Auto Show

Detroit Auto Show 2009 North American International Auto Show
A Special Section
A Tennessee Republican in Detroit’s Courtyard

Senator Bob Corker, who voted against a carmaker bailout last month, spent several hours touring the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

Wagoner Says G.M. Is Working on an Overhaul Tied to the Bailout

The chairman of General Motors said that a $13.4-billion federal aid package would be sufficient to keep the company solvent through March.

A Small Showing, but With Big Dreams

For the first time, two Chinese carmakers are exhibiting this year on the main floor of the Detroit auto show.

Honda Unveils a Cheaper Hybrid Challenger to Toyota’s Top-Selling Prius

The Toyota Prius, which dominates the U.S. hybrid car market, will face its most serious challenger this year as Honda introduces the Insight hybrid.

The Electric Auto Fleet Moves a Few Steps Closer

A look at the machinery to be revealed at the Detroit auto show suggests that the era of the electric automobile has finally arrived.

New Cars Arrive, Courting Few Buyers

Many of the new models were in development a few years ago, when the industry was on much stronger footing.

Detroit Goes for Electric Cars, but Will Drivers?

Ford and other carmakers are betting billions on electric cars despite questions about consumer demand for them.

G.M. to Make Batteries for Volt in Michigan

General Motors will announce Monday that it will make lithium-ion battery packs to power the 2011 Chevrolet Volt at a new facility in the United States.

A Less Exuberant Show, but a More Rational One

The embattled city is doing its best to affect a festive atmosphere for the North American International Auto Show.

Coming Home to Rough Times in a Tough Town

Out-of-towners often offer insults in Detroit, but the city has a rough charm for those who can see beyond the industrial decay.

The 2009 Detroit Auto Show

Jerry Garrett surveys the show, where automakers envision an electric future.

Highlights From the Detroit Auto Show

The 2009 North American International Auto Show includes a variety of electric- and hybrid-powered vehicles.

Room for Debate

How to Get Detroit Selling Again
How to Get Detroit Selling Again

Auto industry experts discuss what Detroit needs to do to convince people to buy its cars.

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