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MODLAND Validation Background

The information below provides an overview of the validation strategy being implemented by the MODLAND team, a description of the three stages of a 'Validation Hierarchy', and related references.

Overall Approach

MODLAND product quality is ensured by Calibration, Quality Assurance (QA) and Validation.

MODLAND uses several validation techniques to develop uncertainty information on its products. These include comparisons with in situ data collected over a distributed set of validation test sites, comparisons with data and products from other airborne and spaceborne sensors (e.g., SeaWiFS, AVHRR, MISR, TM/ETM+, ASTER), inter-comparison of trends derived from independently obtained reference data and MODLAND products, and analysis of process model results (including EOS IDS models) which are driven or constrained by MODLAND products.

MODLAND's primary validation technique includes the collection of and comparison with field and aircraft data, and comparison with data and products from other satellites. The infrastructure for these efforts has resulted in the establishment of a semi-permanent set of EOS Land Validation Core Sites, most of which include a flux tower, for extended temporal measurement of terrestrial biophysical dynamics over a range of landcover types. Field data are archived in cooperation with the Oak Ridge DAAC's Mercury system. Results of all validation activities are conveyed to the end-user through both published literature and "Product Specific Validation information" posted on the MODLAND validation web page.

Validation Hierarchy

  • Stage 1 Validation:  Product accuracy has been estimated using a small number of independent measurements obtained from selected locations and time periods and ground-truth/field program effort.
  • Stage 2 Validation: Product accuracy has been assessed over a widely distributed set of locations and time periods via several ground-truth and validation efforts.
  • Stage 3 Validation: Product accuracy has been assessed and the uncertainties in the product well established via independent measurements in a systematic and statistically robust way representing global conditions.

Measures of Success

Successful validation is accomplished if timely and accurate product uncertainty information becomes routinely available to the product users.  Product-specific Validation information is now posted on the MODLAND validation web pages via the button.  As improvements and modifications to MODIS algorithms develop, this validation information will be updated - with the goal of providing accuracy statements for the most current version of each MODLAND product. 

Validation Plans 

Validation Update for Terra and Aqua , released December, 2000

The original MODLAND Validation Plan (September 1998) describes:

  • coordination with EOS Validation Investigators
  • validation sites
  • pre-launch activities
  • post-launch activities
  • implementation of validation results

Additional MODIS Validation References

Morisette, J. T., J.L. Privette, and C.O. Justice, A framework for the validation of MODIS land products, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83(1-2), 77-96, 2002.

ORNL DAAC's "Best Practices for Preparing Ecological and Ground-Based Data Sets to Share and Archive", published in October, 2000.

"EOS Land Validation Coordination: An Update", 1998, by Chris Justice, Dave Starr, Diane Wickland, Jeff Privette, and Tim Suttles.

"EOS Global Land Validation Network" , Jeffrey L. Privette, Jeffrey T. Morisette, Chris Justice, and David Starr, IGARSS'99 Proceedings.


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Curator: Jaime Nickeson
NASA Official: Robert Wolfe
Last Updated: September 29, 2008
