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The Mobile & Embedded Community is a gathering place that enables and empowers developers to collaborate and innovate, driving the evolution and adoption of the Java(TM) Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) for mobile and embedded devices. Here you can be a part of a robust culture of developers and technology experts and find people with similar interests and goals. For more information, see our community vision.

JavaFX 1.0 is here!
Lightweight UI Toolkit is now open source
Java on Windows Mobile

Java Mobility Podcast 70: Bit-side
Thomas Schüppel of bit-side talks with Terrence about his companies experience developing on mobile devices. (Feb 05, 2009)

Next up: FOSDEM 2009
FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting
I'm excited to be heading up to Brussels, Belgium this Friday. This is my first time at FOSDEM and I've been told it's an awesome FOSS conference. Attendance is absolutely FREE and they are expecting 5000 people up there this...   Terrence Barr

Terrence Barr M3DD: Thanks & follow-up
I'm just coming up for air again ... M3DD took all my attention for the past three weeks and after it was done I had a bunch of things to follow-up on, sift through hundreds of piled-up emails, and finally take two days for a desperately-needed break. But here now a brief follow-up on the conference ...   Terrence Barr
  (Feb 03, 2009)

Getting ready for the Java Libre FOSDEM dev room

This time around, the FOSDEM conference is coming around the corner a bit faster then last year. FOSDEM takes place every year at the ULB in Brussels, Belgium, approximately two months after the Devoxx conference in Antwerp. It's packed, it's intense, and it's a great way to meet new people across open source project and language boundaries.

This year's schedule for the development room has been split into a few blocks of related talks. We've tried the '30 minutes or less per talk' approach last year, and it worked pretty well, allowing a lot of developers to present the work they are passionate about. And of course, to enable matching real life faces to IRC handles and e-mail addresses, which makes it so much easier to continue interesting follow up conversations into the night. So the Java libre dev room organizers chose the same rapid-fire-of-interesting-subjects approach this year ... robilad
  (Feb 01, 2009)

Hot deployment into emulator
Java ME SDK has an important feature which can speed up MIDlet development. MIDlet can be redeployed into already opened emulator.

Have your Java ME cake and eat it too

Here's a way to stay programming in Java ME technology, but also sell your Java ME app at the Apple iPhone AppStore too. Javaground has added an iPhone component to their Xpress Suite to compile Java ME source code into an iPhone native app.   hinkmond
  (Jan 30, 2009)

Telmaps Navigator Uses LWUIT
A while back guys from Telmap contacted us regarding the usage of LWUIT in their application, after extensive testing/back and forth with us they are finally getting ready to launch a rather impressive LWUIT application.

Chen and myself were very impressed with some of the visuals associated with their GIS application, they really used alpha blending/z-ordering to the maximum of their capacity on LWUIT. The widgets and animations are practically unrecognizable which is a strong testament to how customizable LWUIT is.

A-ooga! Orugga has your ticket for Java ME tech

Did you ever hear those loud air horns on those old Model A cars? You know--the ones that go A-OOGA! Well, this has nothing to do with that. Orugga has created a Java ME app that allows you to have your tickets for events displayed on your cell phone screen to have it scanned for your entry.   hinkmond
  (Jan 29, 2009)

The WAP Gap All Over Again - W3C, HTTPS and Transcoding

The other day Luca Passani sent me an email pointing me to a very important discussion that had been happening at the W3C Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group WG. The discussion is around Transcoding of web content and HTTPS -or- justifying breaking HTTPS in the name of transcoding.    ceo
  (Jan 29, 2009)

The Glu that Binds us... to Java ME technology

Glu has a new lineup of cell phones game for your Java ME technology-enabled phone. There are some cool sounding titles. Superman/Batman, Heroes United at Brokeback Mountain. I think Heath Ledger was in that one, right? It's where Superman and Batman spend time together fighting crime and driving cattle...   hinkmond
  (Jan 29, 2009)

JavaFX in Review

JavaFX has been in the spotlight with a nice review from eWeek. And, for those of you trying it out, there are plenty of articles and blogs coming out to help.   dannycoward
  (Jan 27, 2009)

Maybe Java ME ?

Maybe one of the apps you want to write for billions of mobile phones needs to mix different sounds. Like a game with ambient background music with foregound noises (exploding tanks, bubbles popping, friends coming get the picture). Maybe you need to write it with an award winning tool.

Maybe you want a framework to embed it as a widget on the phone, and an on device store where users get it. All based on a lightweight user-interface technology that runs on all those Java enabled phones, which is also touch capable.Maybe   dannycoward
  (Jan 26, 2009)

Announcing release of cq3G test suite
The cq3G project is a suite of 48 tests based on 24 Test Cases for GSMNA - 3G Americas (3GA) Test Specifications for JAVA Micro Edition, Revision 1.0.3 February 20, 2007. 3G Americas operators and manufacturers in the Americas to represent the GSM family of wireless unites mobile technologies - GSM, GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS/HSDPA. For more information regarding GSMNA please go to GSMNA Test Specifications for JAVA Micro Edition

Meet at Mobile World Congress 2009

For those attending Mobile World Congress 2009: I would love to meet my (virtual) friends, followers and people who I follow, From work perspective, if your company has or will have “end-to-end digital management” needs anywhere in the world from activation to support to management for mobile handsets and 3G-and-4G nomadic devices, I would love to chat [...]   ceo
  (Jan 25, 2009)

Real Invaders - A Fun Java ME Game for Mobile Phones
This is a fun game where you must move the phone in the environment to put the target on the spacecraft to fire. This game works in Nokia mobile phones that have Symbian OS series 60 and screen resolution 240x320 pixels like N95, N73, 6120 classic, 6110 navigator, etc. This game does not use accelerometer, this game use the camera to make motion tracking.

