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IAFF Online Learning Modules

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    The IAFF is in the process of converting all of the modules to a more stable and user friendly format.

    New Module: Recruiting & Endorsing Candidates

Recruiting & Endorsing Candidates
Local, state and federal political candidates seek to be endorsed by individuals as well as organizations. The endorsement of fire fighters is among the most coveted in today's political campaigns. This module focuses on candidate endorsement, but the principles can apply to referendum and/or ballot initiatives.
Pensions 101
Fire fighters' pensions reflect the hazards of our occupation and we have worked hard to obtain these benefits. We also must be ready to protect them. This module is a 101 on the types of pension plans and on how union members can begin to protect them.
Welcome to the IAFF: Orientation for New Members
PowerPoint presentation
Microsoft Word lesson plan
Pandemic Influenza
As a first responder, you will need to know how to protect yourself against a pandemic flu outbreak. This module explores the characteristics of the Avian and pandemic flu, how to protect yourself against influenza and offers tools for assisting your department in developing a plan for a potential pandemic in your community.

First Responder Operations: Every Call Is a Potential HazMat Incident
This introductory module is first in a series designed to teach you an approach to handling emergency incidents that will reduce your risk to the lowest possible level when dealing with hazardous materials.

NFPA 1710: A Standard for Every Professional Fire Department
In this module, you will learn how NFPA 1710 establishes minimum requirements for a safe and effective emergency
response system to protect professional fire fighters, emergency medical responders and the communities they serve.
Fitness on the Front Line: Staying Prepared
Every day, you make choices that affect your health and job performance. This module will follow a fire fighter through a shift during which you can explore some of those choices.
Local Human Relations Committees: Staying Productive and Energized
In this module, you will learn how to put safeguards into place to ensure that your local human relations committee remains productive and energized.
Weapons of Mass Destruction: An Introduction
In this module, you'll learn that WMD incidents are most often HazMat incidents caused by malicious intent. You'll also learn to recognize the additional concerns a WMD incident adds to a traditional HazMat incident, identify the four main types of WMD incidents and recognize your community's susceptibility.
Getting the Most From Your Gear
This second module in the FRO series covers the proper use and limitations of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and Structural Fire Fighter Protective Clothing (SFPC).
How Toxins Attack: You, Your Crew and Your Family
In order to understand how to avoid toxic exposure, you need to know how and where it occurs. This module shows you how to help prevent secondary contamination at work and at home.
Routine Personal Decontamination: Getting Clean and Staying Healthy
This module explains when and how first responders should decontaminate after routine calls. (This module is currently undergoing technical updates)
Reporting Exposure: How a Sheet of Paper Can Help Guard Your Health
No one likes talking about potential health problems, but you should think of exposure reports like automotive insurance: you don't want to get in a wreck, you try to avoid a wreck, but you still have insurance, just in case. This module describes why, when and how first responders should file exposure reports to insure their health. (This module is currently undergoing technical updates)
The Following Topics Are Available Only to IAFF Union Leadership:
DROP Part I: The Basics
This module serves as an introduction to Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) programs. You'll learn how a DROP program works and how it can affect a member’s retirement savings.
DROP Part II: DROP Types
This module explores the differences between a Forward DROP and a Back/Retroactive DROP. This information will allow you to consider what type of DROP program would be best for your area.
DROP Part III: Developing Your DROP Program
The information presented in this module will assist you in working with an actuary to make decisions regarding key DROP program factors.
DROP Part IV: Convincing Key Stakeholders
In this module, you will learn some common arguments against DROP as well as counter arguments you can use to ensure its implementation.
Costing the Contract: Computing Straight-Time Earnings
In order to effectively bargain for compensation, your local must be able to compute the actual cost of your present straight-time earnings and the cost of any proposed increase. This module will help build the skills needed to make those calculations.
Collective Bargaining: Preparing for Success
Preparing and research is essential for archiving success in collective bargaining negotiations. This module will discuss how to prepare for negotiations. Access restricted to IAFF leaders.

Additional Online Learning Resources

International Association of Fire Fighters
1750 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006 • 202.737.8484 • 202.737.8418 (Fax)
Copyright © 2009 International Association of Fire Fighters.  Last Modified:  1/16/2009