2009 Alfred K. Whitehead

 Legislative Conference

March 15 - March 18, 2009

Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
Washington, DC

The Alfred K. Whitehead Legislative Conference is the cornerstone of the IAFF’s legislative efforts. The IAFF has won significant legislative victories on Capitol Hill due largely to the relationships that local IAFF leaders have with their elected officials. 

With the inauguration of a new president and a new Congress, we have an extraordinary opportunity in 2009 to further advance legislation to positively and directly impact the jobs, economic security and safety of IAFF members. 

The pages on this web site will allow you to register for the Conference and provide you with additional information on Conference activities and accommodations.

I look forward to seeing you in March.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Harold A. Schaitberger
General President



The 2009 Fire Fighter Issues Book is Coming Soon

Capitol Hill Appointments

All Conference participants should schedule appointments with their representatives and senators prior to coming to Washington, DC.  Call your legislators' Washington DC offices directly or call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your member's office.  The IAFF recommends that you schedule your appointments for Tuesday,
March 17.



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