JCP Executive Committee Special Election
The Mobile & Embedded Community was instrumental in electing Sean Sheedy to the Java Micro Edition (ME) Executive Committee(EC) last fall and there is an opportunity to do that once again. The JCP currently have Nominations will open 3-17 February 2009 for one open Java ME EC seat. This EC seat is for a term ending in December 2010, and will fill Intel's vacated seat on the Java ME EC. If the Mobile & Embedded Community can focus on one candidate we stand a chance of getting this person elected.
  (Jan 27, 2009)

Java Mobility Podcast 69: Live from Mobile, Media & eMbedded Developer Days
Daniel Steinberg did a walk about the floor at the Mobile, Media and eMbedded Developer Days soliciting comments from the various attendees. (Jan 27, 2009)

Perst Embedded Database Upgrade Brings Full-Text Search and More to Mobile Phones
McObject has released Perst 4.0, an upgrade to its open source, object-oriented embedded database system for smartphones and other Java-based mobile devices. In the new release, Perst extends its full-text search capability to new mobile device environments, and builds on this feature to provide a sample search engine application for phones based on Google's Android platform as well as BlackBerry, Nokia and other Java ME-based mobile devices.

Mobile, Media & eMbedded Developer Days Video Feed
Live video feed of the M3DD conference is available now.

M3DD is next week
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days is next week. Read the featured segment on the Tru2Way (Open Cable) and Brazilian TV Spec talks in the sixth of our weekly newsletters

Java Mobility Podcast 68: OpenCable Project and Tru2Way
Phil Bender talks about the OpenCable project, its relationship to Tru2Way and his talk on the Tru2Way Roadmap and Mobile, Media, and Embedded Developer Days. (Jan 15, 2009)

M3DD: Only 1 week to - final updates (Registration ends Monday!!)
Only one more week to the Java Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days conference (Jan 21-22, 2009) and the special half-day LWUIT tutorial on Jan 23. Here are the latest updates ...
  (Jan 14, 2009)

Developing Interactive TV applications faster and smoother
The Java TV Developers project has been introduced to enable faster and smoother tools for creation of interactive TV applications . The project enables developers with best practices presentations ,guidelines & latest tools for introducing applications for TV as well as provides tools for migration of available mobile & desktop applications to TV. New materials and forums for discussion of content creation for TV ( High definition or Standard definition TV ) leveraging JavaTV as the common denominator Java platform for blu-Ray players with BD_J, Cable STB with OCAP and MHP , BrazilJavaDTV, and the China DTMS.

Reminder: JCP 10th Birthday Party - Tue, Jan 13th
Just a quick note: Tomorrow, Tuesday (Jan 13th) the JCP will hold their 10th anniversary birthday party at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA ...

More Than a Million Served

I keep wanting to post some more stuff about majimob and MajiPlayer but I'm still waiting for some of the upcoming new applications/features from the company to become public. The current news is that MajiPlayer has crossed the million downloads .. this is really impressive for a 2 month old project and its quite impressive for getjar as a distribution medium.   Shai Almog (
  (Jan 12, 2009)

Terrence Barr
M3DD - Two Weeks To Go - Update on free, live, worldwide broadcast

Only two more weeks to the Java Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days conference (Jan 21-22, 2009). Check out podcast #67, newsletter #5, and the update on the free, live, worldwide broadcast.   Terrence Barr
  (Jan 07, 2009)

JavaFX Widgets and Series

A great one-month birthday gift for JavaFX yesterday was the release of the widget-framework-built-in-JavaFX called WidgetFX 1.0  dannycoward
  (Jan 07, 2009)

My New Book

On my new book, I explain how to build up great abs… (OK, ok, I am joking, but my wife had a great hard laugh).   ceo
  (Jan 04, 2009)

The year ahead for Java and JavaFX

2009 promises to be an exciting year for Java: The Planetarium expects Java SE 7 to be mostly completed, with modularization, multiple languages being a big deal, JavaFX will ship the mobile profile, and preview (and possibly complete) version 2 including the TV edition, Java ME should finish or get close to finishing its next mobile edition, and we should continue to see lots of mobile frameworks and app stores. Others are looking into their crystal balls too ...   dannycoward
  (Jan 06, 2009)

Preview Of LWUIT For CDC

We got allot of requests for the CDC port of LWUIT over the past few months and while this isn't quite complete yet we do have an initial binary offering which you can play with now available in the Java TV project here.

This is a version specifically optimized for the needs of the TV market based on PBP (personal basis profile) and so it has many assumptions related to the constraints of DTV. However, those of you who are aching for a CDC port of LWUIT now have an outlet for their fix.   Shai Almog (
  (Jan 06, 2009)

M3DD is only 2 weeks Away
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days is two weeks from now. Read the featured segment on the JavaFX Mobile sessions in the fourth of our weekly M3DD newsletters.

