Shop Home - Books & Videos - Gifts - Order Form (pdf)

The Museum Shop features books, jewelry, stationery, and other gifts related to the art collections and gardens.
Open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm.

Hillwood Museum and Gardens
A picture book on the museum and gardens
$20.00 (102 pp.)
American Empress
by Nancy Rubin
(382 pp. 45 b&w illustrations)

Fabergé Twelve Monogram Egg Glass Ornament
Made in Poland
4.75" high $36.00

Kusmi Russian Teas
Available in tea bags or loose teas leaves in a variety of flavors.
$15.00 Tin of loose tea leaves
$12.00 Box of tea bags.

To purchase from the store, please use this order form.

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Use of this site or its images indicates agreement to Hillwood Museum and Gardens' copyright terms. Photograph credits.