Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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U.S. Elections


Campaign 2008

2008 Election: The House of Representatives  New!

2006 Midterm Elections: The House of Representatives

2008 Midterm Elections: The Senate

The Governors of the Fifty States

Apportionment of U.S. House of Representatives, 1950–2000

Presidential Elections, 1789–2008

2000 Election Chronology

The Closest Presidential Races

Participation in Elections for President and U.S. Representatives, 1930–2006

How a President Is Nominated and Elected

Step-by-Step on the Campaign Trail

National Political Conventions Since 1856

Plurality and Majority

Facts About Elections

Campaign 2004


Voter Registration Deadlines and Poll Hours

Presidential Election of 2008, Electoral and Popular Vote Summary

Presidential Election of 2004, Electoral and Popular Vote Summary

Electoral College Votes by State, 2008 Presidential Elections

Electoral College Votes by State, 2004 Presidential Elections

Presidential Election of 2000, Electoral and Popular Vote Summary

Presidential Election of 1996, Electoral and Popular Vote Summary

Who Can Vote and Who Can Be Elected

Residency Requirements for Voting

National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960–2004

Voter Participation in Presidential Elections, 1824–1928

Unusual Voting Results

GOP elections
Library of Congress

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