Java Mobility Podcast 67: Does Your Mobile Speak JavaFX?
Juraj Svec and Jan Sterba of the JavaFX Mobile development team are preparing for JavaFX/Mobile presentations at Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days. Here them talk about the challenges in developing this platform in this introduction to JavaFX/Mobile. (Jan 06, 2009)

M&E Community for students on Open Source University Meetup
Students now have access to the same materials as the rest of the Mobile & Embedded Community on the new M&E site at the Open Source University Meetup site. One Student from Canada is already benefiting from his post at the site when Enrique Ortiz's M3DD presentation on Near Field Communication was posted. This is an interactive website designed specifically for students. Big thanks to Eduardo Lima for setting up this site.

Java Mobility Podcast 66: Sean Sheedy, JCP ME Executive Committee Feedback
Sean Sheedy was recently elected a JCP ME Executive Committee and is soliciting feedback on what developers think the EC should be addressing. (Dec 31, 2008)

M3DD is only 3 weeks Away
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days is four weeks from now. Read the featured segments on embedded sessions in the fourth of our weekly M3DD newsletters.

JavaFX - the road ahead
Jeet Kaul, VP of Client Software Group at Sun, answers questions around JavaFX on his blog "JavaFX - the road ahead".

Terrence Barr
Join the discussion on Java ME EC topics

As you probably have seen Sean Sheedy was elected to the JCP ME Executive Committee (EC) a couple of weeks ago. Sean is now soliciting input for the January JCP EC meeting - this is your chance to have your...   Terrence Barr
  (Dec 29, 2008)

Felipe Gaucho Jazoon call for papers is open
Jazoon 09 Call for Papers is open until 15th January 2009.   Felipe Gaucho
  (Dec 27, 2008)

On the Java Community Process: Expert Groups, JSRs, Observers and legal-related thoughts

Antonio Goncalves writes that Everybody should be able to easily observe JSRs. Yes, I agree. But it really is more than just being able to observe. I was an Observer for the MSA 1.0 Expert Group (EG) and other EGs; but not all spec-leads are created equal. I quickly realized that for certain EGs, in this [...]   ceo
  (Dec 19, 2008)

Catching up on Java ME, Java SE, JavaFX

In taking a week off, the Planetarium has lots to catch you up on ! ...   dannycoward
  (Dec 23, 2008)

New LWUIT Drop Available Now

Chen and myself have been a bit slow with the drops lately, we have been remarkably busy with all the different goings on in LWUIT that we just didn't have the time to stabilize and run through the process of a binary drop - until now. ... Also, Thorsten Schemm has contributed his excellent BlackBerry native port of LWUIT and placed it in the incubator! If you are serious about BlackBerry development you should check it out and collaborate on improving the LWUIT BlackBerry support.   Shai Almog (
  (Dec 23, 2008)

Java Mobility Podcast 65: Eric Arseneau, Go Small or Not at All
Eric Areseneau, M&E Governance Board member and Squawk project lead, was recently written up as a Contrarian Mind. Listen to his ideas on getting a Java Virtual Machine in small embedded systems. (Dec 22, 2008)

M3DD is only 4 weeks Away
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days is four weeks from now. Read the featured segments on embedded sessions in the third of our weekly M3DD newsletters.

JavaFX Mobile: See and learn at M3DD
As mentioned in my JavaFX launch post one of the key benefits of JavaFX is the unified development and deployment model across multiple screens - desktop, web, mobile, and (to come later) TV. At Java Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days (M3DD) Jan Sterba, one of the architects of JavaFX Mobile, will be presenting "TS-3: Does your mobile speak JavaFX?". This is your opportunity to learn first-hand about what's coming - do not miss it.

Charting Components For LWUIT

java4less now has LWUIT support in their chart components which seem like a very useful tool.   Shai Almog (
  (Dec 20, 2008)

GetJar: 3rd annual mobile awards and Java ME tech's answer to AppStore

Yeah, the iPhone iPhreak fanboys have their AppStore. That's nice. But, has been around since 2004 as an awesome AppStore for Jave ME apps for cell phones for 4+ years. They recently announced their 3rd annual Mobile Award winners ...   hinkmond
  (Dec 19, 2008)

Event: LWUIT Tutorial (Jan. 23, Santa Clara, Calif.)
Chen Fishbein, architect of LWUIT, and Jonathan Knudsen, developer and author, will do a practical tutorial for LWUIT content developers on the day after the Java Mobile & Embedded Developer Days (M3DD).

Survey says... Java ME is the choice

Here's a fun Mobile Developer Survey that Dr. Albert Lia from the Carnegie Mellon CyLab Mobility Research Center has created: Mobile Developer Survey Project ...   hinkmond
  (Dec 16, 2008)

JCP ME Executive Committe Representative Sean Sheedy wants your opinion
The Mobile & Embedded Community helped to elect Sean Sheedy to ME EC Representative and Sean is already representing your interests. In a recent email on KVM-Interest cross posted on the ME-Interest forum Sean, "What topics do you think the EC should be addressing?"

The JCP ME Executive Committee is talking about carving out time during January's face-to-face meeting for topics specific to ME, including fragmentation, governance, platform direction, etc, with the idea being to turn ideas into action.

Sean wants to hear what is on your mind in light of newer mobile development platforms on the scene. You can tell him what you think in the forum thread

Java TV 1.1.1 RI and TCK released
The Java TV team has released the Java TV API TCK 1.1.1, and its Reference Implementation and TCK Configuration Kit for Blu-ray Disc (BDCK) 1.1. The releases are available at the Java Partner website.

M3DD is only 5 weeks Away
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days is five weeks from now. Read the featured segments on LWUIT sessions in the second of our weekly updates.

