Filaree Farm
182 Conconully Hwy
Okanogan, WA 98840

Certified Organic by WSDA
phone: (509) 422 6940

We are now taking orders for seed garlic for Fall 2008 delivery.
We reserve largest bulbs for early orders.
Our shopping cart now automatically computes "Bulk Discount" price,
but a thinking human being still processes your order.


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Creole Plant
Creole Group
Variety Silverskin

  While Creoles are a subgroup of the Silverskin variety, they have certain similarities with Purple Stripe garlics, including vivid clove colors, tallish cloves with elongated tips, and numerous tiny bulbils. They differ in that flower stalks are very short and weak. While bulb wrappers are usually off white, the cloves are a striking solid red or purple. Creoles do best in southern latitudes. They will survive in northern climates, but produce only medium to large size bulbs. They have an initially sweet flavor accompanied with a heat that builds in intensity.

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Sorry ! All garlic sold out for 2008. 2009 catalog will be mailed around Feb/March. Email us to get on mailing list.

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Rocambole Porcelain Purple Stripe Silverskin Artichoke Asiatic
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