Reader comments: Upbeat Bush bids adieu

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Anonymous | 6:02 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
New Hate Focus | 6:23 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Who will be the next target of those persons whose lives seem to only be fulfilled when they are complaining, hating and attacking their country? One thing for sure - they will not stay quiet for long.
liberal Larry | 7:00 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I see where our soon to be ex-president's favorable rating has fallen below 50% even in Utah! Unfortunately it will take years to repair the damage that Bush/Cheney have done to this great country.
Comments continue below
Fan | 7:00 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
He was the right person for the hard times. God bless President Bush and his family for their support, sacrifice, service and prayers for the american people.
Thank You! | 9:29 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Thank you, President Bush, for your service.

Just remember that your approval rating was always above that of the senate & house!
Bush's Departure.... | 10:17 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
"Mission Accomplished"!!!!
re: Fan | 10:34 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Bush created the hard times. He turned a budget surplus into $1.2 trillion in debt. He had the worst job creation record, even in 2006, of any Pres. of the last 40 yrs. He invaded Afghanistan to address Al Qaeda, and before the job was done he invaded Iraq. Five and a half years later we are still in Iraq and the situation in Afghanistan is dire. He has the lowest approval rating of any Pres. leaving office. And, the GOP has a lower approval rating than the Democratic Party. All the result when an idealogue, divorced from reality is elected.
Phil | 10:53 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Bush kept his master happy, and in his mind that is all that matters.
chris | 11:27 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
No attack since 911? What about Virginia Tech? What of all crime in inner cities? Sean Hannity said during Virginia Tech shooting spree, that, "you can not stop all people from doing violence." So what are we doing in Iraq if we can't stop violence? The only president to cut taxes during war.
Re: Re: Fan | 11:28 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I'm not saying Bush was an outstanding president, but your denial that the Democratic Congress has performed equally poorly is what scares me. Put your partisanship aside for a minute and admit that Barney Frank and Chris Dodd ought to be investigated, impeached and prosecuted for the debacle they've presided over the past 2 years as chairs of the House and Senate Banking and Finance Committees. How they can get away with taking millions in campaign donations from Freddie and Fannie, then fiddle while Rome burned ("there's no problem here") is inconceivable.

I suppose you're OK with a secretary of the treasury who didn't pay income tax and a senate seat that was auctioned off by the corrupt governor of Illinois?

The GOP is not without its flaws, but the Democrats had the chance to show real change. They've failed miserably in the 2 years they've had control of congress and I don't hold much hope for anything different from the "Chicago political machine" we'll have in the White House next week.
Hmmm | 11:32 a.m. Jan. 16, 2009
It will be years before we get a POTUS who will be loved by all, and until then we will all continue to bicker instead of support. Obama will have the same criticism except from other people, and all the while congress will be the opposite of progress.
sd | 12:07 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Bush was maimed with what Clinton left him. Who initiated the change in bank policies and who did not stand up when the twin towers were first attached.(Just to mention 2) Bush caught it from the errors the Clinton administration left him.
Barack Hussein Obama | 12:09 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
He is my president, even though I am a life-long conservative, as WASP as they come. Saddle up all you naysayers and come join the party in welcoming the 44th President of the United States, and join me with your faith and prayers that he will be an extraordinary leader. It's time to treat him better than GWB was treated. That's how we rise together as a country united in the pursuit of healthy and meaningful progress toward a better tomorrow. Thank God for hope!!
the reason he is upbeat... | 12:15 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
the reason GWB is upbeat is because is headed back to his Texas ranch with a big fat pension and can dump all the messes he created on Obama. In my estimation he simply ruined this country's economy as well as dug us into a swamp in Iraq. Not much of a hand off for Obama. Bush was a high wire act without a net - he wasn't dull but he certainly had no safety net under him. His "gut feel" style of governing was an absolute train wreck.
hope for the future | 12:22 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Jan 20th couldn't come too soon. So happy to get rid of the Bush administration and change direction - ANY DIRECTION - except a continual downturn.
Anonymous | 1:06 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I would have more respect for the man if would just come clean and admit he was a stooge for Dick Cheney (Cheney and his wife were former CEO's of defense contractors Halliburton and Lockheed Martin who received no-bid contracts due to the invasion of Iraq.
You remember Iraq, they had nothing to do with 9/11, no Weapons of mass destruction were ever found
there, and right at this moment the largest American embassy is being built in Iraq and this is supposed to signal that the U.S. is pulling out?
temparoo | 1:26 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
If I were president, I would demand that the ceo's of the banks have car washes and bake sales to raise money instead of use federal bailout money. Read the other wacky things I would do If I were president at
I want.. | 1:51 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Obama to fail. He is a hard core liberal at best and a marxist at worst. Either ideology is bad for those that still believe in freedom and liberty.
Anonymous | 1:56 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Thank God our 8 year nightmare is over.

May the Lord have mercy on his pitiless soul.
To temparoo | 1:56 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I'm glad your not President, but would probably make a great Treasury secratary.
Thank you | 1:58 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
President Bush.

Without you, Barack Obama would probably not have been elected. You have done a service to this country, in spite of you absolute, complete, and in all other ways, incompetent leadership.
To hope for the future | 2:00 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
"any direction"?