Java Mobility Podcast 64: LWUIT Half Day Tutorial
Jonathan Knudsen talks about the LWUIT and the LWUIT Half Day Tutorial that he and Chen Fishbein will be giving the day after M3DD. (Dec 17, 2008)

Kick it, baby Java ME tweeter

The Java application receives the sensor values and analyzes them. When a kick event is detected, a Twitter message is posted via the Twitter API. I chose to use Twitter because it is easy to initiate an SMS message to any mobile phone when a kick is detected. It also acts as a data log that can be accessed programmatically for visualization or archiving.

  (Dec 12, 2008)

Free Frosty! Free Frosty! Free Java ME on the iPhone too!

Steve J. is a grinch! There will be no Java ME technology or Flash on the iPhone this Christmas. Bah Humbug!    hinkmond
  (Dec 11, 2008)

LWUIT Tutorial the day after M3DD
If you coming to Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days in Janauary plan on staying an extra day. The LWUIT team has announce a half day tutorial on the Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT), an advanced user interface toolkit for MIDP 2.0 devices. This practical, focused tutorial for content developers will be led by Chen Fishbein, architect of LWUIT, and Jonathan Knudsen, developer and author.

M3DD attendees can register for the conference and the LWUIT half day tutorial at the same time. Those wishing to just go to the half day tutorial will need to follow the instructions here.
  (Dec 11, 2008)

Sourath Roy Java SDK for TV
Discussion on available SDKs for developing Java applications for TV. Talk on the upcoming ones from Sun Microsystems.   Sourath Roy
  (Dec 11, 2008)

Theres Something About LWUIT

A new project is aiming to get LWUIT onto TV set top boxes, its something we have been working on for quite some time and includes quite a bit of the DTV experience our center developed in recent years ...   Shai Almog (
  (Dec 10, 2008)

What can a business do to maximize its chances of survival?

From Re-inventing Management and Management Education (Irving Wladawsky-Berger): What can a business do to maximize its chances of survival? Foremost is to embrace a culture of innovation. If the environment is going to change, you want to be among the first to anticipate the changes and start preparing for them. A commitment to [...]   ceo
  (Nov 24, 2008)

Contrarian Mind: Eric Areseanu
Eric Arseneau, an active project leader and Governance Board Member in the Mobile & Embedded Community, likes to think small. Very small.

"I'm trying to go to as small a machine as possible," says the software engineer.

No problem. That's been the trend in technology, right? Smaller, faster, cheaper. All that must work in his favor.

NOT! Arseneau's target? The microcontrollers embedded in all kinds of things -- wrist watches, electric shavers, toys, toasters, greeting cards, environmental sensors.

Java Mobility Podcast 63: Sprint Titan (JSR 232 OSGi)
Jon Bostrom of MobiNoir Consulting is currently engaged on the Sprint Titan Project, bringing OSGi to Mobile. (Dec 09, 2008)

Take the poll: Will you be attending M3DD?
The Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days organizer want to know if you will be attending the conference Janauary 21-22, 2008. Take the Poll and let us know if your coming, staying home, or just plain ole haven't decided.

Also the organizer have just added more Lightning Talks and updated the talk abstracts. Check it out.

  (Dec 08, 2008)

SurfKitchen cooking up great Java ME content

SurfKitchen won some type of award from EContent Magazine this past week--strange name for a company, stranger award, "named one of the digital content companies that matter most".    hinkmond
  (Dec 03, 2008)

Early Bird Special Ends Today! (Java Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days)
Today (Dec 5th) is the last day to take advantage of the Early Bird special for Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days.

  (Dec 05, 2008)

Rich Unger Thoughts on the JavaFX Launch Event
I just got back from the JavaFX launch event in San Francisco. It was just a few blocks from my office, so I figured, why not? Jonathan Schwartz was presenting, as well as the VP in charge of Java (I...   Rich Unger
  (Dec 05, 2008)

Joshua Marinacci
Goodbye Mr A

First I'd like to thank The Hoosiers; a British band who, for reasons inscrutable to man, formed in the American midwest. So. After a year and a half of sweat and hard work JavaFX 1.0 is here. (Don't worry the...   Joshua Marinacci
  (Dec 05, 2008)

JavaFX 1.0 is here: On your desktop, in your browser, and on your mobile phone
Save the Date JavaFX 1.0 is here. JavaFX is the expressive platform for creating and delivering rich Internet experiences across all the screens of your life: for web browsers and desktops - and (in preview) for mobile phones.

  (Dec 04, 2008)

Java SE: Project Jigsaw: Modularizing JDK 7

You probably noticed over the last couple of weeks Mark Reinhold's series about modularization and the JDK. While other technologies are trying to bulk up as fast as they can, the feature rich Java SE has been in search of ways for it to be more nimble ...   dannycoward
  (Dec 03, 2008)

Java Mobility Podcast 62: Microlog
Johan Karlsson discusses Microlog, a small logging library for Java ME, with Terrence Barr. (Dec 03, 2008)

Coming on Thursday: JavaFX 1.0 including FX Mobile prerelease
It's been a long time coming: Rich (and fun!) client-side application development for Java - inside and outside the browser ... and beyond.
  (Dec 02, 2008)

Ring-ring: Calling for JavaOne, calling for Java ME JavaOne papers

It's that time of year again. If you've got a cool idea for a Java ME (Mobile) presentation for the JavaOne 2009 conference in San Francisco, 02Jun2009 - 05Jun2009, make sure to submit your abstract by Thu. 19Dec2008.   hinkmond
  (Dec 02, 2008)

Redirecting output on S60 devices

Sometimes you are so used to something that you don't remember to check for changes... This is what happened to me now with S60 debugging, I have some issues that only occur on my battered device and they are impossible to reproduce on an emulator. Sure I can use the Log but what I get is an exception from an unclear source, I always invoke printStackTrace so I know the trace is there... With SE devices I would just plugin a cable and see the stack but with the Nokia I have been at this bug for days ...   Shai Almog (
  (Dec 01, 2008)

This is the week of JavaFX !

