Laura Seitz, Deseret News

Democrats in the Utah Legislature are taking steps to reach people in their communities rather than forcing constituents to contact them on Capitol Hill.

Bush bids adieu

Holder facing questions

Inauguration test run

Jim Watson,AFP/Getty Images

Unpopular but unbowed, President George W. Bush defended his tumultuous two terms in a farewell address to the nation Thursday night, claiming a hard-won record of achievement.

Holder facing questions

Inauguration test run

Demos travel to constituents

New York police detective Anthony S. Senft's life changed forever when a bomb set by Puerto Rican separatists exploded, blowing him 15 feet in the air and blinding him in one eye.

Inauguration test run

Demos travel to constituents

Bush bids adieu

Ron Edmonds, Associated Press

Derrick Brooks puts his left hand on the book and raises his right, ready to take the oath of office. Dozens of cameras capture this moment in history, even though Brooks is wearing a name card reading "Pres.-elect Obama."

Demos travel to constituents

Bush bids adieu

Holder facing questions

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Democrats in the Utah Legislature are taking steps to reach people in their communities rather than forcing constituents to contact them on Capitol Hill.

Dreams start out as simple, sometimes silly things but on Thursday a NASA astronaut distilled their potential to the students of Wendover High School.

It'll go down as the most successful season in University of Utah football history — a school-record 13 wins, a 31-17 victory over Alabama in the Sugar Bowl at the Louisiana Superdome and a No. 2 national ranking.


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to Jackie 5:10pm actually. I'm quite sure this isn't an LDS blog. Fortunately…

The converter box is just part of the needed upgrade. Most antennas will need upgrading…

I don't disagree but you may want to think about this as well. She looked pretty…

I liked your thought--makes sense to me. Thanks.

I am just saying this but AF already did get beat twice if i remember so there goes…

the first is a list, then is gives a brief synopsis of EU, and the latter refers…

Upbeat Bush bids adieu

We have arrived at the point where we have lowered the bar for PRESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE…

Re: Anonymous 3:31pm Read much??

Are you sure this is a LDS blog? Reading it looks as though the LDS on here are all…

the benevolent government, how generous of them to give a special exemption to victims…