Liberalism has a long history of disasterous results. You don't have to "hope" for that. That's what your about to get.
Anonymous | 2:28 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
to all those who are bad mouthing bush be glad that you still have the freedom to complain. he is right! what you see and here is a percent of the truth that he had to deal with and make decisions on. believe me obama promise are yet fulfill and creating McDonald job is not an upgrade. you should take comfort that Afghanistan and Iraq is not a parking lot. you can not pacify those who live to kill us!
rlp | 2:42 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
President Bush is a class act. While he was giving his farewell address to the nation and wishing BHO well last night, the next president decided to go out to dinner at the exact time president Bush gave his address. No class! We will see a "me" president the next four years. Just like Bill Clinton. BHO is doing a Clinton third term, and he said McCain would be a Bush third term. It's who has the best way with words is the one who get's the White House.
odd definition of "class" | 3:12 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Poor rlp.
Another far-righter who can't accept what the majority of America deserves - a new direction.

The smirking, illiterate, smug former president of the United States is lucky he is not in jail
Good bye Bush | 3:16 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Hello more taxes and more spending.

Bush tried his best to be a good little liberal with his spending habits.

Bush tried to be a good little conservative with his peace through strength and tax cuts.

Where's another Regan when you need him?

Its nonsensical to think we can spend our way out of our financial problems. It makes no more sense than spending ones way out of personal debt. But, we must act urgently and fast!!!!!! So says king Obama.
Chevy | 3:17 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Love your legs Larry
Common Sense | 3:20 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Let's put all the budget blame on Bush...right. Are you forgetting that Nancy Pelosi pledged to cut spending, yet it still increased. We all know she is more to blame than Bush.
rlp, you're right, | 3:31 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
it was classy for Bush to wish BHO well.
It was just about the classiest thing he's done during his "presidency". Oh, except for giving Angela Merkel an unwanted back-rub. THAT was super-classy!
Goodbye | 3:39 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
and good riddance. The nightmare is over.
Darlene | 3:54 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
I believe that in years to come, we will look back on the bush Administration as having done well with what they had to work with. People complain that the deficit is worse than in years past. this is true, given the expense of protecting America and bailing out the greedy. But don't forget that although the Clinton Administration blanaced the budget, there was also a huge national debt. I hope we survive what Obama's administration will dish out to us. Maybe then we'll be grateful for the Bush years.
Honesty | 4:03 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
A democrat winning presidential election, doesn't mean anything more that.

The people didn't like their borders not being defended,

The people didn't like all the liberal spending,

The poeple didn't like no improvement or changes to taxes or the SS,

The people didn't like the republicans acting like liberal democrats,

when republican acted conservatively, like in '94 they won handily,

heck, Bush won twice, legally and lawfully,

obama won by a narrow margin, signifies nothing,

only a liberal loony would give it any more meaning than that.

The poeple in this country have always been conservative,

An the only way liberals have won anything is taking away the voice the people and going to court,

Plus offering free handouts, and giving the people a target to hate, are simple democrat tricks, which unfortuantely fool the people sometimes.

But you can keep repeating your liberal mantras and litanies against conservatives, the religious and republicans,

ad nauseum,

but it will never them make true.

Atleast Bush leaves in class, unlike the way clinton, a tyical liberal democrat left.
SS | 4:16 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Hindsight is 20/20. I agree with the above comments that GWB and team had a pretty tough set of circumstances. Obama and team will also have their hands full. I don't agree w/Obama's philosophies on many issues, but if he and his team can make things better, I wish him well.

I don't hold the Democrats blameless for their part in all of this. Reid and Pelosi have been poor leaders in Congress and the Dems' majority there for 2 years has brought more problems, not less.
Anonymous | 4:22 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
i am an immigrant to this nation and love America. i can not believe how some of you are so determine to judge bush for what has transpire and willing to give someone who has yet to make one major decision so much credit. shame! go America and if along the way we AMERICAN need to spank a couple of nation for misbehavior it is fine with me. yes, justified, they are luck they are still in existence. by the way if you fear judgment or feel ashamed as to what we AMERICAN has done you have the freedom in this country to leave and not to return. we don't need parasites.
Anonymous | 4:25 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
By reading some of the whining posts above, I can see Rush O'Hannity is still working their magic on the angry and small-minded in the reddest of all states.

Why don't all you far-right fools disappear and then if you want, try again in 2012?

Meanwhile, there is work to be done to save this country from 3rd World status.
Donovan | 4:38 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
And the mighty Rush/Hannity has spoken once again.

And to think that there are people who think Bush has done so well.

I am not better off now than I was eight years ago.

Are you?
Anonymous | 4:55 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Bush will be known for that stupid, smug look on his face.
A lot of Utahns have that look down pat.
hey, Anonymous immigrant, | 5:05 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
did you just tell some Americans to "leave and not return"?

Wow, you must have been the cream of the crop in your country.
Welcome to my beautiful country, you certainly will be a wonderful addition!
LOWERED | 5:12 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
We have arrived at the point where we have lowered the bar for PRESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE so low that BUSH and CLINTON are the epitome of each party.


No matter what BUSH did or did not do, CONS can always blame CLINTON. No matter what CLINTON did or did not do the opposition can always blame BUSH.

RR, the patron saint of conservatism defined the succesful President as one who has left us better off than we were when he was elected.

I am sure there is something somewhere that is better now than when BUSH was elected. However, the country is currently at such an economic low point, it will be easy with that baseline of performance for OBAMA to show improvement.
Anonymous | 5:24 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Adieu and good riddance!
dc | 5:40 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Please let the door hit you on the but on the way out.

Good riddance!
Dear | 6:00 p.m. Jan. 16, 2009
Dear Mr. President Bush, I am not better off since you have been in office. My nation is not better off since you have been in office. My cat is not better since you have been in office.

I think Barney might be better, though.

Does he realize what a rare item he is?

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President George W. Bush hugs a member of the audience after his farewell speech Thursday. (Jim Watson,AFP/Getty Images)
Jim Watson,AFP/Getty Images

President George W. Bush hugs a member of the audience after his farewell speech Thursday.


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