We moved the launch to the 4th December, a couple days later than we'd originally planned, in order to accommodate the guests at the launch party. Your humble Planetarium Janitor will be there in person, sans broom, reacting in real time for all to see  dannycoward
  (Dec 01, 2008)

The sky is falling (over Alberta, Canada)

The search for the meteor impact site is on in Alberta, Canada ... ceo   ceo
  (Dec 01, 2008)

Terrence Barr Thoughts on "What Sun Should Do"
Tim Bray's piece on "What Sun Should Do" is getting a lot of attention - as well as some of the follow-ups such as on JavaLobby and RedMonk. I think it's a good and necessary discussion - but it's easy to oversimplify and miss important points.   Terrence Barr
  (Nov 27, 2008)

M3DD 2009 Conference: Coming soon!

The Mobile Media and eMbedded Developer Days (M3DD for short) 2009 conference is just around the corner now. No, not around the street corner--around the virtual cyberspace corner ...   hinkmond
  (Nov 26, 2008)

Avoid the Turkey Speed Trap with Java ME technology

Java ME technology on your cell phone lets you do lots of stuff, like avoid speed traps during the Thanksgiving holiday. Well, that might not be the most altruistic endeavor for your Java ME technology-enabled phone. But, hey, if it gets you over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house without the pain of a speeding ticket, who's to say what's good and what's evil? ;-)    hinkmond
  (Nov 25, 2008)

Java, JavaFX: Staying on top of it all

There's really isn't a better way to stay on top of what's going on with Java, multiple languages, new APIs, JVM developments, the new JavaFX programming model and so on than to hear and talk about it first hand at a conference.

Like Devoxx which is just around the corner (especially if you are in Belgium). For those of you who can't go, your humble Planetarium Janitor will put down the broom that week to keep you posted about the news and gossip in the hallways via a mix of tweets, microblogs and daily digests. And from the virtual world too.

And you are welcome to sign up for the M3DD conference in the Bay Area in January, which promises to be a stimulating mix of in depth and lightening talks with an informal, mobile feel.

Perhaps en route to the Mobile World Congress in February, for something on grander if less personal scale. And of course to see all the latest in mobile gadgetry.

And don't forget, if you feel inspired, to submit a talk for JavaOne 2009 before December 19th, which has moved to June this year, and has simplified the tracks down to just four.
  (Nov 24, 2008)

Mapping BlackBerry Software Version to Device Model

When writing software for the BlackBerry platform, one of the common questions that come us is “what BB software version (and related JDE) should I be using?” The following helps answer this question: (Source: Introduction to BlackBerry® Java® Development) Not shown above are the following BB software versions to platforms mapping: 4.6 is targeted at Bold-family of devices 4.7 [...]   ceo
  (Nov 25, 2008)

Terrence Barr
Sean Sheedy elected to JCP ME Executive Committee

Congratulations to Sean Sheedy and the mobile and embedded developer community! As reported in several places already (Enrique's blog, Roger's blog) Sean was confirmed as a new member of JCP ME Executive Community on November 17th. The election results indicate that...   Terrence Barr
  (Nov 23, 2008)

Terrence Barr
Draft agenda posted for M3DD (Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days)

It's been so busy around here lately that I haven't had time to blog about the upcoming conference - but things are heating up and the conference is a mere 8 weeks away ... Check out the draft agenda and register today to benefit from early bird pricing at $175!   Terrence Barr
  (Nov 24, 2008)

Touch Screen Support On The Samsung/Sprint Instinct Device

Chen and myself created a new video featuring some of the touch screen visual effects we demoed in the simulator here on the Instinct device.
No 3D transition effects are demoed since the device doesn't support JSR 184 (notice that LWUIT still runs unmodified on such a device!). We hope to upload additional such videos but most of our devices got confiscated by people around the office (our N95 is completely gone).   Shai Almog (
  (Aug 26, 2008)

ME Framework 1.2 has been released
The ME Framework 1.2 milestone release binary is now available on the download page. This release went through an extensive QA cycle and is ready to be used in test suite development.

If you picked up an earlier development release of ME Framework 1.2, please switch to this final milestone release.

Your Own Kind Of Music

Majimob has introduced a new media player this month, what hasn't been stressed was the fact that it is built from the ground up on LWUIT. In less than 3 weeks this new media player was downloaded 200,000 times and the numbers are rising with the 1.1 version released this weekend ...   Shai Almog (
  (Nov 23, 2008)

The Public Review — Mobile Service Architecture 2; Developer Input is Needed

The Mobile Service Architecture 2 (JSR 249) is the specification that promises making Java ME-based handsets what many of us have been waiting for years: API robust and consistent. The JSR 249 is now in Public Review phase, and it needs the input from the developer community ...   ceo
  (Nov 22, 2008)

T-Mobile says Double Opt-In No Longer Required

One small step for T-Mobile, a bigger step for end-users… It would be great if all network providers dropped the “double opt-in” requirements that makes campaign certification (and re-certification over time) a pain in the neck, not to mention expensive. Instead, companies that offer services over texting should (vs. being mandated to) follow the guidelines defined [...]   ceo
  (Nov 21, 2008)

New Article About Animations And Transitions published another fine LWUIT article by Biswajit Sarkar which deals with animations and transitions this time. This is really great news since I wanted to discuss transition authoring several times in the past and just didn't get the time to do anything in this area.
BTW transitions on components, dialogs etc. are already fully supportted in the latest drop with lots of fixes for that functionality in SVN.   Shai Almog (
  (Nov 21, 2008)

NetBeans 6.5 for Java SE, Java ME and JavaFX

NetBeans 6.5 is out ! What's new for you ?

