Illinois Tollway has activated hourly Zero Weather Patrols which will operate when temperature or wind chill drops below zero until severe cold subsides. Patrols run 24/7 during subzero weather and augment HELP trucks and State Police during cold weather

GCM Travel Site History

This home page is provided as an effort of the Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee (GCM) Priority Corridor Partners: Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).

Since 1993, when the Gary-Chicago-Milwaukee (GCM) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Priority Corridor was designated, the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin have worked together closely on solutions to transportation problems in this 130-mile-long, 16-county corridor that is home to more than 10 million people. Through the deployment of advanced technologies, the use of existing transportation services and infrastructure, and the cooperative efforts of several transportation and planning agencies in the three states, the GCM Corridor Program is making transportation in the corridor smarter, safer, better coordinated, and more efficient.

By taking a coordinated multi-state approach, the three states have been able to integrate ITS programs beyond their borders, pool funds, and deploy projects that benefit the entire region. Deployment of the GCM Corridor ITS projects is managed by the GCM Coalition which is composed of committees, work groups, and ITS Midwest. The consortium manages the program activities, addresses key issues that arise, and helps maintain public and political awareness and support during the deployment process.

The efforts displayed here result from work on the GCM Corridor Gateway Traveler Information System. The Gateway System has been designed to serve as an information clearinghouse for the Corridor: information from a variety of transportation related sources is collected in each state's traffic management center, forwarded to the Gateway, and sent back to the traffic management centers. Each state manages its own system, but has better information on what traffic conditions are like on the facilities adjoining its system due to the Gateway information-sharing.

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Fri Jan 16 18:33:26 CST 2009