Filaree Farm
182 Conconully Hwy
Okanogan, WA 98840

Certified Organic by WSDA
phone: (509) 422 6940

We are now taking orders for seed garlic for Fall 2008 delivery.
We reserve largest bulbs for early orders.
Our shopping cart now automatically computes "Bulk Discount" price,
but a thinking human being still processes your order.


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Species Allium sativuum; Subspecies sativuum

  Silverskins are the type most often found on supermarket shelves due to their very long storage life. They are the highest yielding variety and do well in a wide range of climates, from hot southern to wet maritime and cold northern climates as well.

  Plant growth is more upright than other types. Leaves are often narrow and pale green despite healthy plants. Silverskins rarely produce flower stalks in mild climates, but may when stressed by cold winters or drought conditions.

  Bulb wrappers are fine and smooth, usually all white. Three to six clove layers are common. Total cloves per bulb vary from 12 to 20. Outer cloves are usually flat and wide while inner cloves are tall, narrow and concave.   Silverskins have long been the most popular garlics for braiders because of the smooth, shiny skin and symmetrical shape. Silverskins are the last to be harvested and may lodge (fall over) a week or more before harvest due to their weak necks.

Bulk discounts apply to full lbs of strains labelled "Bulk".
Discount prices do not apply to amounts less than full lb
or strains marked "Limited Quantity".
Please see our Order Info page for details.

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Sorry ! All garlic sold out for 2008. 2009 catalog will be mailed around Feb/March. Email us to get on mailing list.

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