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 Community Internet Intensity Map Service



Select your region from map or list below
felt reporting regions of Canada
Western CanadaEastern Canada

If you were in the U.S.A. at the time of the earthquake, please go to the USGS site to locate the appropriate form.

The Community Internet Intensity Map Service is a joint project of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) to collect information about ground shaking following significant earthquakes. You can help us by filling out a questionnaire for each earthquake you feel. A Community Internet Intensity Map will be made and updated every few minutes following a major earthquake. At first only a few postal codes will have intensities assigned, but over time others will be assigned as data comes in. Check back often and watch the maps change! Eastern Canada Did You Feel It? region Western Canada Did You Feel It? region

Last modified 2008-07-09 top of page Important notices