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Please find listed below contact information for management, department heads and our news departments. If you can't find the person or department you need, check our staff directory. Or you may contact the receptionist at (801) 236-6000 during regular business hours. Our news desks work extended hours.

Deseret News
(ISSN 0745-4724)


Department heads

News departments

  • City Desk/news tips — (801) 237-2100
  • Church News — (801) 237-2141
  • Letters to the editor — (801) 236-6016
  • Sports — (801) 237-2161
  • Feature Section — (801) 237-2150
  • Photo — (801) 237-2127


Editorial offices
30 E 100 South
P.O. Box 1257
Salt Lake City, UT 84110

Advertising and circulation
4770 S 5600 West
West Valley City, UT 84118 staff


Online advertising contact information

Newspaper Agency Corporation New Media department

About the paper

Three years after Brigham Young led Mormon pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847, the first issue of the Deseret News was pulled off a small hand-cranked press. This eight-page newspaper was the first published in what was then called the territory of Deseret.

Although the state of Utah has long-since replaced the old territory, the Deseret News retained its original name. In 2003 the paper switched to morning delivery and today the Deseret News is published daily as Utah's oldest — but most modern — newspaper.

Over the years, the Deseret News has earned hundreds of awards for writing, reporting, design and community service, including the Pulitzer Prize.

Established June 15, 1850. Published daily by Deseret News Publishing Co., 30 E. 100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111.

Periodicals postage paid at Salt Lake City, UT.

Deseret News ®, Deseret News ® are registered as U.S. trademarks.

Contents copyright © 2009 by Deseret News Publishing Company
