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The Globalist is a daily online magazine about global economy, politics, and culture. The Globalist Quiz appears every week in the Sunday Globe.
Iran at the margins
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Iran at the margins

A report from Tehran at a pivotal time for Iranians.


Israelis push ahead in Gaza (Khaled Hasan/Bloomberg News)

Israelis push ahead in Gaza

A blaze raged at a United Nations-run warehouse, above, after it was shelled by Israeli forces in Gaza City yesterday. Israel said its forces had returned fire at Hamas fighters in or near the UN site. At least 70 people were killed. Israeli soldiers killed two top Hamas leaders and incurred withering international criticism for shelling the compound full of provisions for refugees. (By Sebastian Rotella and Rushdi abu Alouf, Los Angeles Times)

Afghan general, 12 soldiers die in crash

A helicopter carrying one of Afghanistan's most senior army generals and 12 soldiers crashed in bad weather yesterday, killing all aboard, the Afghan military said. (Boston Globe)

Killer's release sparks outrage in Russia

A former Russian army colonel convicted of strangling an 18-year-old Chechen woman walked out of prison 15 months early yesterday despite an outcry from lawyers and human rights activists. (Boston Globe)

Troops hunt for Red Cross abductees

US-backed soldiers with night-vision goggles combed dense southern Philippine jungles yesterday in pursuit of kidnappers who dragged three Red Cross workers from their vehicle at gunpoint, in the country's most high-profile foreign kidnapping in eight years. (Boston Globe)

16-month plan for Iraq withdrawal

Pentagon officials said yesterday they will be ready on Inauguration Day with plans for a quick pullout of US combat troops from Iraq if Barack Obama orders one, as he pledged to do during his White House campaign. (Boston Globe)

Zimbabwe's opposition to meet Mugabe

Zimbabwe's main opposition leader will return home this weekend after more than two months out of the country, and planned to meet with Robert Mugabe in an effort to resolve the stalemate over a power-sharing agreement. (By Donna Bryson, Associated Press)

Pakistan vows to aid Mumbai investigation

Pakistan insisted it would help India to capture and prosecute those behind the Mumbai terrorist attacks, saying yesterday it had shut down extremist websites and suspected militant training camps and detained 71 people in a deepening probe. (By Stephen Graham, Associated Press )


Source: Obama to name Sunstein his regulatory czar

President-elect Barack Obama has tapped legal scholar Cass Sunstein as his administration's regulatory czar, a Democratic source said Friday. (Associated Press Writer, 4:54 p.m.)

UN food centers working in Gaza despite attack

A day after an Israeli bombardment hit a warehouse in a U.N. compound and destroyed tons of aid, officials Friday delivered food rerouted from elsewhere to thousands of residents who otherwise have almost nothing to eat. (Associated Press Writers, 4:52 p.m.)

US man jailed for stealing pages from rare books

A wealthy U.S. businessman with a passion for books about the Middle East was sentenced to two years in jail Friday for stealing pages from rare texts at two of Britain's most venerable libraries. (Associated Press Writer, 4:52 p.m.)

U.S. Treasury targets bin Laden's son

The U.S. Treasury said on Friday it would freeze the assets of one of Osama bin Laden's sons and three other members of al Qaeda it believes are operating in Iran. (Reuters, 4:33 p.m.)

Turkish PM: Israel should be barred from UN

Israel should be barred from the United Nations while it ignores the organization's calls to stop fighting in Gaza, Turkey's prime minister said Friday, urging the world not to turn a blind eye to Israel's "savagery." (Associated Press Writer, 4:12 p.m.)