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Mariner Books - The Best in Paperback

The Best in Paperback. Since its founding in 1997, Mariner Books has established itself as a premier publisher of outstanding literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in paperback. Mariner strives to publish books that entertain intelligently, and offers an extraordinary selection this season for every taste.



China Shakes the World

China Shakes the World
by James Kynge

The Light of Evening

The Light of Evening
by Edna O'Brien

Reader's Guide

"Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world." Napoleon's words seem eerily prescient today, as the shock waves from China's awakening reverberate across the globe. Through dramatic stories of entrepreneurs and visionaries, factory workers and store clerks, Kynge describes the breakneck rise of China, the extraordinary problems the country now faces, and the consequences of both. Winner of the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year 2006 Award.

A novel of dreams and affections, lamentations and betrayals, The Light of Evening delves deep into the intense relationship between a mother and daughter. As she does in much of her stunning fiction, O'Brien reveals a fierce and intimate knowledge of the forces that both bind families together and keep them at odds. "Reading Edna O'Brien is like going into a special place full of radiant energy and intense understanding, unlike any other reading enclosure I know." —Alice Munro
The Trouble With Physics The Trouble With Physics
by Lee Smolin

Forgetfulness Forgetfulness
by Ward Just

Renowned theoretical physicist Lee Smolin argues that physics is losing its way. Ambitious—but untested—ideas about extra dimensions, multiple universes, and strings dominate the field, attracting the best talent and much of the funding and creating a climate in which emerging physicists are often penalized for pursuing other avenues. Smolin offers an unblinking assessment of the troubles that face modern physics—and an encouraging view of where the search for the next big idea may lead.

Thomas Railles, an American expatriate and former "odd-jobber" for the CIA, is a successful painter living with his beloved wife in a small village in the Pyrenees. When his wife is killed by unknown assailants while she is out on a walk, Thomas is left to wonder whether her death was simply a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time; or was it somehow connected to Thomas's work with the CIA? This gripping and insightful novel is a haunting depiction of the corrosive effects of today’s war on terror and its unexpected consequences for the individual conscience.

William James William James
by Robert D. Richardson

Tolstoy Lied Tolstoy Lied
by Rachel Kadish

Reader's Guide

In this thought-provoking and Bancroft Prize–winning biography, William James emerges as an immensely complex and fascinating man. Pivotal member of the Metaphysical Club, author of The Varieties of Religious Experience, and older brother of extraordinary siblings Henry and Alice, the remarkable James put an indelible stamp on psychology, philosophy, teaching, and religion—on modernism itself.

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way," Tolstoy famously wrote in Anna Karenina. But is it really true that happiness is so predictable and bland? Literature professor Tracy Farber—
content with friends and work and satisfied to be single at age thirty-three—takes umbrage and sets out to prove that happiness can be uniquely interesting, in literature and in life.

For more titles from Mariner, look in our recent catalogs.

Houghton Mifflin Fall 2007 General Interest Books Print Catalog

Houghton Mifflin Spring 2007 General Interest Books Print Catalog

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