a Federal job application, attempting to violate the privacy of others, or attempting to compromise this system is punishable by fine or imprisonment (US Code, Title 18, section 1001).


How will the HR office verify my experience, education or responses to my questions? DOE Jobs ON-LINE does not diminish or abolish the HR specialist’s role in verifying qualifications of individuals. The resume as well as the interview process can be used to address questionable situations. A review of the resume will be done for all applicants who make the best-qualified list. Also, if you are a current DOE employee, the HR office already has your official personnel record. For external candidates, the HR office may request additional information from the applicant such as college transcripts, SF-50 to verify status, etc.
Some positions are generally posted for internal applicants first before posting externally. Can DOE Jobs ON-LINE do that? The different posting options allow the vacancy to be viewed for internal applicants only, in tandem for internal and external applicants, or sequentially for internal and then external applicants.
I am uncomfortable using my social security number to establish my account in the system. Is there any way I can apply for a position on-line without my SSN? Your SSN is one of the few reliable means that government agencies have of distinguishing one applicant from another. Many applicants have the same name, or may even have the same birth dates. The SSN is the identifier suggested for use by the Office of Personnel Management for Federal job applications, and is the only way we can definitively differentiate between applicants. If someone else attempts to open a new account with your SSN, the system administrator will be alerted that your SSN already exists with a specific User ID and Password and that a new account is trying to be established with the same SSN.
How do you confidentially collect EEO data from applicants? Applicants have the option to voluntarily and confidentially enter demographic information when initially registering in DOE Jobs ON-LINE. To ensure the candidate's anonymity, the data is immediately encrypted and cannot be tied to a specific candidate. Once the position closes, a demographic report can be generated; however, neither the HR staff nor selecting official is able to associate the demographic data to an individual. The data is also encrypted within the query processing tool. The encryption code is proprietary QuickHire information, which they will not release.
If I am not selected for a position, whom should I contact to find out why? If you are found ineligible for a particular position, you will automatically receive an email explaining the reason why. You may contact the human resource specialist listed on the announcement for further explanation.

Questions from Human Resources Professionals and Managers

Who has access to the QuickHire system? Designated Human Resources staff is authorized for certain levels of access. Different user privileges allow all necessary parties to be involved in the hiring process. Your HR site administrator will determine who has privileges to this information.
How easy is it to build and post a vacancy? QuickHire's Wizard-driven job builder walks you through the process to quickly build a vacancy. With the click of a button it can be posted on your website.
What do you mean we can ask position-specific questions? DOE Jobs ON-LINE allows you to create, categorize, and store questions for each vacancy. Questions pertain to both minimum qualification requirements as well as ranking questions (formerly referred to as KSA’s). Asking questions upfront automatically prescreens and ranks candidates for you. Questions can be asked in a variety of a formats, such as Yes/No, True/False, Number, Date, Short and Long Answer, Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice/Multiple Answer, and Matching.
I routinely send my vacancy announcements to local and national organizations. Can DOE Jobs ON-LINE help me with this? Yes, through the Job Notifier, you can save, categorize, and store recruitment sources. As you set up each vacancy, select the community organizations, professional associations, or educational institutions whom you would like to receive the vacancy announcement. The system then automatically sends an email to those organizations informing them of your vacancy announcement.
What if I advertise a vacancy on a job board? Whether you post your vacancy on a job board or another Internet site, you can provide a link back to your company website where they can instantly apply using DOE Jobs ONLINE.
How can we tell if someone has applied? When setting up a vacancy in the Wizard-driven vacancy builder, you may designate a point of contact to be notified every time someone applies to that job. Also, any user with privileges for the vacancy can view the ranked pool at any time during the hiring process since the data is available instantly.
How can DOE Jobs ONLINE help me organize the hiring process? The applicant tracking easily stores correspondence, internal notes, and cost items to keep you organized as you move through the hiring cycle. Using e-mail templates, you can notify eligible or ineligible candidates. With just a click, you can store an email, enter a note to the file, change a status, or enter a cost item.
Can I run reports from DOE Jobs ON-LINE? Yes. There are several standard reports delivered with the software, such as candidate profile, position status, time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, sourcing effectiveness, recruiter effectiveness, and EEO statistics. DOE is reviewing these reports and working with QuickHire to determine whether new canned reports will be created. The query tool also allows for ad-hoc type reporting.
How easy is it to learn to use DOE Jobs ON-LINE? Whether you elect a pre-installation training seminar or one-on-one training for your staff, you can learn how to use the system in a matter of hours. After initial training, the online help index guides you through the software. DOE pilot sites will also be available for additional advice. DOE sites have attended a "train the trainer" session offered by QuickHire.
If the system rates and ranks candidates, do I still need a ranking panel or input from subject matter experts? The intent is for the system to relieve the HR specialist from having to go through the manual process of determining basic qualification requirements and to eliminate the need for the ranking panel process. HR specialists will now consult up front with managers or subject matter experts to determine the questions, which will be included in the vacancy and the weights to be assigned. The system does not replace the need for subject matter input; it automates the rating and ranking process.
I understand the system is based on applicants self-certifying their responses to the questions; how do I verify if they are answered honestly? Applicants will be reminded in the vacancy announcement about the penalties for providing false or misleading information. However, the HR specialist can still conduct a quality review prior to issuing the cert to the selecting official. The quality review can be against the applicant’s resume entered in the system. HR specialists should also request additional information, e.g., college transcripts, SF-50’s, SF-15, DD-214’s, etc. The selecting official should use the interview process to ask clarifying questions when applicant’s experience and response to questions are not commensurate with each other (selecting officials can receive a copy of applicant responses to questions).
Can I automatically post vacancies to USA Jobs? Yes. DOE Jobs ON-LINE allows authorized users to send vacancy announcements to OPM.
Will I have to input the same questions into the system every time? No, questions are stored by category in the system. You can provide your manager a list of questions, which is currently maintained in the system’s library for the particular series in mind. When consulting with your manager, you will decide which questions from the list you want to use for your vacancy. Once in the system to build your vacancy, you will assign the questions, which were agreed upon. Typically, the HR specialist will have already selected the questions, which pertain to basic qualification and educational requirements for the job series.
What if I need a new question to be added which has not been used before? If a new question is needed, the site administrator can input/load the question into the system. It will become part of the library and can be used for future vacancies.