MSU, WJR Radio launch environmentally focused radio program

Contact: Russ White, University Relations, Office: (517) 432-0923,; Bridget Burns, WJR Radio, Office: (313) 873-9735,

Published: Sept. 02, 2008 E-mail Editor


Heinze Armstrong

"Greening of the Great Lakes" host Kirk Heinze (left) talks with Jeff Armstrong for a segment of the show. Armstrong is dean of the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Photo by G.L. Kohuth.

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EAST LANSING, Mich. — Michigan State University and News/Talk 760 WJR are partnering on a weekly radio program called “Greening of the Great Lakes.” 


The radio program, heard from 7 to 8 p.m. Fridays, explores issues of sustainability in the areas of economics, environment and community. Topics range from the construction of "green" buildings to the development of energy-efficient automobiles to the creation of those biofuels that will help power autos and buildings of the future. 


The program’s host, Kirk Heinze, has served in MSU’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for three decades as a faculty member, a department chairperson and, most recently, as director of Agriculture and Natural Resources Communications.


“We thoughtfully consider such critical issues as land use, water quality, LED (light emitting diode) lighting, alternative energy, biotechnology and organic agriculture,” Heinze said. “We talk with experts who have varying perspectives on these issues, and our listeners form their own judgments based on what they hear.”     


This program represents one more exciting, collaborative partnership between WJR and MSU –providing an educational forum focusing on issues that are important not only to those living in the Great Lakes region, but also to those living across the United States, Heinze said.

For more information and insight into the organizations committed to making the Great Lakes region a leader in environmental practices, you can visit This Web site is designed to be an online resource for anyone interested in learning about the Great Lakes region, related environmental issues and ways that they can protect the environment. 

“‘Greening of the Great Lakes’ is an exciting extension of MSU’s partnership with WJR,” said MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon. “The stewardship of the environment in which we live is vitally important to all of us, especially when it concerns our treasured Great Lakes. We want ‘Greening of the Great Lakes’ to become the online and on-air resource for all of the important information people need to incorporate sound environmental practices into their daily lives.”

 WJR President and General Manager Mike Fezzey said: “This outstanding partnership between WJR and MSU has not only created a place where listeners can go to find extensive resources for those dedicated to living an environmentally friendly lifestyle, but ‘Greening of the Great Lakes’ will stay on the cutting edge of environmentally related news and information.” 




Kirk Heinze on Greening of the Great Lakes Video Icon

(file size: 10.05 MB, file length: 00:01:16)

Kirk Heinze, host of Greening of the Great Lakes on WJR, describes the mission of the show.

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