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Financial Security in Tough Times
Some helpful tips from the experts to help you get through the recession.

Holiday Spending: Keep Control, Have a Plan
Paying shopping bills

The nation’s financial crisis is casting a shadow on Christmas. Unemployment rates are high, and budgets are tight. The financial uncertainty has many people cutting back this holiday season. LSU AgCenter family economist Jeanette Tucker recommends approaching spending this season the way one should every year – with a plan and a budget, even if that budget is smaller this year.

Stretching Your Food Dollar
There are lots of ways you can stretch your food dollar. You can save by packing your own lunch, eating out less, and by bringing snacks, coffee or soft drinks from home. There are ways to save on groceries too.

The Effect of Federal Rate Cuts on Consumers
We hear and read about Federal Reserve rate changes, but we don't always understand how they affect us as consumers. The Fed's rate changes take time to filter down through the economy to consumers. Rate changes can be good news / bad news scenarios. What's the bottom line for you as a consumer?

Identity Theft Prevention Information for Seniors
According to the FTC, there were more than 8 million identity theft victims in 2006 and 2007. There is a global black market for stolen identities. Your Social Security number is the key to credit and banking accounts and the main target of criminals. How do you protect yourself?
Parish Credit Scores
Parish credit scores
LSU AgCenter personnel surveyed parish-specific credit scores using Experian National Score Index of Feb. 2008. Louisiana consumers have an average credit score of 672. At 20 points below the national average of 692, Louisiana ranks near the bottom nationally, with 48 states having higher average credit scores.
Spouse’s poor credit score could lower yours
(Distributed 01/15/08) You’ve taken good care all your adult life to pay bills on time and maintain a high credit score. You expect your high rating to continue after marriage, but it could drop if your new spouse has a low credit score.
Financial tips offered for marital harmony
(Distributed 01/15/08) The church and reception hall are reserved, the dress is selected, the invitations are addressed, the photographer and caterer are ready. You might even have your new residence “ready-to-go.”
Financial Security in Later Life
USDA logo
Preparing for retirement and potential long-term care costs takes planning, saving and debt control.
New Year’s Resolutions Can Affect Family Finances
Many New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten by the first of February. However, resolving to take control of your family finances can have a positive effect on your financial position in the coming months and on your long-term goals, according to LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker.
Expert Profiles Those Needing Life Insurance
If you are financially responsible for the well-being of others, you have a very real need for life insurance.
Tips to Help You Get Out of Debt
If your bills are piling up, you can't make all of your payments on time and you're thinking about paying one credit card balance with a cash advance from another, LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker says it's time to organize your credit payments and develop a plan for reducing your bills.
Myths And Realities About FICO Scores Examined
Many consumers are under the impression that federal legislation allows them to learn their credit scores. This is one of the myths circulating among the public about obtaining credit histories, according to LSU AgCenter family economics professor Dr. Jeanette Tucker.
Family Economist Pushes Louisianians To Save
According to A.G. Edwards 2006 Nest Egg Index rankings, Louisiana residents do not save well in comparison to the rest of the nation. Louisiana is ranked 49th among the states, ranked higher only than Mississippi.