Java SE developers get new goodies like incremental compilation so your app is always ready to run, the Analyse Javadoc feature to bring your javadoc in line and improved debugging support with an updated UI and deadlock detection.

Or why stick to Java ? You could try JavaScript, which is fully supported right from navigating its different dialects while editing the code to debugging it in FireFox and IE. Or write Ruby, with better support for Rake files and break and catchpoints in the Ruby debugger. Or taking a walk on the wild side by coding up a RIA using Griffon, with the full editing support for Groovy code.

For Java ME developers, out of the box you get more SVG and data-binding components you can use in the Visual Designer Palette, or add your own. Or the LWUIT ones.

The support for JavaFX in NetBeans will get a big update with the JavaFX SDK 1.0 release,  so don't delete your copy of NetBeans 6.1 with JavaFX support just yet !

Could be time to upgrade. Its getting some good press.

  (Nov 20, 2008)

TuneWiki, Android contest winner but still uses Java ME tech

You'll notice that even Android contest winners will deploy on the Java ME platform. They even know which side their bread is buttered.


Android contest winner deploys on Java ME

Here's a quote:

 TuneWiki, a first prize winner of 
 the Android developer competition 
 sponsored by Google, and a popular 
 iPhone application, will be 
 available for mobile [blah-blah-blah,
 yakety-yak-yak]..., J2ME and Symbian.
If you don't deploy on Java ME, you won't make money. Pretty simple stuff really.

  (Nov 20, 2008)

Jaroslav Tulach
NetBeans 6.5 Performance Press Release

The 6.5 release of NetBeans is close. It is time to show off the work we have done in last six months on the performance aspects on NetBeans.   Jaroslav Tulach
  (Nov 14, 2008)

Java ME and Java EE: Group Hug with SIP

Today, just the latest report of many on the rise of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as the leading standard for bringing people together online in chat sessions, video and voice conferences and even multiplayer gaming. And for those who are holding out, there are plenty of other people filling in the gaps.

Happily for Java developers, you are well supported. With the SIP API for Java ME, now part of the MSA platform, supported in the WTK, and in NetBeans for developing a SIP client.

And those of you who wish to extend or customize the basic functionality of the SIP server which brings lone users seeking a group session of some kind together, just yesterday Sailfin reached another milestone. This GlassFish based SIP server, which uses good old Java servlets as the basis for its programming model, now officially implements the very latest SIP Servlet API.
  (Nov 13, 2008)

M&E Products in Popular Science 100 Best Innovations of the Year
At least two Mobile & Embedded products made Popular Science's Best of What's New 2008. Both the Bug Labs BUG and the Livescribe Pulse made the Best of What's New 08 list for Gadgets. Ah, the sea plane at the left was not enabled with Mobile & Embedded technology.

The gods are being good to Network Operators

…or, the Network Providers/Operators must be having a blast. The network providers are doing just fine… new cool handsets here and there, handset exclusivity on certain networks, message usage is up, data consumption is up, new services are coming up, very cool applications from web to native, developers and more developers, and prices are up… Not [...]   ceo
  (Nov 18, 2008)

JCP Elections 2008: A Good Day for the Developer Community

Thanks to everyone who voted for Sean at the JCP elections. The two with the most votes have been elected for JCP ME Executive Committee for the next three years. Having Sean at the EC is a very good thing, as he will represent the developer community; he understands well the issues and will push [...]   ceo
  (Nov 18, 2008)

Roger Brinkley
M&E Community Member on JCP ME EC Board

Sean Sheedy, a Mobile & Embedded Community Member now has a seat on JCP ME EC Board   Roger Brinkley
  (Nov 18, 2008)

Java Mobility Podcast 61: Funambol
Funambol provides mobile sync and push email solutions powered by open source. Stefano Maffulli from Funambol talkes with Terrence Barr about the technology and license. (Nov 18, 2008)

Attack of the sarcastic texts... in Java ME technology
This is scary. New Edge has come out with a Java ME game for your cell phone that pits you against human flesh eating aliens--but, not just any type of aliens. These are McAliens... (Nov 18, 2008)

Terrence Barr Last day to vote in the JCP Java ME EC Election
Today (Monday, Nov 17th) is the last day to cast your vote for the JCP Java ME EC election. As I blogged recently it is important to strengthen the voice of the independent developers - this election is your chance...   Terrence Barr
  (Nov 17, 2008)

Resource Editor Tutorial
I just uploaded to youtube a new resource editor tutorial showing off a simple usage of the resource editor to create a quick theme in a few minutes while explaining what I'm doing. This video tutorial barely scratches the surface of what can be done with the resource editor. I will try to show off some more elaborate features and abilities in future posts. The main goal here is to get people starting and playing around with the resource editor.

