IAB Announcements

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Alaska Civil Rights Day is Monday, Jan. 19. Main UAF offices will be closed. ...
IAB Ski Mass costumed participants are shown above skating and gliding along the UAF trails during our annual holiday outing. Click your refresh button to see more. ...

IAB in the News

02 January 2009: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Statehood changed wildlife management for Alaska Go »
David R. Klein/IAB/AKCFWRU emeritus

22 December 2008: Science Daily
Arctic Greening Linked to Retreating Sea Ice (pdf) Go »
Donald 'Skip' Walker/IAB/Alaska Geobotany Center; Martha Raynolds/IAB/AGC

19 December 2008: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
How cold is cold to a musk ox? Find out at LARS open house (pdf) Go »
IAB Large Animal Research Station

News Releases

12 December 2008: Arctic greening linked to retreating sea ice. Go »

01 December 2008: Dolphins, whales part of Michael Phelps� Olympic success. Go »

01 December 2008: LARS and UAF deck halls with sales, open houses, concerts. Go »

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.


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• Thesis Defense: Ecology and Evolution of Truffle Fungi: Estimating the diversity of fungi associated with the Prince of Wales Northern Flying Squirrel

Luke Bruner
16 January 2009
Elvey Auditorium

Details »

• Notice: Alaska Civil Rights Day

19 January 2009

• Notice: First Day of Classes

22 January 2009

• Notice: Spring Break

9 - 13 March 2009

• Notice: Last Day of Classes

4 May 2009

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