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The  UVM Apple Team


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The UVM Apple Program:

Extension and Research for the commercial tree fruit grower in Vermont and beyond...

UVM Apple Orchard - Apple Industry Links

      Vermont Tree Fruit Growers' Association - Organization of  Vermont commercial apple growers.  Membership benefits include representation of apple industry interests to State Government  and to other regional and national organizations;  influence on research that addresses Vermont industry needs;  annual meeting with pesticide recertification credits;  forum for voicing grower concerns and common interests.   Click the following for Membership application,   Minutes of the last Business Meeting,  Brochure for the most recent annual meetingAnnual Meeting Registration Form.   

       Vermont Apples   -- Produced by the Vermont Apple Marketing Board in cooperation with the Vermont Department of Agriculture, Food and Markets,   Montpelier, Vermont.  

     New England McIntosh Association Home Page

    U.S. Apple Association

     The Fruit Growers News

     Good Fruit Grower

Return to UVM Apple Orchard home page


Webpage:  LPBerkett