The Decline and Fall of Agile

A good writeup by James Shore on The Decline and Fall of Agile (James Shore blog). Software development projects are a hard thing; not necessarily because of the software, but because people are involved. I've worked on the most mature (and rigid) software development process in the world, the Space Shuttle on-board software (SEI 5), and on [...]   ceo
  (Nov 16, 2008)

Java ME Address Book on 'Roids, Steroids not Androids

Cellity has pumped up their Address Book mobile app with Java ME steroids. I want to pahmp you ahp!     
  (Nov 15, 2008)

The latest on Java ME and JavaCard at M3DD
If you are trying to get your application in front of a couple billion users, on their phones, on their PDAs, on their TV set top boxes and Blu-ray players, in their credit card, (or all of the above), you should probably get to know the various profiles of Java ME and Java Card and what frameworks and tools you can use. A great way to do that is to spend a couple of days at to the M3DD conference this coming January 2009. Roger announced this week that the schedule has been released.

JavaFX 1.0 release date is December 2nd 2008 !

The Janitor can barely go to Portland for the weekend without much JavaFX news happening ....   dannycoward
  (Nov 11, 2008)

Roger Brinkley
Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days Schedule Set

The preliminary schedule for the Mobile, Media, and eMbedded Developer Days has been published.   Roger Brinkley
  (Nov 11, 2008)

Phase 3 of the Sun Model

Liberty StaircaseI wrote recently about the Sun Model for open source business, my high-level overview of how Sun is working with open source. ...   webmink
  (Nov 10, 2008)

JCP Java ME EC Election: Vote now for a Voice for Independent Developers
The Java Community Process (JCP) is currently holding elections for the Java ME EC (Executive Committee) [...] Two seats are up for replacement and our Java Mobile & Embedded Community member and Community Star Sean Sheedy is running for election. I am asking you to support Sean Sheedy in this election ...   Terrence Barr

The Programmable Web - 1,000 Web APIs (Nov 2008)

The Programmable Web reports that as of Nov 2008 it has 1,000 Web APIs on its directory. You can see the distribution below (which looks pretty balanced all around) with Mapping APIs at the top: And what is the preferred way to expose and consume Web APIs? The following chart shows REST at the top, with SOAP [...]   ceo
  (Nov 10, 2008)

Mobile Peer Awards — Calling all Austin Mobile Startups!

The MobileMonday Mobile Peer Awards are among the most influential events in the mobile industry and, with over 1000 attendants, the point of reference in startup innovation during the Mobile World Congress (Barcelona, February 16, 2009). here are a number of cool mobile companies in Austin, and it would be great to have Austin representation! If [...]   ceo
  (Nov 05, 2008)

Java ME: The next billion users

One of a couple of interesting new articles remind many of us that we are a bit spoiled when our biggest worries are how long it takes to download movies over our broadband connection, and whether $179 for a handset is a luxury we can afford ....   dannycoward
  (Nov 04, 2008)

The Sun Model

Jetting away

As time has gone by, a clear "Sun Model" for open source business has been emerging, at least to my eyes. The summary of it is:

  1. remove barriers to software adoption between download and deploy;
  2. encourage a large and cohesive community of software deployers;
  3. deliver, for a fee, the means to create value between deploy and scale, for those who need it.
...   webmink
  (Oct 30, 2008)

Upgrading Voxtr with Microlog

What a sin! I am involved in the Voxtr open source project. The initial code was not made by me, so I found those awful System.out.println() statements. But fear no more; The Voxtr has been upgraded with Microlog. I would like to take the opportunity to describe how simple it is to use Microlog ...   Johan Karlsson
  (Nov 01, 2008)

CNN: Internetting every thing, everywhere, all the time
It's called "The Internet of Things" -- at least for now. It refers to an imminent world where physical objects and beings, as well as virtual data and environments, all live and interact with each other in the same space and time. In short, everything is interconnected. ...

Asynchronous Communications with Java ME and SIP: Part 2
In this Tech Tip, Bruce Hopkins uses a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) proxy and the REGISTER method type to provide a simple, yet scalable solution for sending messages asynchronously from one application to the other, when one SIP device is behind a firewall.

Report from Africa: Regional Challenges and Opportunities for Java ME
This article describes the opportunity and challenges of developing mobile services in a huge emerging market: Africa. An FM Radio Reference MIDlet from Nokia demonstrates user-centric design.

Java SE 6 update 10 released
Admittedly, at first sight this has little to do with mobile and embedded Java - but bear with me.Java SE 6 update 10 is big news because it essentially recalibrates the Java runtime and desktop Java. It addresses a number...


The LWUIT Makeover demo is an excellent tool for comparing the different approaches for building MIDP UI. While LWUIT's differences to MIDP are more clear to most, some people still have questions regarding LWUIT as opposed to SVG. When compared to LCDUI the LWUIT interface is much richer and allows greater control, this will probably still be the case even in MIDP 3.0's timeframe since a lightweight UI by its very nature is more customizable than a heavyweight UI (as is the case in Swing vs. SWT/AWT) ...   Shai Almog (
  (Oct 27, 2008)

The engine in JavaFX Desktop

Like figuring out that a great car needs a great engine, its no surprise that many of the press and blogs about the Java SE 6u10 release have worked out that a great RIA technology needs a great runtime: that the upcoming JavaFX 1.0 release will get a big turbo-charge on the desktop from the new 6u10 features like a quicker download, startup, draggable applets and accelerated graphics from the underlying JRE. ...   dannycoward
  (Oct 27, 2008)

Masood Mortazavi
Table Functions and Java DB - Mix and Match Data at Will

Francois Orsini presents Rick Hillegas' paper on Table Functions in Java DB.   Masood Mortazavi
  (Oct 27, 2008)

Announcing release of cq3G test suite

The cq3G project is a suite of 48 tests based on 24 Test Cases for GSMNA - 3G Americas (3GA) Test Specifications for JAVA Micro Edition, Revision 1.0.3 February 20, 2007. 3G Americas operators and manufacturers in the Americas to represent the GSM family of wireless unites mobile technologies - GSM, GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS/HSDPA. For more information regarding GSMNA please go to GSMNA Test Specifications for JAVA Micro Edition ...

