CROSCI - Science Portal

Welcome to Croatian Science Portal. The main mission of our organisation is to promote and advance scientific work and inspire young generations towards a wide range of careers available in academic and research work.

Featured Science Video: Beautiful Science

Science is not the hottest topic among the young generations today. Passive media such as TV, radio and music still dominate the midnset.

This video demonstrates how a cleverly orchestrated campaign can steer the interest of the young generations in the right directions in the same interactive way a new video game would or an interactive feature on the net such as social media or YouTube.

Essentially, Beautiful Science is a three part British Council project in ten countries bringing together scientists from Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the UK.

The three parts are: Visualise, Debates & FameLab.


Featured Articles

How Businesses Can Save Thousands By Sourcing Local Products Rather Than Made in Asia How Businesses Can Save Thousands By Sourcing Local Products Rather Than Made in Asia

In recent years many businesses went off-shore to have their new product or invention taken from concept to manufacturing, as a way to cut costs. With the crash of the Australian dollar affecting imports and the increase in local know-how, smart businesses are taking a fresh look at local suppliers as a way of cutting costs.


Robots are future

Robots are part of our future!

There is no doubt about it; human evolution and performance are limited. Our intelligence and physical abilities are restricted and we cannot survive without vital nutrients, air and other elements, necessary for our frail human nature. Therefore it is vitally important we improve and protect our abilities, and what better way to do so, then with mechanically engineered devices.


Aiming highCroatia: Aiming High

Was it a scheduling error that put Croatia on a panel yesterday afternoon with scientific powerhouses USA and Britain for a session on what governments can do to spur innovation and compete globally? It seems that way at first -- until Dragan Primorac, Croatia's science chief, begins to unveil his grand strategy.

Featured Scientist

Profesor Mladen VranicProfessor Mladen Vranic

Professor Mladen Vranic is distinguished researcher and educator in medical sciences (endocrinology and metabolism) and former chair of physiology, where 85 years ago insulin was discovered. More


Featured Event

Food packagin4th International Symposium on Food Packaging - Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Quality
19-21 November 2008, Prague, Czech Republic


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If you are a member of a scientific or academic community and wish to contribute to CROSCI please contact us in order to publish your research material or an article.