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Regional ITS Architecture Guidance Document

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Technical Report Documentation Page
Executive Summary

Table of Contents

1   Introduction
1.1   What is an ITS Architecture?
1.2   The Goal of a Regional ITS Architecture
1.3   Using a Regional ITS Architecture
1.4   USDOT Policy
1.5   How This Document is Organized
2   Developing a Regional ITS Architecture
3   Get Started
3.1   Identify Need
3.2   Define Scope
3.3   Identify Stakeholders
3.4   Identify Champion(s)
4   Gather Data
4.1   Define Inventory
4.2   Determine Needs and Services
4.3   Develop Operational Concept
4.4   Define Functional Requirements
5   Define Interfaces
5.1   Identify Interconnects
5.2   Define Information Flows
6   Implementation
6.1   Project Sequencing
6.2   Develop List of Agency Agreements
6.3   Identify ITS Standards
7   Using a Regional ITS Architecture
7.1   Use for Transportation Planning
7.2   Use for Programming/Budgeting/Capital Planning
7.3   Use in Project Implementation
8   Maintaining a Regional ITS Architecture
8.1   Why a Regional ITS Architecture Needs to Be Maintained
8.2   Maintenance decisions
8.3   Maintenance Process
A   Regional ITS Architecture Tools
A.1   Hypertext View
A.2   Databases
A.3   Turbo Architecture
B   Architecture Maintenance Resources
B.1   Sample Change Management Forms
B.2   Architecture Maintenance Plan Outline
B.3   Real-World Examples
C   Glossary
D   Acronyms

List of Figures
List of Tables

Department of Transportation, Office of Operations
HOTM Room 3404
400 Seventh Street SW
Washington, DC 20590
Toll-Free "Help Line" 866-367-7487
Publication No. FHWA-HOP-06-112
July 2006

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Contact Information: Emiliano Lopez at Emiliano.Lopez@dot.gov