I love Google because Google loves Java ME technology

Google loves Java ME (technology) yes I know, For Tom's Guide tells me so.
I'm making this up as I go along, Android is weak but Java ME is strong. ...   hinkmond
  (Oct 25, 2008)

Java ME Roundup

The Planetarium's had such a busy week with the Java SE 6u10 release event, we'll do a little roundup of news from the Java ME world.
...   dannycoward
  (Oct 24, 2008)

Hans Hrasna MEP - A Cool, New Mobile Platform for the Enterprise and your Phone
The Sun Java System Mobile Enterprise Platform (MEP) is the new platform to which aims to make it fast and easy to develop secure, online/offline access to any data from your Java ME mobile device. It also includes cool features like client side data encryption, data fading/wiping, and OTA provisioning. And you can download it for free and start your mobile project today!   Hans Hrasna
  (Oct 21, 2008)

We are the world, we are Java ME technology

Do you have an idea for a Java ME application that will save the world? Well, make sure to enter this Nokia contest ...

Hmm... what does this phone remind me of: i35 Java technology-enabled phone?
Here's a video of the i35 Java technology phone. Hmmm... what does this i35 phone remind me of? Doesn't it make you think of some other phone on the market? One phone that also starts with the letter "i" maybe? ...

Java ME and JavaFX at MM3DD
If you've been developing in Java for the desktop or server for a while and feel like a walk on the wild side, or you've been developing for mobile phones or TV set top boxes and need to stay on top of the latest technology...
Perhaps you should sign up for the M3DD (Mobile, Media and eMbedded Developer Days) conference in January 2009 ...

Academic Kit for Integrating Mobile Devices in the CS Curriculum
The Centre for Mobile Education and Research is pleased to announce the early access to an academic kit for integrating mobile devices into the Computer Science (CS) curriculum. This academic kit has been created to facilitate the integration of mobile devices into CS and engineering courses for universities and colleges worldwide. The kit takes a mobile approach to teaching CS topics with a focus on Java ME and BlackBerry® application development ...

Meet me at Øredev, Malmö, November 17-21
Øredev is a fast-growing Scandinavian developer conference taking place in Malmö (Sweden) November 17-21. They put together a pretty impressive program across a wide range of developer topics including Java and Mobile 2.0. We at Sun will have three speakers attending... (Terrence Barr) (Oct 16, 2008)

Jazoon'09 launches Call for Papers
Jazoon '09 - the international conference for Java technology - opens the call for papers and invites java and open source experts from all over the world to a technical dialog. The conference takes place during 22-25 June 2009 in Zurich and offers the international Java community a platform to exchange experience, to investigate trends, and to introduce new solutions.   Christian Frei

Masood Mortazavi
Write a Review

If you are a user, you can post a review for Java DB (Sun's distribution of Apache Derby).   Masood Mortazavi
  (Oct 14, 2008)

Turn your Java ME tech-enabled phone into a translator

Did you ever want to have a universal translator in your pocket? Something that is sort of like the leech-like Babel Fish from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, which you stick in your ear to understand anything said to you in any language. Well something like that exists today via Java ME technology on your cell phone ...    hinkmond
  (Oct 14, 2008)

Goodbye WTK, hello Java ME SDK!
For years the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC (WTK) has been the reference tool for developing mobile applications and emulating mobile platforms on the desktop. Among it's strengths was that it was compact, easy-to-use, came with a number of...

This week is 2008 Texas Wireless Summit ==> $200 Discount for Friends of MobileMonday
This week is the 2008 Texas Wireless Summit. OCTOBER 14-16, 2008 AUSTIN, TEXAS USA Friends of MobileMonday get $200 discount. REGISTER NOW to attend and use discount code WS08200D to get the $200 discount.

BlackBerry Storm's a comin'... with Java ME technology

There's talk that the new BlackBerry Storm with its fancy touchscreen nastiness, will be an iPhone-killer. You know it. It's all that. It's got Java ME technology ...   hinkmond
  (Oct 14, 2008)

Java and Blu-ray - Wanna play ?
Given the recent price cuts in both Blu-ray discs and players, the steep growth predictions for sales of the players over the next couple of years seem more likely to be fulfilled. And every single one of them has Java on it ! ...

JavaFX Catch Up

Given that the JavaFX SDK is in preview and the team is busily putting finishing touches on the upcoming 1.0 release, things have been quiet on the JavaFX front for a bit. But not silent ! ...   dannycoward
  (Oct 01, 2008)

Java Podcastapalooza !
For those of you who are interested and are looking for something new to tune into in the area of Java and client technologies, I put together a little survey of the ones I subscribe to. And if you feel like it, let me know if you have a top podcast in a comment below ... (Danny Coward) (Oct 13, 2008)

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